•Don't use >B so much, as if it fails there is ending lag, in which case you'll get hit--maybe killed. Charging it is typically a fail as a good player will dodge it in some way, or punish you.
•Don't use Nair to the extent that you have been. It's an excellent KO move once they've accumulated enough damage. It's also very effective when attacking off the platform. For example, when the enemy is attempting to recover jump off the platform and greet them with a finishing Nair. Very useful. I say don't spam it so often because the more you do, the weaker it gets (and with less knock-back). Stale moves... Save it for the KO...
•Use Utilt more, as it is a great combo starter. From Utilt, you can short-hop and do Uairs repeatedly, touching down on the ground again and once again proceeding with more Utilts and Uairs, it's an amazing way to rack up damage. This works on all characters, but some better than others. If you get good at this, it's all very annoying to the enemy as it's quite difficult to avoid... seeing as how his Utilt and Uair come out with amazing speed.
•I'd recommend using you're legitimate recover (^B) rather than continually using >B. For all the reasons I've stated before.
•Spam neutral B more (thunder jolts) It stops the enemy's advancement, and allows you to move in. For example, it stops the annoying Snake dash. Force the enemy to move where you want them.. Mind games.
•Good use of lightening, it's important to get really good at this move, as it's amazing. A few ways to lead into lighting is after a series of u-tilts, or, more notably, immediately after a Uthrow. This can be DIed out of course, but in the grand scheme of things, you'll be able to pull it off more often than you think.
•Nice use of forward, and down smashes. Pika's downsmash is amazing in that it pulls the enemy inwards, has decent range, and lasts for a long duration. It's a great way to rack up damage.
•Nice use of grabs overall, especially the chaingrabs. Another nice grab combo that I use is Dthrow to short-hopped Nair or Uair chain. Try it out.
Nice match.
btw, what's QACing? THis is my first visit to the Pika section of the forums... Thanks