Spring 1901
Negotiating DMZ with Ryker. Thinking about how to best deal with OS/Ryker combo. Probably going to end up working with Ryker. Will likely talk to JDietz at some point.
Ryker and I have decided on going with the "Ship of the Desert" play to make it look like we're fighting each other. It will be entertaining.
Feb 19th
Decided to re-think the SoD play in favor of a more overt "**** this lying Austria" play. Dietz is supposed to be stabbing OS in Trieste early, so we've gone with a play to Rumania.
March 17th - Fall 1903
Forgot about this thing! The plan to ram OS went off without a hitch, and he fortunately decided that he was going to do whatever he can to make Dietz lose, which is great for me.
Ryker and I have been co-operating to the extent that we can, which at this point is basically just bouncing. OS helped me into the Ionian Sea, which was huge, and is now acting as a buffer between Ryker and I in Budapest. This is great for me, because it protects me from a stab, but not Ryker.
I've been in extensive contact with BSL (replaced Soup) about an initiative against Italy by sea, with the intent of me betraying Ryker soon. This would see Brad and I benefiting by warring on opposite sides of the map. He in the North with Ryker, and myself in the south.
Xatres has NMR'd twice and is now being replaced, which has caused some significant swings in power. Brad is in position to pick up Liverpool for free, regardless of RR replacing in. Ryker WOULD have been able to grab Edinburgh, but now will not be able to, as I'm definitely going to tell RR to bounce him.
England will be at 2 centres, but can at least be a thorn in Ryker's side a little longer.
Ryker has fortunately been making only marginal progress against Handorin, failing to grab Denmark a few turns in a row.
The Stab
I plan to stab Ryker very soon, as he will be the next major place for me to make headway. Thanks to some conniving, I managed to talk Ryker into moving to Rumania with his fleet, and then intentionally ****ing up a move to allow me into the Black Sea. At the time, this benefited our alliance, but I've of course held onto it both to maintain appearances and facilitate the coming stab.
If I can talk Ryker into attacking Vienna, which he has no reason not to do, then OS's support will get me into Trieste. This is also possible even if Ryker does not, but it would force JDietz to guess on if it is the OS/Ryker combo attacking Vienna, or the Raz/OS combo attacking Trieste.
If the Serbia army successfully gets into Trieste, the Bulgaria army will be following into Serbia behind it, netting me two centres, bringing me up to 7.
Instead of bouncing in Sevastopol as Ryker and I have been doing, I would instead move my Black Sea fleet to Rumania, netting a 3rd centre, bringing me up to 8, and Ryker down to 6. At that point, I build a second fleet in Ankara, an army in Constantinople, and a fleet in Smyrna. Probably.
At that point I control Trieste, Serbia and Rumania, but Rumania would be with a fleet. Problem is, he could reclaim it pretty quick with aid from Galicia or OS in Budapest. That might get messier than I want it to, and could allow Dietz to break into Budapest and cause trouble.
I may have to wait for next turn, when I have better positioning and can immediately defend the stab in Rumania. Ryker won't pick up a build, so I can be assured he won't be building in Sevastopol even if he does suspect it.
The southern situation with Brad and Dietz is a real mess that's going to result in a bunch of bounces, in all likelihood.
Dietz is in Piedmont, WestMed, Naples, and Apuila. Brad is in GoL and Spain, and I am in the Ionian Sea and Greece.
The Greece fleet is going to move to Albania for positioning and supporting the newly acquired Trieste. I could try to fill into the Ionian Sea, but that seems incredibly likely to just bounce. Last turn Dietz tried to move Naples-Tyr and Apuila-Naples, so it stands to reason that the Apuila fleet will just go to Naples. Venice is safe, and neither the Adriatic nor the Ionian is a logical move.
If he tries to go to the Ionian, then I can simply retreat to the Tyrrhenian, or Tunis, whichever he did not attempt to move to. So I'm pretty much guaranteed to keep the Ionian or be somewhere more threatening, with him being down a fleet next turn.
Naples is thus not a valid choice for my Ionian fleet.
If I go to the Tyrrhenian and bounce with Naples, then neither of his fleet move anywhere, but WestMed could cover Tunis, or take Spain if Dietz has balls of steel.
If I instead attempt Tunis, then I could get bounced by WestMed, which would allow him to successfully rotate to the Tyrrhenian unless Brad ALSO bounced him.
Horrible realization. Dietz has a defensive option select, if he realizes it. If Vienna & Trieste both attack
Case 1
Spain Holds
Piedmont - Marseilles
GoL - Marseilles
Bounce in Marseilles. Bounce in Tunis, Naples moves to Tyr, Apuila moves to Naples.
Net Centre change:
Raz - 0 (+2)
Deitz -
Fall 1904:
So, Dietz obviously didn;t see it coming, and I gained Trieste. Made good progress in the southern areas. In strong position right now.
