In order for our "results" to be accurate to testing the idea that you can "set up" the nine, all reports for any given set will have to be the same method each time you use judgement hammer.
Here's a little something I wanted to try out, scan over these sets of numbers and see if you notice anything special:
On FD, opposite side of stage standing towards, versus Yoshi: 4375679471857346281256125961392542164134257263
On FD, opposite side of stage standing towards, versus Zelda/Sheik:
On PS, vs Marth, hitting him:
EDIT: We're talking about a theory here, guys. Don't be a douche and dismiss all theories as false just because you want to look cool in front of the kids. If you don't want to be involved in contributing to proving or disproving the theory, then stay out of the thread, simple as that. We've done nothing wrong to have this thread locked.
EDIT 2: Looking over the numbers, it kinda goes along with the theory that any given number can only appear again after two more hammers to reset the counter for that number. If the random number generator can't omit numbers to be generated (that'd take a bit more coding than just using if-else for non-omissions), that means that every time you hit the same number in the RNG within three hits in a row (9, 8, 9,) the second 9 would have to be changed. If this happened, I doubt they'd have it cycle through the RNG again, because that'd add another cycle to the processor, which could add up to visible lag in some strange cases, so the only logical way to do it would to be to use an algorithm to change the 9 into something else. Perhaps they would go back so many numbers in the list of previous numbers to another, or perhaps they'd run it through an equation to make it something else, etc, but no matter how they do it, if this is the case, this would be the first step to determining what's coming next.
If that paragraph was too confusing, let me try to break it down:
Do three hammers in a row. If the numbers are, in fact, randomized, as everyone seems to want to believe, then it'd be a lot easier to do this:
- Choose a random number 1 through 9.
- If it's the same number as one of the previous, change it to something else without running this loop again.
Than to do this:
- If the last number was 1, choose a random number 2 through 9.
- If the last number was 2, choose a random number 2 through 9. If it's 2, subtract 1.
etc. This isn't the only method to do it, this is just an example.
And this wouldn't work, because it'd add more frames to the animation:
- Generate 1 through 9.
- If it's the same number as one of the previous, go to previous line and start over.
Of course, this is hypothetical, and it would be possible to make it to omit random numbers from the generation in the first place, it'd just take more work to do than the simple "generate, throw out if already used."
EDIT 3: We can pretty much eliminate the idea that the numbers are derived in a pattern format, since every time you hard reset without saving, you'll get a different set of numbers. This shifts the idea of "controlling the 9" over to the idea of "manipulating the frequency at which certain numbers are randomly chosen." Although I don't think we should completely throw out the pattern idea, because we're not seeing every scenario here. I assume the general concept of what we've been hoping for is judgement hammer is random UNLESS a certain requirement is met, which would then put it into a pattern format (whether it be all 9s or a combination of numbers.) If this is the case, there'll have to be a lot more testing than just standing still, jumping, or anything done so far.