1) The xbox sells better in america, the wii sells better in japan. Microsoft targets the same kind of people with their console (generalization) while a big chunk of the ppl who just recently hoped on the Wii-owner bandwagon might have done so because they found WiiSports, warioware and mini-game based games of the sort to be very appealing, refreshing and fun. To actually say if SSBB could become as big as Halo, you'd first have to approximate the fraction of these wii-owners who will actually find much interest in SSBB since that is not the kind of game that actually got them tangled up in Nintendo's net in the first place. 75% of the 360 owners might buy halo3 (throwing random numbers here), I'd say around 55% for SSBB.
Actually, the Wii has oldsold the 360 all this year in America. And to say that it sells "better" in Japan is an understatement. Has it even cracked 100,000 units yet?
I’d say 55% is about right… for this fall. But in the next six years? I’d say it could go as high as 80%. Halo has a ton of competition on 360 (there’s kinda a lot of online shooters..) but Brawl will reamin the best multiplayer game on the Wii for the next 6 years. And on any console, really.
2) Halo controls are easy to grasp o,o. And yeah, its not a big leap from mario party to SSBB, but that's not the point. Will they find much interest in it, will they seek for more knowledge about the game, will they find us, will our community be able to grow to halo's proportions? Online play is one of the various factors that got the Halo community together. We had to work around that, but is that really how things should be?
Have you ever tried to train a casual gamer to use a dual analogue control scheme? It's like giving a power drill to a monkey. Bad things happen...
A game doesn't have to have a community to be huge, Bento. It just has to sell a ton. And when all the Wii Sports gamers look at the cover of Brawl, they’ll think. “Oh look, it’s Mario. I like Mario Party 8, so Samsh bros must be the same.” It doesn’t hurt that they can use the Wii remote to waggle their way to victory.
3) And that says alot about the console as a whole, the quality of games you can expect from it, their replay value and the lack of great franchises/3rd party support (yes, a new Mario is coming out, now who didn't see that coming? >_>). The hardcore gamer will ask himself what the console has to offer before blindly wasting his money. As I've said many times, the Wii really doesn't have much to offer. And remember that Nintendo still has a bad image to get rid of.
Dude, it’s on!
Although casual gamers are the reason why the Wii will outsell all other consoles this generation (there are more of them, after all) it still has a ton to offer self proclaimed “hardcore” gamers as well. And if you compare the wii’s first year to the 360’s first year, the Wii actually offers more quality titles.
Twilight Princess, Redident Evil 4: Wii Edition, and Prime 3 have all received incredible reviews and, speaking first hand, they are must buy titles. Super Paper Mario, Trauma and Mario Strikers Charged are totally worth playing as well. And unless you lack a soul, Wii Sports and Wario Ware are a blast at parties.
Then of course, there are the metric butt load of quality virtual console games available on Wii. Zelda NES for 5 bucks? 5 Player Bomberman ‘93 for 6 bucks? Super Metroid for 8 bucks? Paper Mario 64 for 10 bucks? There are some great deals there.
In the next 3 months we have Mario Galaxy, Battaleon Wars 2, Fire Emblem and Guitar Hero 3. Next year we’ll get the awesomness that is No More Heroes (
http://www.gametrailers.com/player/13332.html) Final Fantasy: Crystal Bearers, and Mario Kart.
Not that any of that matters. Brawl alone makes the Wii a must buy for people who love quality games.