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Diddy^2? And other diddy doubles...


Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2008
I'm pretty new to Diddy and brawl, but like reading about all the stuff. One of the first things I wondered about when playing Diddy was how he would fit in doubles, and when I discovered his naners, I wondered how four of em on a stage would trip up a doubles team. Does anybody have experience with Diddy in doubles, or with another Diddy?


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
When I play doubles I always stick to one character and I'm pretty good with controlling my bananas. They usually don't affect my team mate.

Cranberry Rogue

Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2007
Newhall, California
I think it's pretty important to find a partner that mains an aerial-based character. If their play style mostly takes place in the air, then bananas shouldn't be a problem at all. For example, my doubles partner mains Peach, so he has no problem short hop-floating over the nanners.

If your partner isn't affected by the bananas and is good at maneuvering around them, then having Diddy as a partner is pretty killer. Your opponents will be getting even more pissed off at the bananas since there is so much crap going on and very little breathing room between all of the characters. =P


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
One of my friends and I are going to be playing some doubles soon, but I'm not sure which friend (or which of his mains). Which of these partners would you suggest, all of them are about the same skill level.

toon link

kirby (although my friend that plays with kirby as his second isn't nearly as skilled with him)


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Me and my friend do Diddy / Olimar. Not that we've ever done too well, but we're working on that.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
ill just post some info i gave to fatalities..

Team Tips

Diddy in teams concept:

Diddy is godly in teams, but only with one thing

Bananas....if you dont use bananas, you will die really fast, i have proved it, cause most teams are made up of good killers, and diddy isnt the perfect killer.

-He has bananas
-He has peanuts for edge guarding and maybe saving your opponent.
-Good mid % kill moves
-Good Air control and keeps a fast pace in the game

-He can be easily killed and gimped
-If you dont use bananas = Death
-If your partner cant use bananas = Death

Banana is almost KEY in this game of teams cause its the perfect opener for any attack, some simple tips will be shown and maybe even more:

First of all your partner is key in all of this team game, he needs to know of how your bananas go around and how to catch them and use them for good and not for random throwing and tripping you...

Point is, your partner must know how to use a banana, and if you have a partner that can glide toss, even better.

Random tips to know about(for partner):

1) In the air: there is no lag after you throw a banana, so he can follow it up fast with an attack and cancel out the opponents move when he throws the banana

2) Tripping: you and your team mate can throw bananas like crazy, just remember to teach your partner what to do with the bananas and know certain timings, cause tripping your opponents with a banana is an amazing set up for any thing.

3) Catching bananas: if he knows how to do this you can make him catch a banana and not have to grab it out of the floor and may cause him to trip, because in a team battle you have to keep up the pace , and he cant stop to grab a banana on the floor.(being brawl and all...)

4) Don't keep bananas on the floor, your opponent can grab these easily if he knows how to, so keep one in hand and throw some at the area where your partner is at so he can grab them.

5) Bananas can trip people that are already on the floor all laid down...you need some thinking on this one

As far as peanuts go:

1) they stop an enemy slightly if they aren't attacking you ...but they can also hit your opponent, so just wait for him to get out of the way.

2) saving your friend from death, but only use 1!!, i have had problems that confuse my partner into falling down real low...and it sucks..

I don't use peanuts much, but i guess thats the general info on them, since you are gonna be using bananas allot...you wont need them.


Smash Cadet
Apr 20, 2008
Me and my friend do Diddy / Olimar. Not that we've ever done too well, but we're working on that.
thats cool, me and my partner do Diddy/Olimar as well. We landed 3rd place in our first tourney together, we go by the name of Bros. We have another tourney tomorrow too, check the results to see how we do.
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