[1:45:57 PM] DRB | Raziek: Sorry Gheb, this is the turn your country falls
[1:46:25 PM] Gabriel: it fell the moment OS laid his hands on it! <_<
[1:46:40 PM] DRB | Raziek: Yeah but I mean it's gonna be out of the game for good

[1:46:53 PM] Gabriel: oh wellz
[1:47:04 PM] DRB | Raziek: He only survives if Ryker support-holds it, which he has no reason to do
[1:47:15 PM] Gabriel: doesn't look like England or Germany will make it too much longer either
[1:47:29 PM] DRB | Raziek: Germany will probably break even this turn
[1:47:35 PM] DRB | Raziek: but yeah, he's not looking good
[1:48:08 PM] Gabriel: i noticed that ryker didn't bounce your move into sevastopol
[1:48:14 PM] Gabriel: what's up with that?
[1:48:22 PM] DRB | Raziek: Ryker didn't submit any moves, because he's a dummy
[1:48:28 PM] Gabriel: lel
[1:48:29 PM] DRB | Raziek: had a whole week, left it to the last minute
[1:48:39 PM] Gabriel: good for you
[1:48:47 PM] Gabriel: but also good for brad
[1:49:19 PM] DRB | Raziek: I'm keeping Sevastopol, prooooobably getting Budapest, and possibly also Rumania
[1:49:31 PM] DRB | Raziek: Well, I'll definitely get one or the other
[1:49:39 PM] DRB | Raziek: but I could get all 3
[1:49:51 PM] DRB | Raziek: If I can convince Ryker not to use Galicia to support-hold
[1:50:16 PM] DRB | Raziek: Probably going to try to sell him that I'm going to give him Budapest
[1:50:22 PM] DRB | Raziek: and then take it myself anyway
[1:50:58 PM] DRB | Raziek: I COULD bounce Brad out of Tunis, but that just strains tensions with an ally and gains me nothing. I'm just going to take it from Brad NEXT turn instead.
[1:51:18 PM] DRB | Raziek: Let him have it this turn, then sneak into it behind him as he leaves it next turn
[1:51:59 PM] Gabriel: well
[1:52:23 PM] Gabriel: assuming that you will face open confrontation with ryker soon
[1:52:43 PM] DRB | Raziek: I will be in open confrontation with him after this turn.
[1:53:15 PM] Gabriel: wouldn't it be wise to let Dietz do his thing or even support him somewhat?
[1:53:36 PM] Gabriel: otherwise Brad can just pick up Italy, England and Germany in the next few turns
[1:53:44 PM] Gabriel: and from then on he'd probably overpower both you and Ryker
[1:54:06 PM] DRB | Raziek: Not really. Dietz does not benefit at all from an Alliance with me or Brad, so he could only turn to Ryker to work together against me or Brad
[1:54:40 PM] Gabriel: so you're left with Hando as a potential alliance partner?
[1:54:47 PM] DRB | Raziek: Brad does not have as strong a footing as he wants vs. Dietz yet, and Hando is putting up resistance there.
[1:55:00 PM] DRB | Raziek: And yes, though it would be purely philosophical for the moment
[1:55:15 PM] DRB | Raziek: we cannot directly support each other, but me attacking Ryker takes pressure off of Hando
[1:55:40 PM] Gabriel: so with Ryker missing his turn and not foreseeing your move against him
[1:55:55 PM] Gabriel: that still leaves Brad with the best cards for the moment, right?
[1:56:10 PM] Gabriel: with you probably overpowering ryker next turn?
[1:56:31 PM] DRB | Raziek: Nah, I'm ahead of Brad right now
[1:57:01 PM] DRB | Raziek: We have the same number of centres, but my positioning is way better and I'm picking up at minimum 2 more this turn
[1:57:14 PM] Gabriel: his direct opposition is weaker though
[1:57:28 PM] DRB | Raziek: Yes, but his forces in those areas are not sufficient to overpower
[1:57:38 PM] DRB | Raziek: Ruy only has 2 units, but Brad only has the 2 fleets there
[1:57:50 PM] DRB | Raziek: Hando only has 4, but Brad only has the 2 armies there
[1:58:01 PM] DRB | Raziek: Dietz has 5, but Brad only has the army and fleet
[1:58:07 PM] DRB | Raziek: He's fighting on three fronts
[1:58:17 PM] DRB | Raziek: Where I fight only on two, Ryker & Dietz
[1:59:21 PM] Gabriel: so basically, all you have to do is make sure that Brad doesn't conquer german territory too fast and that you conquer italy before he does
[1:59:23 PM] DRB | Raziek: Once I have Sevastopol I'm going to build an Army in Ankara, and then perform a rotation where I do Sevastopol fleet -> Black Sea, Armenia -> Sevastopol. Sevastopol probably bounces, but then Black Sea supports it in.
[1:59:26 PM] DRB | Raziek: Correct!
