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DAY 4: POLL-- Do you want Shiek as a Seperate Char. or as Part of Zelda?


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
Last century....I believe OoT came out last century...I believe SSBM is this century, too.
As in this century, friend, so just the non-canon Melee.

Sheik = OoT Zelda
Zelda =/= Sheik

It's not really a major part of her recurring character, so what's the point of forcing them to be connected again? I'll compare her to Mario again since they have a lot in common.

They're both the title characters of their respective series and have a major role as a recurring persona.
Now, imagine that instead of Zelda with her Sheik costume, we had Mario in a frog costume. It would offer a unique moveset along with his original and would give him some extra appeal. However, just like Sheik, that frog suit only appeared a few times in the huge franchise and had very little significance to Mario, especially at this point in time since it hasn't reappeared in years. Does some one like Mario, the face of Nintendo, really need a transformation when he's a completely unique, appealing, and deserving character all by himself?

Apply this to Zelda, you'll see it's the same thing.

Transforming into another character is simply a gimmick that's already been confirmed among other characters. Zelda's still a viable choice for a playable character all by herself.
First of all, shiek as a seperate character would be wasting a space for a different character, possibly a good Legend of Zelda representative (Zant, WW Link, Midna). Also, shiek and zelda are the SAME PERSON. It wouldn't make sense to have two different characters. Yes Link and young link might be the same person, but they're in two different points of time.
At least Sheik is a different Zelda from the TP one, whereas Young Link and Link were still the same Link. It actually would make more sense than them if Sheik was separate.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I say #2. She should be part of Zelda's moves again. No, Zelda being having a TP design doesn't change that.

The official motto of the Super Smash Bros. Series: F*ck Continuity.


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2007
Switch FC
Part of Zelda I guess, so #2. I haven't really heard a convincing argument about why he should remain though.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Does some one like Mario, the face of Nintendo, really need a transformation when he's a completely unique, appealing, and deserving character all by himself?

Apply this to Zelda, you'll see it's the same thing.
How about let's apply it to another character, for analogy. Popo is a completely unique, appealing, and deserving character all by himself. Does he really need to be tag-teamed with Nana? Sure, Zelda could be a single character, just like Popo could fight solo, but why not just retain a very fun gameplay element? It's not like it would take all that much time to reimplement and rebalance a veteran character.

Sheik should be a part of Zelda, just like in Melee.


Smash Ace
Oct 31, 2007
How about let's apply it to another character, for analogy. Popo is a completely unique, appealing, and deserving character all by himself. Does he really need to be tag-teamed with Nana? Sure, Zelda could be a single character, just like Popo could fight solo, but why not just retain a very fun gameplay element? It's not like it would take all that much time to reimplement and rebalance a veteran character.

Sheik should be a part of Zelda, just like in Melee.
But with Zelda, the unique gameplay element has already been used with other characters, more or less. Sure, it's still slightly different, but that difference is what caused it to be a mostly unused ability in Melee. Besides, with Popo, Nana's a fairly huge part of his character, and I can't see one of the duo being very deserving by themself. They were a pair in the only game they've been in, but Zelda has only had Sheik with her in one of her many, many games. She certainly isn't as attached.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 10, 2007
BC, Canada
Seeing as a I hate Shiek, 'though more or less simply because she is the "better" half of Zelda, I think I'll vote for option #3. Zelda should be on her own. Period. And Shiek simply doesn't hold enough to water to be used as a character all on her own.


Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2007
R.M.B. were else?
I vote option 3, shiek isnt as relevent to the series as zelda and will only cause zelda to be under used. besides, this would give zelda the option of uuseing her awsome light arrows for her down B or some powerful defensive magic.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
But with Zelda, the unique gameplay element has already been used with other characters, more or less. Sure, it's still slightly different, but that difference is what caused it to be a mostly unused ability in Melee.
I don't think that the difference is an inherent problem with the transformation concept itself, just with the implementation. They could easily rebalance the characters to make it so a player would need to use both characters to truly take advantage of their abilities.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Ugh, this is bogus, because many scrubs don't know how to kill a Shiek, so obviously most votes will go to her being removed, which is non-sensical. Just my personal belief..


