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Dash cancelled... Wait? Sheik... why aren't you counting needles?


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
So just got back from Costa Rica, and I'm resuming my summer long bit of training [*sigh* it sucks not having anyone near you to play brawl with] and I noticed something interesting. I've checked the larger portion of the major sheik info threads, and I've yet to find this, then again it may be due to it's lack of ability to use; you guys'll have to be the judge of that.

Anyway, out of boredom, I just started running around, and during my run I would press B, which in normal cases sheik would instantly halt and start pulling out needles. Well I noticed that if the B button is tapped lightly enough [something akin to tapping the y or x button for a short hop] sheik momentarily does the beginning animation for pulling out the needles, but doesn't. She simply halts.

I'd appreciate it if this has been already discovered, for someone to link me to the thread in which it was originally discovered [if they are able to recall such]. I apologize if my above description/explanation is not clear. Tomorrow I'll be moving into my college dorm, and I should be able to set up a video there. :ohwell:

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
Is it possible you double tapped it. I been doing dash canceled needles into crap for a while but if you are talking about what I think I'd like to see it.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
This reminds me of another question i keep forgetting to ask. Does anyone ever try to do vanish while they are running, see the first frames of it, but then it gets cancelled? It's annoying and timewasting but i wish it had tech potential.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Aww... Poo

So I'm back with an update, and after testing it before I turned on my camera to record, I realized something and felt like a moron. I realized that what I thought was happening, is in fact some trickery where I didn't pay enough attention the first time. What I've actually been doing is fox trotting, and at the moment the foxtrot ends, I've been pressing B. After examining a normal fox trot and one where I thought there was some sort of cancellation, I came to the conclusion, that I'm pressing B at a moment in which because I'm doing the foxtrot, no other inputs can be made. So what I thought was her about to start whipping out needles, and then nothing, was in fact the ending animation for the fox trot. In layman's terms. I confused the ending of a fox trot animation with sheik's beginning animation for whipping out needles... -_-' frick

I apologize for the confusion. Sorry guys. :ohwell:


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
well, this is weird.... I came back to this thread because i thought i figured out what you did.

I did a dash, and pressed B and then immediately pressed L. It does the first frame or so of needle charging, then cancels it very quickly. It seems faster than double tap B... maybe double tap B can be done that fast though.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Hm, interesting pops, maybe we can get some use out of this thread. I did a little testing and once you get the timing right, it can also be done standing perfectly still, and at any time while charging needles. With some dexterous finger work I was also able to get all of her smashes Smash out of it [if that makes sense]. I also got the up tilt, so with just that work, I assume that one could do any move out of the cancel. Unfortunately, I can think of very little use for it, other than a trick. You're charging needles, you're opponent comes after you and bam, f-tilt combo in the face. Pretty basic, but it's something that's at least got a use, and possibly used once or twice in a match will definitely net you some % on your opponent and if done well enough could possibly allow you to take control of the flow of the match [assuming you didn't have it earlier] and god knows us sheik's need every tip and trick we can get...

Then again, I guess maybe i've been holding on to the shield button to interrupt the needle gathering anyway, cause usually my shield comes up. *sigh* guess that means I need to just do it faster. Yeesh, my noobishness is showing. :embarrass

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
yeah, L cancel the needle thats what I meant earlier. I don't even think double tapping B would do anything... If you wait a few you throw a needle.

But yeah it's the same thing; Ankoku and I went over the frame data for it and everything; overall you basically have better options as far as canceling out of your dash like jumping for one. Since sheiks nair comes out so fast it's a good answer to anything out of a dash. dash canceling with needles unless you are throwing them. But We could both be wrong, don't take our words for it experiment.


Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2008
I've made a thread on this a while back... though it was basically to cancel needle charge out of dash to quickly stop in place. Much more effective than raising your shield to stop a dash.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Corpus Christi/theMOON, Texas
I've been experimenting with this a lot. I really REALLY need to get video equipment. Anyways the way I'm used to doing it though isn't by tapping B, it's more like after you run the slide animation during that. And anything can be done out of it. So it's like a pseudo wavedash, but an offensive one. You can also edgeguard with it.

*anyone want to upload a vid for me?*
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