[1:59:31 PM] Gabriel: and fight off ryker in the meantime
[2:00:11 PM] DRB | Raziek: hmm, ****. I just realized a flaw in my plan
[2:00:22 PM] DRB | Raziek: If I force Ryker out of Rumania, he goes into the Black Sea.
[2:00:45 PM] DRB | Raziek: I need to set up Fleet Constantinople to facilitate the rotation
[2:01:02 PM | Edited 2:01:06 PM] DRB | Raziek: So Aegean -> Constantinople, instead of Greece.
[2:01:15 PM] DRB | Raziek: That way I can force him out of the Black Sea.
April 7th, 1904 Retreat
Went for the triple, and succeeded. Ryker believed that I was going to help him into Galicia and moved accordingly. I have seized Sevastopol, Rumania, and Budapest, all in one fell swoop.
3 builds. Building a fleet in either Ankara or Constantinople, so I can eliminate Ryker from the Black Sea. (If he retreats to it.) Probably Fleet Ankara, Armies in Constantinople and Smyrna. Smyra will move to Armenia, Ankara will support Sevastopol into Black Sea (or vice versa), Constantinople will hold, or move to Bulgaria. Will need to make all areas contested in some manner.
Brad guessed wrong on Portugal/Spain, which means Dietz still has 5, instead of being down to 4. Not awful. Stalls Brad a bit, which is currently more important.
Ryker is likely going to reach to Dietz for help now, which could be a problem. Will see how the situation develops.
April 14th, 1905 Spring
Ryker kept the Black Sea as expected, choosing to destroy his Denmark unit for reasons unknown to me. I built as planned, with Fleet Ankara, Armies in Con/Smy. The plan for this turn is primarily repositioning.
In order to destroy the Black Sea fleet, I am executing the following set of moves:
Ankara support Sevastopol to Black Sea
Sev - Bla
Smyrna to Armenia
Constantinople to Bulgaria
Greece to Bulgaria (Deliberate bounce contests Bulgaria AND Constantinople)
Rumania support Budapest to Galicia.
Budapest to Galicia.
This means that Black Sea will have nowhere to go, and any support it tries to provide will be cut. It could only survive if it went to Rumania, but it cannot do that, as Budapest is cutting Galicia's possible support.
The variable for this turn is Dietz. Because Budapest is moving to Galicia, I must either choose to cover Budapest with Serbia, or use Serbia to support-hold Trieste from a possible Venice + Vienna attack. I am choosing to support-hold Trieste, as that would be the harder position to recover from.
I will only lose Trieste if Brad betrays me, and Dietz would have to predict that I will be leaving Budapest uncovered, which would be questionable, given how easily I could support it.
Once I've destroyed the Black Sea, I can finish rotating my forces around and prep for an assault on Moscow/Warsaw next turn.
April 17th, 2014 - Fall 1905
Spring's results are a mixed bag.
The Good - Plan to destroy Ryker's Black Sea fleet went off without a hitch. He attempted to move to Rumania, which I had accounted for and destroyed him. Dietz has successfully been further disrupted by Brad muscling into Venice, and Brad is being further disrupted by Dietz being in Portugal and Piedmont.
The Bad - Ryker for sure gets a build in Moscow at the end of this turn. Worst-case, he also gets one in Warsaw, should he retain Munich and NOT lose Denmark. Handorin has essentially been completely dismembered. After this turn, he will hold either Kiel or Munich, not both, most likely. Brad, while disrupted, has 3 potential centers he's picking up this turn. Holland (Guaranteed), Venice/Rome, and possibly London, meaning he'll be sitting at 9, maybe 10. It is possible for him to lose Marseilles or Spain, which would keep him at 8/9.
My Options
Several moves are self-explanatory.
BLA Convoy CON - RUM
That encompasses the previously planned-for rotation of forces.
The rest comes down to positioning on the respective fronts. I cannot push into Galicia without allowing Ryker to retreat into the currently vacant Vienna, so that's out. Can't count on Handorin attempting to move there instead of reclaiming Munich. So....
Budapest shall move for Vienna. If successful, free build! If not, I bounced Dietz, Hando, or Ryker out of it, and covered Budapest in the process.
Dietz has no reason to go to the Adriatic, so this is my chance to rotate there. Trieste can fill in there, and Serbia moves up into Trieste.
That leaves the Ionian Sea, and Greece.
Ionian has 3 main options. Attack Naples, attack Tunis, or attack the Tyrrhenian.
Attacking the Tyrrhenian will almost certainly fail due to bouncing with Brad, so that's out.
Attacking Tunis is a big red '**** you' to Brad, and I'm not quite in the position where I want to do that yet.
So I guess that leaves Naples by default.
Greece can move to Albania, to set up for covering Trieste, or it can go to the Aegean for a Spring convoy into Tunis/Italy. Albania makes much more sense, I can defend 3 areas of my front from there.