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Depression concerning hispanics.

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
Yo I was reading the newspaper and I came across an interesting article concerning the hispanic community, the topic widely covered a large variety of depression, expanding from chronic and manic depression, due the large circumstances or lifestyles concerning this minority, due to climate weather, lifestyle and adaptation and out breaking circumstances. I really hope the impending epidemic doesn't sweep the nation. Please reply with critical, well thought out posts. Being hispanic myself I would really want to learn the input and overall critique of all my fellow smashers.


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
Yo I was reading the newspaper and I came across an interesting article concerning the hispanic community, the topic widely covered a large variety of depression, expanding from chronic and manic depression, due the large circumstances or lifestyles concerning this minority, due to climate weather, lifestyle and adaptation and out breaking circumstances. I really hope the impending epidemic doesn't sweep the nation. Please reply with critical, well thought out posts. Being hispanic myself I would really want to learn the input and overall critique of all my fellow smashers.
Cool, I was watching something like this on the news. lol, What article did you get this from?


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
Florida, Ocala
Being born from a Puerto Rican family and small parts of African descent in me I do find this actually depressing to look at, because I feel like I've been through a lot of it. Some of the stuff I've been through I don't dare tell anyone because its so sick and twisted. I have to say I've never taken a single antidepressant or drug to deal with my pain, although its had some scary effects to my brain making me think of some real sadistic stuff I really wish I could explain at certain times in my life.

All these things in my life made me from believing that there could never be such a thing as a God, and if there was he is certainly dead, to believing that God certainly does exist, and that everything that happens in life there is a reason for and if you get through the challenge successfully then you will be rewarded. Getting this far I feel like I've already accomplished so much in my life already and it has made me see my flaws, and makes me strive for perfection. Overall I can say I'm actually grateful for the life I had, and I can never wish for any other, I don't care about money or any material possession in this world because it means nothing and I see what happens to people who get too attached to it.

In all honesty I don't think most Hispanics are aware of what actually is going on and they seem to lose faith in the living a little too soon. Whenever I speak to Hispanic relatives they pay attention to the mass media which is never a good thing because all they tell you is which politician is the right choice, being rich and beautiful is the only way to be happy, you should buy things using credit so you can pay later, and all this other nonsense. It really is discouraging to hear all this considering being born into such a tight situation. This is my belief on why we have it so rough and probably might be an explanation to why there is so much depression and suicides, but even though all this happens that is no reason to go and kill yourself.

Too many people lost in humanity and everyone's too scared for an actual change, but sooner or later its probably going to happen whether we like or not. Here's an example, when you look at fire, you see that its calm and peaceful, but inside of it is all power and destruction. Inside it's hiding something, just like people do. Sometimes, you have to get close to see whats inside, and sometimes you need to get burned to see the truth." It's quoted by the way I didn't come up with it lol (I wish though). Anyway trying to summarize this I believe everything was put here for a reason and that eventually we're all going to get through this and everything will be fine in the end because that is when it will spark a new beginning, a new hope, and a better future. Not to mention our future generation is gonna get a good laugh at how primitive and clueless we all were. :p

(Sorry for the long post, I really hope at least one person reads this so I don't feel I typed it all for nothing.)

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
Being born from a Puerto Rican family and small parts of African descent in me I do find this actually depressing to look at, because I feel like I've been through a lot of it. Some of the stuff I've been through I don't dare tell anyone because its so sick and twisted. I have to say I've never taken a single antidepressant or drug to deal with my pain, although its had some scary effects to my brain making me think of some real sadistic stuff I really wish I could explain at certain times in my life.

All these things in my life made me from believing that there could never be such a thing as a God, and if there was he is certainly dead, to believing that God certainly does exist, and that everything that happens in life there is a reason for and if you get through the challenge successfully then you will be rewarded. Getting this far I feel like I've already accomplished so much in my life already and it has made me see my flaws, and makes me strive for perfection. Overall I can say I'm actually grateful for the life I had, and I can never wish for any other, I don't care about money or any material possession in this world because it means nothing and I see what happens to people who get too attached to it.

