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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
-V- check out my video contribution to the advancement of the Kirby community:


everyone else - watch it anyway
Uhhhm cute x3

<3 IT STARTED OUT A ROUGH SKETCH, i promise ROFL. i just can't do anything without clean lines *cries* <3 u must show me ur costume design now >:D
Yeah I'm doing Chikusa from reborn, i'll need to throw down some sketches too. Yours are awful nice though.

i'm in my dorm at ccsu. if u wanna bring a set up over here then fel free.w e can play

lol. one of the best? not in brawl, maybe in that other game. call me 203 654 0076
Uhhhm Well I go to the gibbs college in uhhh this giant plaza thing next to a mobile gas station... I don't know if that's near you.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
hm, watertown...

this really beautiful girl i jus met said she lived there...
HAHAHAHAHAH Do it up man, whatever motivates you more, lmao. A chick has the power to do that, pretty amazing if you ask me. I wonder what other things we would do for some action. Anyone got some opinions?


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
wes ill play with you (mario kart) probably tommorow though

in other news there was a free melee tourny on a laggy projecter and i got first and won 30 to game crazy ^_^ only one person knew what they were doing and it was amazing.

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
wes ill play with you (mario kart) probably tommorow though

in other news there was a free melee tourny on a laggy projecter and i got first and won 30 to game crazy ^_^ only one person knew what they were doing and it was amazing.
Sweeeeet. Budai and I just played for a good hour. I seriously love this game. :"{

Need to unlock Dry Bowser, though.


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
im missing a bunch of characters ive only unlocked boo mii costume and i think a few more but dont remember them


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
Yeah that was some fun stuff. Definitely glad I got that game and I've only played it for an hour or so! I haven't played it much yet since I'm on my friend's Wii and you can't transfer Mario Kart data :-\ . Once my Wii comes in a couple weeks I'll be playin Smash and Kart soo much more.

Cat Fight

Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2008
Bloomfield, NJ
Yeah that was some fun stuff. Definitely glad I got that game and I've only played it for an hour or so! I haven't played it much yet since I'm on my friend's Wii and you can't transfer Mario Kart data :-\ . Once my Wii comes in a couple weeks I'll be playin Smash and Kart soo much more.
Can't you move the data from the Wii onto the SD card? Or no? 'Cause this is actually not my Wii either... so I'mma be pist if I can't.

I read you can transfer yr Mii to another Wii, so maybe that'll work?


Smash Champion
May 29, 2007
i think u can copy to another wii with an sd...i know with brawl you cant cuz its locked


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2007
Stratford, CT
I've heard you can't copy data to an SD if the game has online capabilities. I know for a fact you can't with Brawl and GH3 since I've tried it (and read about it), so I assumed Mario Kart wouldn't work too, though haven't tried it yet. I guess I'll go make sure.

edit: tried copying to an SD card and it didn't work. It's possible sending the Mii would work, since each file in Mario Kart is linked to a Mii, but I dunno for sure. I'm just gonna wait to unlock stuff since after tomorrow I won't be able to play for a while due to graduation+vacation+parties+etc.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
i dont really like scrolling through all the posts >_>
hi jam!
lets hang out sometime.

=O! you should come to alex's or something!
This will happen soon.

In other news, I'm glad my wife has gotten me into watching the telenovelas on the spanish channels. So much cleavage.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 23, 2005
Silas, you should really play hardcore team deathmatch. Its completely different than regular modes. Playing regular team deathmatch is like playing with items on you nub. When I get back up to CT for the weekend we should play some if my roommate still has his x-box there.

I know I'm going through CoD withdrawl because I had another dream last night where I was in one of the levels. Last week I had one where I was in Crossfire and this lady challenged me to a sword fight or else she was going to kill the woman I loved. And then last night I dreamt I was in the Chinatown map and there was this lady with a 300 pound cat. Then I was drunk and went to pee on her lawn and she unleashed the cat on me lol

does anyone else have dreams that take place in video game levels but are completely different than whats normally there? lol idk maybe my imagination is tainted...
let me know when you want to play team hardcore. i used to have runescape dreams every often. sometimes i'd have halo/CoD dreams, just nowhere near as likely.

Yr right... pretty much everyone in my school is so desperate that they fool around with the middle school girls. *throws up*

Only like 20 more days and I graduate. 8}
that's silly, and grats sir, what's next?

I REALLY want to get Resident Evil 5 and I also think the first one was the best of the whole series.
Also sorry I didn't call yesterday Silas I got held up at work and then had other lame things to attend to
:0( maybe another time?
how about 2mro? and yeah res evil 5 will be fun. you double post alot, don't be worried if i start punching you when we chill.

one of them being snake becaause Fox needs a threat to his high tier rank in melee. Of course fox would still own him. x3
o rly?

Now all he has to say is FF6 is a great game and your socialization into the NE community will be complete.
DID SOMEONE MENTION FF6 WHILE JAM WASN'T AROUND!?!??! oh nvm he beat me to it., gg sir

hey everybody lets smoke crack yeah!
ok, wanna stop by 2mro?

