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Dedede's Ridiculously Good Advanced D-Air Technique


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
Ok, so this is seriously good. Get ready for Dedede to jump up a tier or two.
I don't think anyone has discovered this yet.
Basically, we all know that a short hop Dair ends in massive lag.
And with full hop Dair, you go a bit too high to hit with all the hits (you just rise the whole time you Dair, due to the momentum of the full jump) and/or follow up with anything.
The solution is what I am calling Dedede's Double Jump canceled Dair.
It takes you to the perfect height for your Dair.
Just hold down on your control stick, double jump quick, then slide over to your A button.
If you're a bit off, you'll land with a little lag. If you do it right (which it isn't hard, it will take you literally only a minute or two to find the timing), you land with ZERO lag, and can do whatever you want from there. If you use this on a full shield, the shield will last through the hits. But if the shield is not full, you will land all the hits on the Dair and hit through the shield with your attack.
Also, in regards to the full shields, you can easily land a bit away from the opponent's character to avoid being grabbed afterwards. Heck, you can even land into your own grab, or land into a spot dodge, or use a d-tilt or f-tilt after you land with the spacing.
Please go test all 3 down airs in training mode on any character you like (go ahead and use it against a short character if you want to too, it works perfect still)
and then feel free to comment.

Oh, and the name I would like to have used is DDD's DJC Dair.
Now discuss.

Edit: Also, I've found that a great application other than advancing with it is to do it out of your shield when someone attacks your shield. Then it is guaranteed ****.

And also, to that guy who said this isn't like DJC from Melee, it kinda is. The second jump is canceling the first jump, just like in Melee, and the second jump is being canceled for an aerial, just like in Melee.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
You can run around doing Dairs (**** we need a new word instead of shffling)
They are beastly. I mean, don't just spam it in a match, but it is fun to do if you have to wait in the sandbag room on WiFi matches. Lol.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2005
Puerto Rico
Oh, and the name is just going to be DDD's DJC Dair.
I hope not, since it's not a DJC at all.

DJC = cancelling your second/double/mid-air jump with an attack (i.e. you stop going up when the attack comes out,) which could only be done by Ness and Yoshi in Melee, and they can't do it in Brawl anyways.

Anyways, are you sure the person can't roll out between the hits when they shield it?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
I hope not, since it's not a DJC at all.

DJC = cancelling your second/double/mid-air jump with an attack (i.e. you stop going up when the attack comes out,) which could only be done by Ness and Yoshi in Melee, and they can't do it in Brawl anyways.

Anyways, are you sure the person can't roll out between the hits when they shield it?

Well, technically that's not in this game. It can be just DJ Dair if need be, but I like the idea of Dedede having a double one and Fox having a single one. Maybe that's just me.
But the name also sounds better because we are familiar with it.

And as far as rolling while shielding, I don't know. I don't think they can. Go try it and then let me know.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Most top D3's have figured this out,and I try and use it alot myself. The major downside is u don't have the surpise of a shop by itself, that extra time in the air leaves you open more for counter attacks. For this very reason u can't abuse it, but good to mix it in for a good damage builder.


Smash Rookie
Mar 19, 2008
Thanks! This'll help me with DDD's down air ( I usually get punished otherwise), good techinique and keep em coming!


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
DDD's Dair is a good technique to use when tech chasing, or when the opponent rolls or tries to sidestep into you from time to time, because of the horizontal movement it gives, and the ability to chip at a shield, I like using it on a short hop from time to time at close range. Thx for mentioning this dude.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2008
Ok, I thought I could do this without double jumping using double DI up, but it just can't seem to be done. This being said however, if u shop with Y or something other than direction, then immediatly press up on controller and c-stick down*if on smash or attack* he will do his dair as if from a shop, the jump looks almost identical to shop, and di'n up with direction might be needed. It does use a jump but u can do both jumps at the same time and not taking any longer to execute.

The only difference u'll see is that he'll be moving upwards a little bit more while doing the attack, start up time is the same as from shop but no ending lag, can easily hit chars like kirby and MK. this makes for a good move to use against chars that keep landing behind u since u can pass across them and if they shield, grab as soon as u land since no landing lag and move is almost instant so near impossible to punish.

