First of all, I’m very disappointed the amount of content in this game has almost doubled while I was at work. It was right at the level I enjoy up until now.
I didnt say you were 100% I was speculating as your last scum game you got caught on meta.
I disagree but I don’t want to rehash that argument right now. +0
Older post but remember this.
Problem with Bessie is she gives Gorf a +1 for saying "meta is ok" or some such. That's NAI. Why does it get a point?
I play like this, assigning +/- to each post I just don't post the numbers. I can't see how you arrive at some of these.
Can you link to the Gorf post? Because I think you may have it backwards, I agreed with Gorf twice in
#267 that Eido should try doing his reads using the content in this game, not meta. The points were because he pointed this out. +0
And just because you do not understand every one of my +/- doesn’t mean it’s not a valid way for me to keep track of where my head is at. -1
He'd have been more concerned to self prez and get heat off his back, as opposed to 'looking correct'
I don’t agree with your interpretation but thank you for answering. +0
I will not yeet: Gorf, Fonti
I would not like to yeet: Sabrar, LaserGuy, Swiss
I would consider yeeting: Wam
I would like to yeet: Bessie, Maven, Somi
Hahaha, your yeet list is OMGUS, lurker, lurker. -1
You mentioned the possibility of Bessie obfuscating her play. Does she have a hard time playing Scum generally that she would need to do this to fool people? Her gameplay feels tricky to follow, I'm trying to work out why that is, and whether it's all a lack of understanding from my end. The xkcd'ers don't seem to be all that wary of her (except somi, and they haven't pushed her at all).
Why don’t you read some old games, I’ve posted links to and discussed at least 5. Interesting that you use meta from an old game to support your Maven vote, but you decide that instead of reading my old games you’re instead asking Laser to feed you a read. I wonder why. Not really that's sarcasm. -1
Because it could be an attempt by scum!you to make yourself more difficult to read, or to try to gain townie credit from a gambit. Kind of like posting all in emojis or something.

IMHO, bessie tends to be pretty transparent as Town and pretty transparent as mafia. I don't know that everyone shares this interpretation of her play.
I don’t share this interpretation. Boo. -1
I like the rest of your post. +2
Looking at a towngame, now, can probably dismiss some of the point about not really townreading Eido but scumreading the people pushing for him.
Points in Somi's favor:
Here he's scumreading Heury alone for scumreading Tattertot for bad reason while he's also scumreading tattertot. He's also scumreading Swiss for his push on Sabrar while Sabrar is only his second weakest townread.
The bessie read and placement is also pretty similar to this game.
Points against Somi:
He spends a lot more time thinking about and fleshing out his scum and weak townreads here, mostly because he's looking for scum, not looking for town, and thus doesn't feel like he as concrete reasons to back up his townreads besides "not scummy."
In this game, Somi's townreads feel more fleshed out than his scumreads, so he's townhunting more than or as much as he's scumhunting. This could be scum indicative because it's easier to make townreads as scum (as you already know who the town are) than it is to fake scumreads. That said, he didn't give a lot of reasons for townreading people in his scum game. That's potentially because he was already under a lot of pressure there.
This was fairly inconclusive. Anyway.
I think that using meta to read somitomi isn’t going to work. His content is pretty consistent as any alignment. And by that I mean he can be townie and/or scummy as either alignment, and it’s not something he is trying to do, he just is, if you can understand what I’m trying to explain. +0
Thinking about it, Wam opened the thread mentioning Sabrar and yourself teaming up on a tunnel.
He's aware that scenario has happened, and could happen.
Does Scum!Wam prod you enough times in this way, and risk that scenario happening again? Probably not. I don't know.
What makes you think this??
Both Laser and I are hard townreading Eido and we can't both be wolves with him. We're both good players, please take this as a sign you shouldn't yeet Eido today.
Just because I am townreading someone doesn’t necessarily mean I believe they are correct. I believe they are town. I think this is a very odd observation for you to make. -1
In my recollection you've always been the person to give new players advice in thread, especially if they were struggling and I don't see much of that now. Instead, Eido finds himself under the scrutiny of a bessie tunnel in addition to all the other eyes already on him.
And yeah, I extrapolated from the numbers you provided (and accurately it seems), because sans analysis, they were the best indication of your opinion available.
I have attempted to give Eido advise, I advised him to quit trying to use meta to make his reads and concentrate on the content in this game. He is still ignoring my advice. You’re not going to meta read an experienced player by using meta from one previous game. +0
And I explained in my first post how the numbers would be skewed and why. +0
1. Bessie. Putting a ton of effort into the game, clearly trying to think through things. Don't agree with where she's poking around or all of her logic, but I think it makes sense to her.
My logic makes perfect sense to me, and I have explained my reads and have shown my work. And I’m secretly wondering if you googled “how to trigger an INTJ”. +0
2. Eido. This dude is trying so hard to figure out the scum of some of you guys are just steam rolling him. Look at his early posts. He's trying to figure out if scum are pushing him, he wants to understand people, he's making independent reads and he keeps trying. Leave him alone.
He's not making reads. He’s voting for someone and looking for justification using a meta read from Apex Mafia, not using the content from this game. -1
Re #395, fonti I'm still digesting your Swiss case and do not want to hold this post until I think it through but wanted to award a point for your effort. +1
Page 11: Ugh. For so many reasons.
Page 12: No comment.
Isolated content / overall vibe
Eido -21-2 => -23 / -3
Fontisian -7-1 +> -8 / -2
Gorf +6 / +1
LaserGuy +1+1 => 2 / +1
Maven89 +1 / -1
Sabrar +5 / +2
Somitomi -2+0 +> -2 / +0
Swiss +2-1 => +1 / +0
Wam -2 / +0
I will not yeet: Sabrar, Gorf, Maven89
I would not like to yeet: somitomi, Wam, LaserGuy, Swiss
I am ambivalent about yeeting:
I would consider yeeting: fonti
I would like to yeet: Eido