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Dear Smashboards: A request to the smash community and other game communities!

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Link to original post: [drupal=4727]Dear Smashboards: A request to the smash community and other game communities![/drupal]

Hey everyone. I'm Lokii. If you already know me, awesome. If not, nice to meet you. I'm currently a second quarter freshman at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, majoring in Game Art/Design. Long story short, I am currently in English 1020, and I already have to plan my Final Project: a 10+ page research paper on a topic of my choice. I have a few topics in mind, but I am currently just checking if I have enough sources. This is where my request comes in. I randomly got the idea to do a paper on the recent Metaknight ban. Why? Argumentative papers are really fun because you have a wide range of sources because you have to cite both sides and whatnot. Two, this is something that I wouldn't be bored writing about. Three, my teacher said this might actually work if I can get enough sources, and it could be an interesting paper.

So, my request to the community....

If you have a WELL WRITTEN, THOUGHT OUT, LOGICAL argument on the banning of Metaknight, then express interest. If you have an interesting link from another site on this topic or the banning of other characters from other communities of games, send it to me. I really want to hear everyone's opinions, and would love to make this an interesting paper.
And please, if you are in the BBR, URC, a TO, or just a well spoken, well informed person, I would really really really appreciate you help. I want to make this a very well-written paper, and I really don't want to cite flame-war opinions or any of that fun stuff.

So, about this paper:
It'll be taking the stance of pro-ban because of the actual outcome
It'll discuss the logistics on why/why not he should be banned, including frame data, tournament results, etc
It'll discuss other competitive game scenes on what characters they banned and why, relating it back to the MK ban.
And probably other stuff, but I really want to sleep right now because I have an early class.

So, please, if you can, help me out.
I want to hear your opinions or facts on the matter.

Much appreciated,

P.S. I will be posting similar stuff to other communities to get their opinions on bans, etc. If you know of any communities, link me to 'em please!! That would be awesome!!
P.S.S. If I actually go with this topic and not my baseball or other fun topics, then I'll probably post it here or something. It'll be interesting.

If I do write this paper, everyone will get FULL CREDIT for what they contributed. If enough interest is expressed and I get the OK from my teacher, I'll begin to ask for the actual arguments. I will ask for them to be messaged to me, because I'll ask for your name and the date written because MLA citations.


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2011
I believe there was a long word document I found a while ago with a big list of data to show how MK was broken. I'll try to find that for you, even though I'm anti-ban.


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
Topic starters

- frame data vs all
- human mistakes + really good character can still = loss
- over 50% of the community and BBR has voted to ban him but we need 2/3 votes (where this idea was implied i have no idea since this isnt the US government)
- Why ban a character when most fighting communities dont?
- Why this isnt other fighting communities...
- Why this isnt melee....


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2007
Now I am Everywhere
I didn't really care if MK was banned or not but I am excited to see the new variety of characters that will be used. MK was in his own tier group and a lot of players used him because he was so much better than every other character. I've always felt that MK players have a bland personality (I know there are a few with pretty interesting personalities [Overswarm comes to mind]) But now that he is banned people will have to play with characters that give a distinguished personality.

I have no idea how you could incorporate that into your paper or even if my little take on the MK ban will help but there ya go =)

When you were saying that having other game experience would be helpful, I was super excited. But then I realized it was other competitive games =p

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
I believe there was a long word document I found a while ago with a big list of data to show how MK was broken. I'll try to find that for you, even though I'm anti-ban.
Thanks so much!!

@Sole: Thanks for the conversation starters. Really helps, dude! ^__^

@Bead: :o that's an interesting take on it
Other game experience would be helpful too xD I'm going to be doing some technical gaming talk that could use some polishing up or dumbing down, etc.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2007
Now I am Everywhere
Think about it. At any tournament you go to you constantly hear MK's sword sound. CONSTANTLY. It's pretty much a white noise.

What kind of technical gaming talk?


Smash Master
Apr 15, 2008
Dallas, TX
Frame data is not really a good idea in a paper (imo) as the vast majority of the people reading wont appreciate the sheer speed of frames and whatnot. Also frame data wasnt used in mks banning



Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2007
Now I am Everywhere
Just say how brawl runs at 60 fps and how much 1 frame counts or w/e

edit: well there very little lag after attacks compared to other characters. The close to unpunishable jump Dair thingy MK has
Aug 6, 2008
Frame data is not really a good idea in paper (imo) as the vast majority of the people reading wont appreciate the sheer speed of frames and whatnot. Also frame data wasnt used in mks banning
You can give examples to put into perspective the speeds at play. For example, when properly conditioned and expectations, a person can have incredibly good timing to withing a couple frames of accuracy.

Falco's, Fox's, and Wolf's SideB can be canceled to three lengths by pressing the B button in a 3 frame window. Each frame gives a different length of canceling. There are people out there who can time it well enough to be incredibly consistent, and 3 frames is 1/20 of a second. To compare this, the average time it takes the eye to blink is about 6/20 to 8/20 of a second.
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