Its really the same idea but u basically combine 2 jumps at same time for quicker execution.

dan smith

Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2004
Lawrence, KS
All of the things in this thread can be sorted and filed under "things all Dedede players know."

How is this a technique? It's a move...the intelligent application of a move. It's not going to change anything, the move is decent. I like to use it in response to ledge attacks. I wish it were a spike.

End of grumpy old man rant.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2008
California (nor-cal)
it may be more of an intelligent application of a move rather than a "technique," but if it's good, it's still worth discussion imho

I have yet to try it. I hope it'll be useful ^^.


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
All of the things in this thread can be sorted and filed under "things all Dedede players know."
^ This. Sorry, but it's not a new (or advanced) technique, in fact I've been doing this for weeks. Someone else also posted about the same maneuvre (not sure what thread) not too long ago and called it "hovering like a helicopter with dair" or something like that. Why not just call it the helicopter?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
it may be more of an intelligent application of a move rather than a "technique," but if it's good, it's still worth discussion imho

I have yet to try it. I hope it'll be useful ^^.
All of the things in this thread can be sorted and filed under "things all Dedede players know."

How is this a technique? It's a move...the intelligent application of a move. It's not going to change anything, the move is decent. I like to use it in response to ledge attacks. I wish it were a spike.

End of grumpy old man rant.
It is just as much a technique as Ganondorf's Thunderstorming, if not even more so.

Why not just call it the helicopter?
Because that's a dumb name?

Um, no.


No what? Who "phailed" at what?
The only failing I see is from you.

dan smith

Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2004
Lawrence, KS
I like that Wouw.

Okay, so this is "one of those threads" now. Where people who don't understand what is noteworthy act arrogant, make bold statements, and insult people with outrageously high post counts. (This is kind of why post counts matter)

I will never understand why these kids come in here, misuse SSB terminology, over hype the old news they're spouting, and then lash out defensively against the agents of knowledge. I don't get it. If you want to be a part of this forum, why spit in the faces of it's most loyal patrons? Don't you realize that everything you post in here, for the next sixth months, is going to get nothing but the most harsh scrutiny from all the veterans you have just now berated?

Relent. (and vote for me in SWF's annual user review as "Grumpiest Poster")

Now, overall these threads are somewhat annoying (especially when they are duplicates), but I must reluctantly point out that the ratio of new players to old in this forum is high enough that there are actually some people who are gaining from this stale info.

The game is young, old news is still relatively new. : P


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
I like that Wouw.

Okay, so this is "one of those threads" now. Where people who don't understand what is noteworthy act arrogant, make bold statements, and insult people with outrageously high post counts. (This is kind of why post counts matter)

I will never understand why these kids come in here, misuse SSB terminology, over hype the old news they're spouting, and then lash out defensively against the agents of knowledge. I don't get it. If you want to be a part of this forum, why spit in the faces of it's most loyal patrons? Don't you realize that everything you post in here, for the next sixth months, is going to get nothing but the most harsh scrutiny from all the veterans you have just now berated?

Relent. (and vote for me in SWF's annual user review as "Grumpiest Poster")

Now, overall these threads are somewhat annoying (especially when they are duplicates), but I must reluctantly point out that the ratio of new players to old in this forum is high enough that there are actually some people who are gaining from this stale info.

The game is young, old news is still relatively new. : P
I totaly agree. How long has the this game been out for what 2 months all of this news is still new until it gets to the 4 month mark. Not only that but this maneuver is news two me.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
I respect that you're trying to help people...

But this is extremely obvious and anyone whose played 5 matches with Dedede has probably found this out.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
"hovering like a helicopter with dair or something like that. Why not just call it the helicopter?"

that was me, if you dont believe that look through my posts, no one gave a **** when i said it though, because i didnt hype it. wanna know why i didnt hype it? cus its just a move.
it pisses me off that you say "OMGZ GET REDDY 4 TOP TIER"
this is why i never come to these forums anymore, everyones so god**** overzealous about everything.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
I respect that you're trying to help people...

