For those who care: This is called a substitution cipher. It has three parts:
The Ciphertext: This is the scrambled message. It's what you start out with.
The Plaintext: This is the solution. It is the message in plain english.
The Key: The key is the mapping between ciphertext to plaintext.
This is a
monoalphabetic substitution cipher, which is one of the easiest kinds. It has one single mapping as the key. So, for instance, we the letter 'F' in the ciphertext might map to 'L' in the plaintext. This mapping will remain constant for the entire message.
Substitution ciphers are cracked by using statistical analysis. English is highly non-random, as anyone who has watched Wheel of Fortune will know. The frequencies for the english letters are as follows:
So you tally up all of the ciphertext letters and look at their frequency distribution and try to match it up to the corresponding English distribution. (IE: The most frequent letter will be E, then T, etc...) More specifically, you want to minimize the total difference between distributions. Which is something easily done with a computer program.
The statistical attack gets more potent the longer the ciphertext is. This puzzle seems to imply that making it longer makes it harder, but it's actually the other way around.