Thought I'd share this Slippy fighter concept by
@ChrisUnivrs on Twitter.
Seems the direction was aimed toward making Slippy a technical fighter with a lot of ways to shut the opponent down and cripple their mobility, which I'm quite a fan of. Personally, I think Slippy would work best in Smash with a moveset based around playing keep-away and limiting the opponent's options. I really like the idea of having his Neutral Special be a shield neutralizer, as it draws on Slippy's most defining and well-known ability in the Star Fox series, and would be an interesting type of effect we haven't seen from any other character's moves before.
Phenominal concept for Slippy's specials. It makes him a character that succeeds by limiting what the opponent can do. Restricting their movement, making them have to work against the Aegis Cams, disabling their ability to shield, etc. If these were his specials, I'd be ecstatic. Though I'd change a few things, personally.
I'd swap his Neutal and Down Specials. Use Neutral Special to place the Aegis Cam, use Neutral Special again to have it fire lasers from its position. Then, maybe have the ability to hold down the input to cause the Aegis Cam to self-destruct. This would allow you to have constant access to his 'Enemy Shield Neutralized' move, being his Down Special. Which, by the way, is brilliant.
The Side Special is a pretty neat concept, though I'm not too sure I understand how it works. I like the idea of essentially being able to deploy a barrier between you and the enemy, which I can see being great for edge-guarding. Not sure about making it invulnerable to physical attacks, though, since not every character has projectiles. Making it immune to projectiles without reflecting them, and vulnerable, but highly resistant, to physical attacks may work better.
Don't care much for the teleporter Up Special, myself. I've always liked the idea of him using the jetpack from Assault, making his recovers similar to R.O.B.'s.
I finally finished up some alt colors for Slippy. I'm might try making some for Peppy in the future.
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Top Row:
Starfox 0 & Starlink
Dark Slippy
Red/Player 1 (SF Assault)
Yellow/Player 3 (SF Assault)
Blue/Player 2 (SF Assault)
Green/Player 4 (SF Assault)
Bottom Row:
Starfox 64 x SF64 3D
Starfox Adventures
Grippy Toad
Solid Toad (Metal Gear Solid 1 Snake colors)
Inverted Starfox 0
Ash Greninja
These look fantastic. I'd probably play as that 'Dark Slippy' swap.
If I had to pick eight, I'd go with the whole top row, the Adventures alt, and the Grippy alt.