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Diddy's Approach Thread


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Blacksburg, VA
Diddy's Approaches

Diddy can be played in a multitude of ways, but I find in my style of play that an aggressive approach usually
accents his move set the best. Obviously the key to a good offense is having a multitude of approach methods that
keeps your opponent 1) on the defense and 2) incorrectly timing said defense. Additionally, some approaches work
well for some characters while failing miserably on others. With this thread I hope to have video and explanation
of a variety of approaches and who they are effective against.

I will update damage amounts and missing videos when I can. Feel free to contribute your own findings/corrections.

Ground Approaches:
Best used when both fighters are on or close to ground

Peanut and Banana into shorthopped Fair/Grab/Kartwheel (Penana Fair)
http://youtube.com/watch?v=PBLyfQySRUM (Right at 1:00, not exactly the move but shows proper projectile timing)

This approach is effective, as the Fair and the Kartwheel already has crazy priority, and odds are either of the

projectiles (and sometimes both) will hit the opponent, leaving them even more vulnerable for the move. As in the

video, it is good for the ledges too, as it blocks the joystick recovery as well as the drop/jump recovery of many


Ineffective against: Space Animals, Zelda
Damage: Varies

Late Glide Tossed Banana into Fsmash/SH Fair/SH Dair
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If0-NvK_hvA (Around 0:35)

If a glide tossed banana on a fast approaching character (especially if you glide backwards and throw forwards)

leaves the opponent stunned that they didn't connect as well as on their *** for a Fsmash. If you were good you

could switch it up with an Fair or maybe even a Bair. A downsmash could also be shorthopped to bounce opponents

that are high enough in percentage.

Effective against: Anyone with a short dash and fsmash
Damage: Fair: 19% Dair: 19% Fsmash: 23%

Kartwheel upsmash into Fair/Bair/Jetpack
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j2cDqWhX3M (0:17)

Amazingly effective approach that can be preceded by a nana or a nut. Does something like 30% damage (will correct

later) and leaves the apponent in the air. Very good against anyone already on the ground at a distance. Careful

not to spam this, eventually you will be met with a prioritized fsmash or a backwards roll and a deadly tilt.

Ending this combo with a quick jetpack will catch people offguard when the think they have finally felt out the

combo attempt to punish you.

Especially Effective on: PEACH WHILE FLOATING LOW, Fast characters, or just anyone who rolls a lot, bigger characters.
Ineffective against: People who can catch consistantly, Deflector happy Space Animals.
Damage: Fair: 40% Bair: 36% UpB: 36%

High Knockback Combos:
Moves that can only be performed when a character is at a higher %

Banana Kartwheel to Fair/Uair
[Fair] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr-kqB-yZ20&feature=related (About 1:10, 1:28)
[Uair] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j2cDqWhX3M (0:27)

This is a variation of the Kartwheel upsmash into Fair/Bair/Jetpack, basically the same deal but the opponent

already has enough damage to where they are already put in the air just by the dash.

Damage: Around 25% usually

Excellent linkable setups, used before a combo or high knockback attack

Banana to Kartwheel Juggle
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4Mzx9v7Fjs (About 0:30)

A lot of the time when you try to do any combo that starts with a kartwheel, people will start catching on and do a

quick shield/dodge/roll. If you do this, there is a slight delay in how quickly you can start up the second combo,

which means by the time your second roll reaches the oppenent, their dodge is over and you can link with any combo

that starts out with a kartwheel. In the video he only throws out an Ftilt, however, which can definitely catch

people by suprise.

Especially Effective on: People who spot dodge.
Damage: About 23% for a banana and two kartwheels

Banana grab to dash kick to banana throw

Don't always chuck your banana, if you grab a nana, and then suprise them with a dash kick they will get knocked back. Then chuck a banana and combo away. Great setup once they think that you always immediately throw your nana.

Damage: 15% if both connect

Air Approaches:
Ways to approach grounded opponents from the air

Banana Throw to Fair/Dair/Bair

While in the air, chuck a banana that you are holding and hit the opponent and follow up with your aerial of choice. Variations of this method include pulling a banana while in the air to make the opponent think you have ditched the banana or shooting nuts as well as throwing the banana. If the opponent is off stage, this often can lead to a spike (if you use the Dair). If your opponent starts getting the timing of your Dair down, you can switch it up with an UpB for a rocket barrel spike.

Damage: Around 20%, the Dair does something like 23%


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Blacksburg, VA
Sure, try to put them in the same format or a similar one if you don't mind. If you have any that already fit into categories that I have the I'll probably paste them into mine (if thats ok with you of course, with proper credit) just so that the thread is more organized and easier to read. Thanks!


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2008
Blacksburg, VA
Also, if anyone has any requests on particularly hard characters for Diddy to approach, this I can recommend some moves that help against that particular person's moveset.
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