But this is extremely obvious and anyone whose played 5 matches with Dedede has probably found this out.
I just never liked going above anyone when I was using dedede. I basically just throw my enemy off of the edge and then go on from there.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
well hey I didnt know specifically holding down and double jumping quick and hitting it while doing the second jump made you land with zero lag and got all the hits in, so thanks


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
Wow, you're so funny guy who never played Melee.

(LOL @ scrubs)
I'm pro at Melee. Thank you very much. Feel free to come to GA so I can pwn you in Melee.

Wow, this works real well. I wonder why this wasnt figured out sooner :p. Anyways, thanks.
Yes, yes it does. You are welcome.

How can you jump up from top tier?
Dedede is not top tier. Hopefully when more people use this he can jump from around 3rd into 2nd.

I respect that you're trying to help people...

But this is extremely obvious and anyone whose played 5 matches with Dedede has probably found this out.
No, no it is not obvious. I have told Dedede pros this, and it is new to them. They've been using full hops up until now, but mostly they have been avoiding using the move too much.
Hopefully it will be used more now, as it is incredibly beastly when used properly.

well hey I didnt know specifically holding down and double jumping quick and hitting it while doing the second jump made you land with zero lag and got all the hits in, so thanks
Yep ;) No problem.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
"wanna know why i didnt hype it? cus its just a move. "
Yes, a very good one that should be mentioned a lot. Avoiding lag on laggy moves isn't "just a move." It is Brawl advanced tech. Ever hear of Thunderstorming?

"it pisses me off that you say "OMGZ GET REDDY 4 TOP TIER" "
I never said that. K thx.

"edit: if you seriously try to give this some cliche "super duper technique name" i will leave these forums for good, mark my words. im losing faith in the new players, can they inherit the melee mindset?
I'm not giving it a "super duper technique name". Double Jump Cancel is not a new term. Just gonna bend the definition a bit for Brawl so that Dedede can have a name for his move.
Go yell at the Ganondorf people for naming their version Thunderstorming.


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2007
Chile! (not the spicy one)
this is so obvius that isnt even funny... really

if you do all the aerial in the air, you will have no lag :O!!
you're a genius!!
helicopter for top tier!


this is one of the useless thread in this boards since the spam, "dedede throw a dragoon"!!
or "dedede can throw smash balls with itemz off"

you're trying to gain post right ?
because i dont found any other reason for this threads, and your false statements like
" No, no it is not obvious. I have told Dedede pros this, and it is new to them. They've been using full hops up until now, but mostly they have been avoiding using the move too much.
Hopefully it will be used more now, as it is incredibly beastly when used properly."

what a waste of topic

sorry for the english.

P.D: Dedede is not top tier. Hopefully when more people use this he can jump from around 3rd into 2nd.
WTF!!!!??? 3rd!!!??


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
I just never liked going above anyone when I was using dedede. I basically just throw my enemy off of the edge and then go on from there.
Oh I wasnt saying that to you.

I was saying it to the thread maker.

Also this thread should die now..


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
if you do all the aerial in the air, you will have no lag :O!!
helicopter for top tier!
I never said any of that. Thanks.

this is one of the useless thread in this boards since the spam, "dedede throw a dragoon"!!
or "dedede can throw smash balls with itemz off"
This is not a useless thread. Go back and read how many people have posted that this information was useful and informative to them.

you're trying to gain post right ?
because i dont found any other reason for this threads, and your false statements like
" No, no it is not obvious. I have told Dedede pros this, and it is new to them. They've been using full hops up until now, but mostly they have been avoiding using the move too much.
Hopefully it will be used more now, as it is incredibly beastly when used properly."
No... I'm trying to inform people so that Dedede can go up some tiers...

P.D: Dedede is not top tier. Hopefully when more people use this he can jump from around 3rd into 2nd.
WTF!!!!??? 3rd!!!??

Yes, 3rd.
Good day to you.


