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critique my Ike

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
Arlington Heights, IL
--A bit too much FSmash in some of those matches. On multiple occasions you got interrupted before the attack could come out or you got punished for the lag. Not saying to never use it...just be careful :D

--Learn to get out of Dair spam :o Noticed you tried attacking out of it but you got hit with more Dairs. Airdodging, jumping, teching, or shielding are all options available to you.

--QD recoveries didn't work out so well fo you there. Learn the distance you can recover with Aether.

--On two occasions you fell of the ledge and Dair'd. I don't know if it was an accident or not, but in any event...you will ALWAYS die from that...only should be used if it's for a desperation KO on the last stock or something :o

--Your timings of Eruption at the edge need to be altered slightly. That's just something that takes practice. Most of the time you won't be able to hit them before they sweetspot the ledge, so try anticipating a ledge attack or a ledgehopped aerial and use the SA to its potential.

--You almost always use Nair as an approach. Don't be predictable :D Fairs are a nice alternate option for you to use.

--Overall not too bad...try mixing in some more jabs and grabs into you game. Keep it up.


Smash Rookie
Jul 30, 2008
I'll break it down from vid to vid:

1st Vid

You use the A,A,A nicely, but you should try and make it to a five hit combo. When you do the second A press down AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE and than when you do the A,A,A all three will land. Deals decent damage. Only downfall is that, for me anyways, it does not work as well on short characters (i.e. Lucas) than will tallers folks.

You used f-smash nicely, but also that Ganon was being careless and got hit with the two of them too easily. They could have easily been avoided. fsmash leaves you way open for some punishment and possible knockouts. Try using U-smash. It has lots of range and covers your body 180.

2nd Vid:

I still can't do Ike's edge-gurad-game good. You need more practice it seems since I think I know what you were trying to do. Again try and use u-smash more. air-neutral is your friend. bair is ike's high knockout moves. quick and fast. Besides that nothing else to say.

3rd Vid:

f-air is a greta way to try and go in while keeping out of reach. Use it more like you were towards the end. It looked like you know the grab-down than up-B combo. It usually always hits on low percentages except for the smart people that know how to fight Ike. Once again up-smash is your friend.

Also for me my egde-guarding game sucks. More work before you try things. I think you died once when you should have not. Also int he edge if you do down-A and it hits they die. Even at low percentages.

4th Vid:

42 seconds in perfect use of up-smash. Run than use up-tilt perfect.

Dash A has GREAT range. If you get knocked out and its not high its a guaranteed knockout.

Besides that just practice practice. Also forward-A is a high percent kill.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
--A bit too much FSmash in some of those matches. On multiple occasions you got interrupted before the attack could come out or you got punished for the lag. Not saying to never use it...just be careful :D

--Learn to get out of Dair spam :o Noticed you tried attacking out of it but you got hit with more Dairs. Airdodging, jumping, teching, or shielding are all options available to you.

--QD recoveries didn't work out so well fo you there. Learn the distance you can recover with Aether.

--On two occasions you fell of the ledge and Dair'd. I don't know if it was an accident or not, but in any event...you will ALWAYS die from that...only should be used if it's for a desperation KO on the last stock or something :o

--Your timings of Eruption at the edge need to be altered slightly. That's just something that takes practice. Most of the time you won't be able to hit them before they sweetspot the ledge, so try anticipating a ledge attack or a ledgehopped aerial and use the SA to its potential.

--You almost always use Nair as an approach. Don't be predictable :D Fairs are a nice alternate option for you to use.

--Overall not too bad...try mixing in some more jabs and grabs into you game. Keep it up.
thanks very helpful

i noticed the recovery thing too and yea and yea that dair was an accident

edit: thanks roxxas


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Kirk pretty much covered what I was going to talk about but I would like to add that you aren't using Ftilt as much so try and work that into your game as well.


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
one thing i noticed, was when you were too far out for up special recovery, you tried to use quickdraw but you failed...it may be just me but I've found a couple options for recovery:
a. use a rising QD, like jump and as you're rising, do side-b so that way you have upward momentum for the charge, and if you release then you go downward but gives you a greater chance to reach the edge. now this is easily edgehogg-able, but you can also try to aim for the stage this way.
b. since using an attack gets you out of the tumbling animation faster, and i think fair is the only one that doesnt give you downward momentum but is still fast, you can fair toward the stage, i.e. opposite the direction you went flying, and that way you save your jump for when you're closer to the stage, and even use two fairs, one for momentum, and two as a defense to prevent them from coming after you.
c. air dodge when you go flying before anything since ike has laggy moves (avoid nair when offstage at all costs, that one sucks) that way you can then aerial and DI in the direction of the stage to help you get back safely

nice ike, you had some jab cancels, but like roxxas said use them more fully potential like 5 hit combos, or even 2 hit-grab (i saw a little of)

one more thing: NEVER ROLL from a gannon's murder choke, it sets up for another, and you did this a fair bit, just some advice.

sorry if i came off mean but you had a nice ike, similar to mine, but yes tilts are your friends. never fsmash when they would be at around 100% after an attack; ftilt does the same job very nicely, with less lag


Smash Journeyman
Jun 22, 2008
Toms River, New Jersey
i only watched one video but, use the Nair- into the fair.

use your foward B to fake our your opponent.

and.. Short hop to Fast fall while nairing, it still gives the full range of nair, but gets you to the ground faster. but overall

good ike.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
thank you thank you

guys is adhd bad? i posted it on other boards not focused on smash and they said hes sucks?


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Phoenix, Arizona
i dont think so, it seems he know a great deal about gannon ( i assume its his main or one of them) and maybe ike vs gannon is bad for ike but still he seemed above avg to me...
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