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I vote: #3

No reason for Sheik to be in, he is too minor.
*Screams* SHEEEE!!! *Dies*

I vote #1. Mainly cause Zelda deserves to be her own char. She also deserves a down-b. Same thing for Shiek.

Anyway, we know she's in somehow from the interview... only time will tell.

Also agree with the Cajun. Took me a while to kill a Shiek. Now, it's easy as hell. Learn how to avoid her slaps of death, n00bs! lol.


Smash Cadet
Sep 23, 2007
I say #2. She should be part of Zelda's moves again. No, Zelda being having a TP design doesn't change that.

The official motto of the Super Smash Bros. Series: F*ck Continuity.
This...this makes a lot of sense (no sarcasm).

Anyway whether or not Sheik is in. Zelda is donning the Twillight Princess look.
There is a way to implement her into the Subspace Emissary.
That would mean that if you made TW Zelda transform into Sheik, it wouldnt make any sense anymore. Even if Sheik is in, how will she fit in the Subspace Emissary?
Maybe she woul travel time and...never mind, I don't know.


Smash Ace
Jul 29, 2007
Great Falls, Montana
Shiek shouldn't return because she is too minor at this point. Shiek didn't even have that big of a role in OOT. All she did was teach you warp songs, big whop.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2007
WHOO! did this thread xplode or what, that was a lot of counting, after 1 days votes the tentative results are:

Shiek Should be a Seperate Character: 11
Shiek Should be Attatched to Zelda: 25
Shiek should be cut: 26

As i predicted most ppl want shiek cut -.- but its not an overwhelming majority so lets see how this plays out.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 24, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Mmmmmmm... I think #2 because they most likely wan't to keep som aspect of the game the same, besides all the new goodies. I say leave Zelda to her Melee typeself. (Yes I used shiek alot in the past)


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
"#1, Seperate character. Zelda needs LOVE."

This is so ironic it's not even funny.

Aniway, i vote #3, I whant Sheik very far away of Brawl, Zelda should be able to shine on her own, not be uused just because she can transform in a transexual ninja.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2007
ha the thread chillaxed awsome, lets keep the poll going, ill close it if it dies

Shiek Should be a Seperate Character: 12
Shiek Should be Attatched to Zelda: 26
Shiek should be cut: 27


Smash Rookie
Nov 17, 2007
San Diego (Ramona)
Well, I believe Sheik should stay or at the very least keep the same move set (with some adjustments) because eliminating a style of play seems rather, I don't know, not progressive? Whether you play her or not, whether you hate her or not, you still have to have some strategy against her fighting style. And as far as I'm concerned, removing her (more importantly, her move set) would have more of a negative effect than keeping her considering that those who don't like her can simply tell everybody at the tournament, match, whatever, to not play her because you do not like her in any way; it just leaves the option for those who do actually like to play her open. So I'm in a mix between #1 and #2.

I guess what I could compare the opinion on 'should Sheik return or not' to this.
"Some of our possible selections for dessert is cake, cherry pie, ice cream, or banana split sundae."
"I'll take the cherry pie, but I don't like the banana split sundae. Can you remove it from your dessert selection?"
"Excuse me? You don't have to have the banana split sundae."
"Yes, but the very image of a banana split sundae disgusts me beyond all reason, please remove it from your dessert selection."
"There's still a rather large group of people that like banana split sundaes, whether you know it or not."
"You're just defending them because you like banana split sundaes, huh?"
"What I like is actually irrelevant, and we should be concerning with what every group enjoys rather than what individuals hate. You can either enjoy your cherry pie and let the banana split sundae be, or you can not eat here at all."


Smash Journeyman
Oct 23, 2007
this is the final count: looks like eclipse helped it with its death, with the wierd post :p

SUMMARY:In the end it looks like most people want shiek in, and those who do want it in want her to be an attachment. (though on the original subject and intent of the poll of Shiek bieng part of Zelda or not(Seperate/Gone), Not being part of Zelda (Seperate/Gone) Wins.)

Shiek Should be a Seperate Character: 12
Shiek Should be Attatched to Zelda: 28
Shiek should be cut: 28
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