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DanGR's Olimar Vid Thread


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
Hey, it's the great DanGR himself! Great match and well played on both sides.

I found your approach to the match very bold. That's not a bad thing, but I would have taken a cautious approach to Bowser (For example, keep distance and Side-B)

Another thing: On a reasonably high percentage, stick to Olimar's ground game! Olimar will have few options when in the air, and is easily susceptible to attacks, not to mention that Bowser's aerials are quite damaging.


Apr 10, 2008
thanks Olimarfan. I try to stay close enough to punish his attacks, but far enough to not get hit. It keeps him guessing. I try to stay on the ground, but I jump to mix it up and make him think twice before approaching. I think I'm going to have to switch to c-stick on smashes instead of tilts if I keep messing them up. It's screwing up my close ground game I think. Bowser has priority in the air and on the ground, so I guess I just have to be more patient with approaching him. Bowser is tougher than he looks.

Edit: hopefully, I can get my other vids I recorded up tomorrow or somethin. It takes like 2 1/2 hours to upload them. I think I have some of me losing to sheik maybe?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2008
Ohio, Lorain/Amherst
dangr great vid. Just one question. how often do you latch pikmin? Or is it just my playstyle. Ive noticed that i latch them like a mofo. It seems to me latching them on to people is great for mindgames. Can really mess up peoples play styles and makes it easier to control the game.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
New York
Great Olimar. Try and use your smash attacks as damage builders as well. Running upsmashes are also nice, especially for koing. From what I saw your playing style worked really well, but smash attacks are smash attacks, so I'd try and incorporate them into your game. Bowser is a huge character and thus easy to hit so using aerials works fine. When you get to smaller characters like Mk, your going to want to deal a lot of damage on the ground. Like I said, Smash attacks = ****. His Dsmash is also a good kill move.

I liked how you kept your pikmin really orderly. Keep that up, as its not an easy thing to do.

One last thing, when you grab, especially at higher percentages, whack them a few times. If you keep doing that it could add up to an extra 20-30% a life on them for nothing.


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2008
Laurel, Md
=] I love your olimar, i think you are very agressive. I would do the F-B>D-grab>U-smash>U-air more, it really racks up the damage at the start and can turn into mindgames. Besidess that,i love the latching, created some space. Keep it up.

O yeah olimarguy is right wack that guy a couple times in the grab, its just free damage=]


Apr 10, 2008
dangr great vid. Just one question. how often do you latch pikmin? Or is it just my playstyle. Ive noticed that i latch them like a mofo. It seems to me latching them on to people is great for mindgames. Can really mess up peoples play styles and makes it easier to control the game.
I try not to get to busy throwing pikmen on this small stage. It's too costly to get caught up in if Bowser were to just run in and claw me or something. On stages like FD you'll see me throw them like mad.

Great Olimar. Try and use your smash attacks as damage builders as well. Running upsmashes are also nice, especially for koing. From what I saw your playing style worked really well, but smash attacks are smash attacks, so I'd try and incorporate them into your game. Bowser is a huge character and thus easy to hit so using aerials works fine. When you get to smaller characters like Mk, your going to want to deal a lot of damage on the ground. Like I said, Smash attacks = ****. His Dsmash is also a good kill move.

I liked how you kept your pikmin really orderly. Keep that up, as its not an easy thing to do.

One last thing, when you grab, especially at higher percentages, whack them a few times. If you keep doing that it could add up to an extra 20-30% a life on them for nothing.
I'll try to hit them more often. I'm just trying to focus on what I'm going to do next after the throw instead of rapidly tapping the "a" button. It's just distracting. I'll work on it.

=] I love your olimar, i think you are very agressive. I would do the F-B>D-grab>U-smash>U-air more, it really racks up the damage at the start and can turn into mindgames. Besidess that,i love the latching, created some space. Keep it up.

O yeah olimarguy is right wack that guy a couple times in the grab, its just free damage=]
Thanks, that combo is harder than it looks to pull off. It can be DI-ed out of and can be punished, but I'm still working on my combos as well as everything else.

Thanks everyone, I'm going to try and post some more vids soon. They're on the computer, but it takes FOREVER to upload them to Youtube.