In all honesty I don't think most Hispanics are aware of what actually is going on and they seem to lose faith in the living a little too soon. Whenever I speak to Hispanic relatives they pay attention to the mass media which is never a good thing because all they tell you is which politician is the right choice, being rich and beautiful is the only way to be happy, you should buy things using credit so you can pay later, and all this other nonsense. It really is discouraging to hear all this considering being born into such a tight situation. This is my belief on why we have it so rough and probably might be an explanation to why there is so much depression and suicides, but even though all this happens that is no reason to go and kill yourself.

Too many people lost in humanity and everyone's too scared for an actual change, but sooner or later its probably going to happen whether we like or not. Here's an example, when you look at fire, you see that its calm and peaceful, but inside of it is all power and destruction. Inside it's hiding something, just like people do. Sometimes, you have to get close to see whats inside, and sometimes you need to get burned to see the truth." It's quoted by the way I didn't come up with it lol (I wish though). Anyway trying to summarize this I believe everything was put here for a reason and that eventually we're all going to get through this and everything will be fine in the end because that is when it will spark a new beginning, a new hope, and a better future. Not to mention our future generation is gonna get a good laugh at how primitive and clueless we all were. :p

(Sorry for the long post, I really hope at least one person reads this so I don't feel I typed it all for nothing.)
I'm sure glad I read it, I do feel that it's largely due to media influences throughout the country that causes and perpetuates the mentality of minorities. (feeling less inadequate through your own culture) You start to become detached to those deemed really important. I've always believed that family and friends place a strong imperative factor when dealing with overwhelming and chaotic circumstances of atrocities. Many people are usually afraid of changes because they don't feel the need to. It's what most people call a "comfort zone" a place that becomes increasingly stressful once breach or trespassed upon. You're absolutely right that material possessions and other worldly goods should never hold merit, but unfortunately that's just not the case in everyone's situation. Which can also correlate to religion (But that's an entirely different subject matter all on its own) Keep the post coming!I I don't care how long they are. Haha


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
I think depression has Nothing to do with race. Depression is Mental, and the color of your skin, or where you were born should not have any effect. Unless you live in like, a really racist community, and everyone hates you. That's a possible cause for depression, nobody liking you because of your race.

And media, yeah, they mess with you. That's why I don't watch the news. Nor do I care about politics. I'm a libertarian!


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
Well my Parents are form El Salvador and we run our own business so it is tough for us to pay our own bills and are business bills.It takes a tole on our family.We might actually move to an apartment to a house but I dont mind doing that,but we arent in serious depression but are situation just worried as hell about what are we going to do if out business fails and the way the economy is it sucks ****.

Main thing is we arent depressed it just happens most of the time.

I dont know I wish I had the article to read. ):

F Zero

Smash Journeyman
Apr 3, 2009
Well depression having to do with race in this matter is the relation between hispanics and their culture. Different cultures are pressured to live different ways. If you grow up in a hispanic family, you are pressured to learn spanish and english (a good pressure) and maybe other things like marrying early, or having lots of kids (i don't know alot about it lol). Just saying that's the relation.

Depression can come from hopelessness, financial problems, family problems, relationships, friends not being there for you, the list goes on and on and on. People in the world today are really lost, and don't know if there is a solution to it all. I understand godmeowmix's point completely, that when you suffer you question god and his existence. Does he care, and if he did, wouldn't he do something about it?

When people suffer and face great tribulation that thought comes to their mind. There are SOO many people that don't believe in him because they have seen so much suffering and pain. It's very understandable, but there is a good reason why he allows it. If you want to know, send me a pm sometime, cause I don't want to upset anybody who's readin this. Just know that the truth can give you REAL hope. You will NEVER fear what the future holds if you know the truth about God, and the world.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
I think depression has Nothing to do with race. Depression is Mental, and the color of your skin, or where you were born should not have any effect. Unless you live in like, a really racist community, and everyone hates you. That's a possible cause for depression, nobody liking you because of your race.

And media, yeah, they mess with you. That's why I don't watch the news. Nor do I care about politics. I'm a libertarian!
lol race is more than just diff. pigments of skin... thanks to the various social constructions that we've created over the centuries

and i find it funny how you say "i don't care about politics" but then end with "yea but here's my political views"

i doubt you know what being a libertarian means


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
depression within hispanic communities or libertarians?

and why? lol

*dair's thread&

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008
Hmm... well being hispanic my only problem is lack of purpose I don't think i've experienced much if any of that stuff. Also I'm a Libertarian Conservative.
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