Unlimited potentional for anything at your very fingertips, and you make a straight line.
I know...I'll mix every (GOOD) Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Metroid, Star Fox, Kirby, Fire Emblem, EarthBound/MOTHER, Game and Watch, Ice Climber, Kid Icarus, Animal Crossing, Megaman, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Bomberman, F-Zero, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Resident Evil, Smash Bros., and Wii series game into one.
The result will be falling crates, random Pokémon dancing in the background, A Star Fox dog fight above, Animal Crossing houses to the left, TP's Hyrule Castle Town to the right, Kraid front and center, behind a Pokémon Stadium Billboard, with Mother Brain next to him, those block things from Wisper Woods Melee stage (minus the explosives), giant platform that rocks and rolls with volcanic fires and ashes below the stage, EarthBound/MOTHER New Pork City houses to the absolute right, Game and Watch platforms towards the top left, top center, and top right. Then some Icicle Mountains to the absolute right, Clouds below the main platform, that Smashville moving platform below, Megaman type platforms going up, Pokémon Stadium stands, with Miis in the stands by the thousands, applauding. Then there are also Metal Gears in the background, random magical explosions, bombs in the background, fireworks, a F-Zero race scene to the right (and a F-Zero Mute city platform below the top left, top right, and top center G&W platforms.
Then a classic fighting stage, where you have to get killed upwards basically to die, except two gaps (in basically the exact placement as Whisper Woods Melee stage, minus the blocks, which are on the moving platform below). Then you got lava below, changing times really fast (really fast...like it goes 24 hours in like 3-5 minutes). You got on the Pokémon Screen the scores, then fight scenes from all the other stages, on the most epic scale. And the stage does not move or transform, outside of the moving platform below, and the barrel cannon that goes by really, really fast from left to right right below it. O, and no random enemies appearances, and the lava never effects the battle.
Basically, it looks like this:
-- = platform
0 = barell cannon
b = blocks
c = Skyworld-like cloub (coverage)
>>> = moving direction(s)
-- ------------ --
--- >>>>>>>>>>>>>
KO Zone
O, and btw, the platform to platform distance is about the distance between the main floor and 1st level of platforms of battlefield, and then one level higher of equal length, clouds right beneath the main platform, a moving platform at about double the length from the main platform to the moving lower platform, and a barell cannon just literally a 2 to 4 feet below that.
So ya, I shall play it online with a really, really, really fast computer, and I shall dub it "The Lag Machine". Good luck facing me on my dream stage. And the music...basically I recorded all the Brawl and Melee's soundtrack (Smashing...Live!) songs, and they go by, finishing one after another. Good luck NOR LAGGING ONLINE AGAINST ME! There's only a space battle, a bunch of giant beasts moving, Miis I made, a giant staidum, blocks (that randomly reappear), clouds that appear, disappear, and reappear, a fast 900 mph race, changing songs, changing screens on the big screen, a fast moving barell cannon, lava, moving people, people outside their houses, a moving platform, and me presssing as many buttons to lag you out. HAHA, I WIN!