Deleted member

Uhh its pretty good, id like to see u against somebody a little better, that bowser was pretty bad (no offense to him, he just wasnt doin much, didnt seem like a good player at all, wasnt airdodging ur attacks, etc)

Nice olimar tho.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Nice Olimar ( that bowser was no Gimpy)

anyways i like the fact that you kept track of what Pikmin was next and that's a great thing to be ahead of.
But for my taste you full jumped a little too much.Jumping is great but for matches like that it's better to short hop, and that's why you missed alot of pikmin throws because you were too high.

Also when the bowser was in your face and you had your sheild when you saw he wasn't grabbing or even just right after he attacked the first thing you should have done was shield grab, but instead you just waited him out.
Overall though good vid. I would really like to see you play someone better.


Apr 10, 2008
to everyone I haven't commented to yet- I know my friend doesn't have a great bowser, but in his defense, he mains Zelda/Sheik and uses them MUCH more than this here bowser. (His sheik gives me a hard times) It's just good to play some different characters.

Protoman-I'll try to SH more. I see what your saying. I try to mix it up between SH and full jump b/c I don't want him to become too comfortable with one method I use to attack. If that happens, he'll learn how to counter much easily. I'll do what you recommend though and try it out.

I'll have some more videos of him as his better characters soon. (notably sheik. GAHH!!!) But in the meanwhile, It's not bad to post this one I uploaded is it?


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Not at all it's good because you get exposure and good crituiqes on how to improve still nice vid.

I'm in the process of getting everything to get some of my videos up.
But videography is harder than it sounds :(.


Apr 10, 2008
Not at all it's good because you get exposure and good crituiqes on how to improve still nice vid.

I'm in the process of getting everything to get some of my videos up.
But videography is harder than it sounds :(.
I believe you brotha!

Well, anyways, I got another two up of Zelda v Olimar. Sorry I won... Idk if I have one of me losing with olimar at least. :(
I messed up spacing a bunch so forgive me.


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
In the jawn, with the jawn.
Yeah the Second matches were better for the BOTH of you. You played more aggressive in the Zelda match than you didi in the Bowser match (for bovious reasons.) You should stick with your more aggressive style because that's what itr seems your more geared towards.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Hey, nice matches! Just watched the Zelda ones and you showed some very consistent, effective Olimar play. Also, for people who say Olimar has a bad recovery, your videos are a great example of how punishable Zelda's recovery is. You nail her every time she uses her UpB. So props on a refined Olimar!

I think working Usmash into your repertoire more would help. I remember our opinions on grabs over Usmash as best killer in that one thread, but Usmash could prevent Zelda from seeing those grabs coming so predictably. Course these matches could be an anomaly in your play in that respect.


Apr 10, 2008
Yeah the Second matches were better for the BOTH of you. You played more aggressive in the Zelda match than you didi in the Bowser match (for bovious reasons.) You should stick with your more aggressive style because that's what itr seems your more geared towards.
hmm..I always thought I was quite defensive. Well, guess I'm wrong eh?

Hey, nice matches! Just watched the Zelda ones and you showed some very consistent, effective Olimar play. Also, for people who say Olimar has a bad recovery, your videos are a great example of how punishable Zelda's recovery is. You nail her every time she uses her UpB. So props on a refined Olimar!
thanks. I'm trying to teach him to quit using that move to attack or approach or what ever.

I think working Usmash into your repertoire more would help. I remember our opinions on grabs over Usmash as best killer in that one thread, but Usmash could prevent Zelda from seeing those grabs coming so predictably. Course these matches could be an anomaly in your play in that respect.
uggh. Maybe later I can show some videos of me trying to use upsmash v Zelda or Sheik. Let's just say it doesn't work too well. In the meanwhile I'll try to use it more.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
New York
Just watched both of your Zelda vids, improvement on both sides. Try using your dthrow at lower percentages instead of your uthrow. Dthrow has less knockback leading into more combos, and if you time it right you can easily pull off 30 or so damage at the beginning and your opponent can't di out of it. Dthrow is for combos and the grab that should be used most often, bthrow should really be saved for blues at high percentages for kos, and up should be saved for purples at higher percentages. I personally rarely use fthrow. Also, even though I saw you do this, use your purples as projectiles often, since its great spacing and you can follow up with a smash or an aerial. Olimar's neutral air is also great since it has priority over many powerful attacks.

Great Olimar though, keep up the good work. My Olimar needs some work also, but these are things that I tend to do that have greatly improved my game.