A normal day when playing Brawl:

Turn on the wii. Think to yourself, "Why aren't I playing Melee?".
Select Snake as your character. Snake is fun.
Your friend selects Metaknight. Metaknight is not fun.
Start the match. Mortar Slide across the stage. Mortar slide is straight.
Your friend tornados across the stage. Tornado is gay.
F tilt and up tilt to your victory. Tilts are evil.
Your friend uses up b. Up b is the devil.
Tilts don't kill until medium percents.
Up b kills at zero.
Ask your friend, "Why aren't we playing Melee?"
He responds, "Because Melee is broken."
"Oh", you say, "then could you change your character?"
i liked this

I like using Falco the most in Brawl. He's so fun.


Multiquote is fun.
glad you caught it.
and yes, yes it is.

Hey, why is the world ignoring my question, and I have another question world.... How do you multi quote? OH wait one more question.... Why am I calling you guys world?
swf is effectively all the important people in the world(joke, sorry guys). multiquote next to quote, quote for the last one. it's my favorite part of this forum, not sure if anyone can tell.

multi quote is right next to the quote option, click it to highlight it and then click the regular quote on the next post u wanna quote son
oh tim is so cool

you should play me moon-doggie
@ alex's house. hey what a great idea!

i dont play online i have no patience for the lag.
lan adapter, it's fantastic

The Cort combo is ftilt in NYC

D=. And yes your probably right but do what silas did get a lan adapter, On my second note I FRIGGIN MULTIQUOTE IM A BEEAAAAAAST. Of course total exageration but for me this is a time to remember.
man, i'm a beast of beasts, now that i look at it

and even though Alex got a LAN adapter his connection online will only be as good as the slowest one. It's not like someone with a poopy internet connection will all of a sudden play near lagless with Alex just because he has a LAN adapter.
but the lag for w/e reason was my fault, so me having a lan adapter makes it so i can't be the bad one. so long as all guilt is taken from me, i could care less if they were slow or not. in any case, being as fast as them is usually enough. i haven't had any lag with the adapter vs anyone yet.

thank me for posting after you and having my coolness aura rub on you.
that's awesome

Like EVERY NIGHT I play with them I learn more and more and more and more.

My edge guarding game against the space animals has drastically improved.

There are still plenty of flaws in my game but I'm getting better and better and better and better.

Melee > Brawl > any other game on the Wii (minus Wii Sports)
playing better people helps learn things.
jab/ftilt, down b, it's so fun/easy!. fsmash when ready, nom nom
it's a great feeling
res evil 4 for wii was pretty sweet

u guys playin brawl?
yea u wanna play?
lets see how u do without advanced tactics
mortar slide
WTF??! stop using cheap tactics
ok... shield, ftilt, shield utilt, etc, etc...
yea i'm kind of amazing
no more snake
ok... ice climbers... grab.. grab... grab.... fair spike
... fux you....
we should play melee
...fux you...
i liked this alot too, go bernard

i heard though you could send Nintendo a picture of it and they would send you MP gloves for free haha.
that's amazing

That person is stupid.
that's jason/m2k/mewtwoking

free iced coffee at dunkin donuts
i heard they struggled at my store without me, hardcore.

also, my misa costume is going to be sooo hoooot
if it's not, things will be thrown. consider this a warning.

Personally, that's scary. Anyone got more posts then cort?
now that would be scary

I'm sure Alex wouldn't have minded.
by the time you were done saying if you wanted cream or sugar in it, it'd already be in your hand. and i'd do it with a smile. nom nom

Btw guys I think i passed all my class :D **** yeah!
good work sir

Who else is out for college vaca?
*raises hand*

my blanket is soft

my cosplay sketch is coming out neattttooo

i love drawing headless girls
i love blankets. post unfinished sketch? or go faster? headless saves alot of trouble

old designs:


SPEED RACER COSTUME! Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
some kid at MM had a speed racer costume, right?

sketch 2? this is my official costewm

except, ill be wearing shorts beneath lewl, as i do with all skirts
neat. wearing shorts is the best idea, especially around video gamers.

Dear Alex- Add Runicwings to the punch list.
i had him from when he posted it a while back, no worries despite my not actively trolling, the trolling is still being done.

I was with Alex last night and he did not punch me. We were having too much fun being stoned at Stop and Shop and being amazed at the coupon dispensers. haha haha
you were amused, i was hungry. also, i'm waiting for enough punches that i don't need to stop after the first couple. that way it can be more like assault.

you're only reminding him.
an alex never forgets...unless high

today was neat. saw acidx for the first time in too long. who wants to do things 2mro?

updated punch list, nana has no remorse

trademark - 2(TP), 1
spawn - 1
dazwa - 2
poffy - 2
laijin - 1
mike - 2(TP), 5
paul - 2(TP), 3
lil - 2
khaly - 1
DD - 1
jam - 1
-nana- - 5
Moondoggie - 1

i dont really like scrolling through all the posts >_>
hi jam!
lets hang out sometime.

=O! you should come to alex's or something!
you should try reading the posts...like i do. but jam should be here all the time, ps what are you doing soon jam? i will stop by.
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