Smash Ace
Nov 9, 2007
San Diego, CA
Wow guys, its seriously not as obvious as you guys make it out to be Im betting a bunch of you didnt know this and are just trying to look cool. You guys are being elitist pricks. If anything its you saying this to every thread that is ruining this board.

Its special timing and if your off a little youll land wiht a little lag. I seriously doubt you guys are jumping around doing this double jump dair into grabs or tilts or smashes with the no landing lag.

This is really great and I didnt think about it, I did full hop or didnt use this move but Ill work it into my game more because it is good stuff


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
i have been doing this since DAY ONE. noobs will be noobs i guess.
im afraid i have to agree with 5150,
i hate saying that. he is notorious for being a cocky Ahole, who tried to name the chaingrab after himself, but what he says has a SHRED of truth to it & i know hes been here forever like me and other posters. we know this already.
i dont think youre a noob but i was aggravated when you stated some new super duper oober tacular technique....which is lag cancel through aerials.


Smash Master
Jun 1, 2006
eff el oh are eye dee aye
The word "Pro" is thrown around in Smash if you can beat a LVL 9 compter.

GTFO you fvckin scrub.

This is not a super advanced tech.

L canceling was a super advanced technique, this is doing a double jump and Dairing.

No you weren't pro in Melee.

dan smith

Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2004
Lawrence, KS
DK is not high enough on those Japanese tier lists. That's the red flag that makes me lack respect for them. Anybody else on here understand the pain that is DK?

Umm...this thread...is...sure! More power to everybody who is gaining from this. You chumps had better all get really good. I don't want a ton of lousy Dedede players out there, creating a bad reputation for the king penguin.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go shower as if I just woke up and pretend that I didn't stay up all night. Pace.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 3, 2006
Wow guys, its seriously not as obvious as you guys make it out to be Im betting a bunch of you didnt know this and are just trying to look cool. You guys are being elitist pricks. If anything its you saying this to every thread that is ruining this board.

Its special timing and if your off a little youll land wiht a little lag. I seriously doubt you guys are jumping around doing this double jump dair into grabs or tilts or smashes with the no landing lag.

This is really great and I didnt think about it, I did full hop or didnt use this move but Ill work it into my game more because it is good stuff
Thank you sir.

im afraid i have to agree with 5150,
i hate saying that. he is notorious for being a cocky Ahole, who tried to name the chaingrab after himself, but what he says has a SHRED of truth to it & i know hes been here forever like me and other posters. we know this already.
i dont think youre a noob but i was aggravated when you stated some new super duper oober tacular technique....which is lag cancel through aerials.

cmon man, i know you cant see **** from my position, but the people who have been on these forums since day 1 all agree, this has already been discussed and taken advantage of.
then again, there are those who werent here since day 1 and theyre learning this now, good for them, but dont hype it, this should have been a reminder thread not a "NEW DISCOVERY" thread....

recognize it dude and ill stop posting
Well, the title is to get more people in here to read about this.

The word "Pro" is thrown around in Smash if you can beat a LVL 9 compter.

GTFO you fvckin scrub.

This is not a super advanced tech.

L canceling was a super advanced technique, this is doing a double jump and Dairing.

No you weren't pro in Melee.
This technique is tantamount to Melee L-cancel since it accomplishes the same thing.
I was at a pro level in Melee, trust me. I'll try to upload some vids to You Tube just for you. You cocky little guy.

DK is not high enough on those Japanese tier lists. That's the red flag that makes me lack respect for them. Anybody else on here understand the pain that is DK?

Umm...this thread...is...sure! More power to everybody who is gaining from this. You chumps had better all get really good. I don't want a ton of lousy Dedede players out there, creating a bad reputation for the king penguin.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go shower as if I just woke up and pretend that I didn't stay up all night. Pace.

I don't want all the Dededes to be n00bs either. I'm trying to inform them so that they can do better and thus raise Dedede's ranking on the tiers. If you execute this move properly it is ridiculously good.

And if anyone respects DK the most, it IS Japan. Everyone is good in this game, but DK is just not as good as a lot of the other characters. I mean, you can infinite him with Dedede. How high do you think he's gonna be for now?
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