as town: It's easier to see where your going and what your thinking and what's making you think that way, when you started playing I remember you being kinda sheepy and being moreso tuned to figuring your stuff out through other people, but it wasn't like you were doing it blind, it was more like you had your own opinion built and could express it on request. I think now you still may do that in some sense but not to the same ends or to the same degree, now your a lot more confident in how you feel now and you will go out of your way to express it , although sometimes it takes a while for you to do so . Your not really (from my experience) the most vocal player in the thread, but it doesn't always / really matter because when you are there you make your presence more felt / make your time more impactful. When your town you have your head about you , your a bit reactionary in some cases but I think your able to get a handle on yourself and re-evaluate something more objectively. I think your strength lies in being able to fight your own lynches and make people keep reading you and keep trying to figure you out because (at least from my experience) , you always make more sense when I (and I think other people) take a second look at you.
as scum: All I remember from hearing about Persona is that you were a lot more defensive and were playing more to keep yourself alive then to find scum , and that your play overall was careful / safe and a lot more calculated and like you were trying to walk in a townies shoes without being one and it showed. Essentially you weren't able to appear naturally townie and because you were attempting to, it came off odd and forced. I don't really have any advice or tips for being scum (because I'm bad as scum ) except maybe always be careful how you claim and just try to be natural , but don't force yourself to try to be normal.