Apr 10, 2008
Just watched both of your Zelda vids, improvement on both sides. Try using your dthrow at lower percentages instead of your uthrow. Dthrow has less knockback leading into more combos, and if you time it right you can easily pull off 30 or so damage at the beginning and your opponent can't di out of it. Dthrow is for combos and the grab that should be used most often, bthrow should really be saved for blues at high percentages for kos, and up should be saved for purples at higher percentages. I personally rarely use fthrow. Also, even though I saw you do this, use your purples as projectiles often, since its great spacing and you can follow up with a smash or an aerial. Olimar's neutral air is also great since it has priority over many powerful attacks.

Great Olimar though, keep up the good work. My Olimar needs some work also, but these are things that I tend to do that have greatly improved my game.
I'll keep those in mind. I don't use dthrow as much b/c you can DI out of it better with practice. My friend is pretty good at avoiding it. Against newer opponents I'll use it much more often, yes. If I jump and fair afterwards, he knows it's coming, so he'll use his much more powerful fair to blow me away. This is at higher percentages though(above say 40%?) Above say 50%, I'll start using other throws to get more damage from the throw. I think I need some more options rather than to throw them up or back, so sometimes I'll fthrow. Sometimes I wish I could just get 5 damage off and push them away or somethin instead of "staling" my moves. *cries*

Edit: v Wolf has been added.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
uggh. Maybe later I can show some videos of me trying to use upsmash v Zelda or Sheik. Let's just say it doesn't work too well. In the meanwhile I'll try to use it more.
Well true that, it depends on the matchup. Just making sure you haven't forgotten about it.

You did a good job against the Wolf spam too. You might want to experiment with UpB edgehogging against wolf. If you can time the invincibility frames right then he'll have a hard time making it back to the stage.


Apr 10, 2008
hmmm thanks WR, I'll explore this concept a bit more.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
I saw in a couple of your vids using the Nair, which is awesome, but only thing is you never followed it up if you used it and landed. After you nair use an upsmash or dsmash for great results. Good vids and stupid wolf lol Oh yea and if you grab at low percents ALWAYS dthrow for potential upsmash, fair, just for extra dmg. but like i said good vids entertaining to watch

Kabuto Mushi

Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Just watched your Wolf vid. Who does that guy main, anyway?

By the way, I noticed in that fight at one point early on you uair off the ledge. It misses, but I have to ask: would you say that strategy is better than just using your regular off the ledge attack? Or maybe it's more situational...

Also, I don't think you used Fsmash in that vid much or at all... that and Dsmash prolly woulda been useful to use when he was at high percents... right?


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2008
New York
You're still not hitting when you grab, its really important that you try and atleast get in 2-3 depending on their damage. Against a wolf spammer use your pikmin to block the laser, I saw you doing that a little but in other situations it would have worked as well.


Apr 10, 2008
Just watched your Wolf vid. Who does that guy main, anyway?

By the way, I noticed in that fight at one point early on you uair off the ledge. It misses, but I have to ask: would you say that strategy is better than just using your regular off the ledge attack? Or maybe it's more situational...
He mains Zelda/Sheik but he's better with sheik. I'm going to upload those a bit later cuz I got a bunch I have to upload for my pit and his zelda/sheik versus other characters I randomly played..

You're still not hitting when you grab, its really important that you try and atleast get in 2-3 depending on their damage. Against a wolf spammer use your pikmin to block the laser, I saw you doing that a little but in other situations it would have worked as well.
Oh, I haven't recorded any more videos from that day I recorded some. I'm still uploading from that one day. I recorded like 20 in two days. I'm still uploading them to youtube cuz they take forever. In about three weeks or so I'll post some of my more recent changes and such. But, for the meanwhile, I've just been uploading the ones I had in stock.

As for Wolf...he annoys me. He's totally not supposed to be in this game and I rejected him from the start. Anyways, yes, I've just started practicing more against him particularly the past few days. I'm getting better at what you said. :)


Apr 10, 2008
Is that all y'all got? Go ahead, flame my noobness. I can take it like CF. :)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
I didn't realize Shiek's needles did 18% - that's definitely worth trying to avoid. I would say this is really a very good shiek who knows how to avoid the f and d smashes. Like against the majority of characters, Olimar attacking an opponent below is really not in his favor. There were points when you just got juggled so try to avoid that. I'm having difficulty thinking of new ways to connect as that shiek plays very well defensively. Great job working her around the ledge.


Apr 10, 2008
Yes, I fear his sheik, it's quite the load to carry. She jumps sooo fast that it's very hard to time.
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