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Community Mafia: El final


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
i like how swiss says "no one is antagonizing you, swords" and then process to say, "this is, unfortunately, how swords scumhunts"

also, what about dark pappy charles?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
We also semi-regularly hold Newbie Games, in which the players are 3/4 completely new players. These games are not designed to teach new players how to become the best, but instead to simply introduce them to the game and for them to see if they would like to play more in the future. If there is enough interest in one, I will ask an established and reliable Decisive Gamer if they would be interested in doing me a favor and hosting it.
DPC has modded a newbie game, thats all I got on him for now. I'll probably do some more reading up later

Kirby King

Master Lameoid
Feb 8, 2002
Being a good little conformist
Day 1 Vote Count
Dark Pappy Charles (3): Overswarm, Vrael, X1-12
Vrael (2): Sephiroths Masamune, GorditoBoy69
Swiss (2): Clownbot, Swiss
Sephiroths Masamune (1): SwordsRbroken
X1-12 (1): Ronike

Not voting: Tom, Dark Pappy Charles, Gheb_01

It takes 7 out of 12 votes to lynch.

The deadline is Sunday, August 22 at 11:59:59 PM ET.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
So many people here are stupid. -_-;;

Swiss, I like you. I have no read on you, I just think your posts are funny.

Tom, be more active in this game than prior games :\

I do have a slight town read: Sephiroth's Masamune. This is purely meta, but...

I just think making something serious out of a joke this early is kinda suspicious.

EBWOP: Also it's not that I don't mind that RVS is over, its just seems a bit hasty.

For most people, I'd consider this scummy. Because of this, I think Sephy is leaning towards town. His statements here are... pretty dumb. They're over-reaching at best; pressuring someone in RVS by making pointed questions at them is how RVS ends and it doesn't matter if those questions are appropriate or not. I could pressure Tom by saying "why are you posting so much?!" when he isn't and it's only two pages into the game. This could get him to post more and VOILA! We get information. My question is still dumb, but it gets us out of RVS.

Seph's statements just remind me of prior games where I was SURE he was scum... but wasn't. He was just really, really scummy.

Just thought I'd throw that into the ring. Seph is one of the easiest players for a mafia member to pin suspicion on, and I don't want people to get sidetracked not knowing that. Take accusations against Seph with a grain of salt.

Seph, you're not clear in the slightest, but try to be less "clever". Just be direct, it'll suit you better this game.

Ronike, I don't understand your meta on me. My "don't buddy me" was an RVS statement towards Dark, who voted saying "for breaking the rules!" to the SECOND post, not the first. I was the first post, as such he was inadvertantly buddying me. It was a joke. har har har.

I haven't decided if I'm going to be posting more or less actively this game. I need to see how you guys post more.

vote GorditoBoy69

Dead weight is dead. Pre-emptively giving complications is a good failsafe lynch, but I'm hoping we find something more concrete on D1.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
btw, Swiss?

Please don't be a Xonar/Macman combination once the ball gets rolling on stuff. It's all good early D1, but be more proactive later. Otherwise you're just a wasted D2/D3 lynch.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss, I like you. I have no read on you, I just think your posts are funny.
Please don't be a Xonar/Macman combination once the ball gets rolling on stuff. It's all good early D1, but be more proactive later. Otherwise you're just a wasted D2/D3 lynch.
I be packin' info bro, just be lookin'.

See da bolded, less complainin', more explainin'.

Howdya know I'mma be a wasted lynch?

Shcum huntin'

Unvote Vote Overswarm


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Unvote, Vote OS

Like who? (other than Seph who's slightly leaning town despite making statements you would find otherwise scummy.)
Most everyone that isn't me?

Howdya know I'mma be a wasted lynch?
Because if 90% of your posts are jokes and hyperbolic speeches mixed between an ever growing threat that we're all going to get Bel-Aired, you'd be a prime "Hur, he's quiet... TOO quiet! He posts bunches but none of it is useful!"

I'd like to cut that off in advance, too many games around here don't have actual scum hunting until D3.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
OS, its not meta on you, it's meta on X1-12. He tried to buddy you a bit which I thought was a bit suspicious


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
OS, its not meta on you, it's meta on X1-12. He tried to buddy you a bit which I thought was a bit suspicious
Fair enough.

That was an awful pun.

OS is there any reason you think Swiss' behavior will keep up throughout the rest of the game?
See what I mean? Stupid.

"Your honor, EVERY DAY he was getting more and more irrational, belligerent, and aggressive."


"Is there any reason you think his behavior will keep up in the future?"

Of course there's a ****ing reason, he's already acting like it. That's a reason in of itself. I've made it clear that I don't really care that he's acting that way NOW, I care that he could be acting that way in the future when it's more important he does not. Anyone who has played in a game with Xonar, Macman, or otherwise useless posters, can think back and realize that whenever there was a dull moment someone ALWAYS points a finger at them. This results in some bull**** D1 lynch because no one knows what to look for and someone says something dumb that gets them lynched, then D2 and D3 it's all hunting inactives and people that post nonsense like Swiss' joke posts. By D4 it's real scum hunting but everyone is dead. This is not optimal.

You're smarter than that Vrael.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
don't be a clown, bot

Beat you there swiss

Worthless crap like this comes from posting styles like that. I don't want anyone to be a burden by D2, it shouldn't be hard for town to work together at that point and not have "you're inactive" or "you aren't posting anything substantial" as reasons for a lynch.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Of course there's a ****ing reason, he's already acting like it. That's a reason in of itself.
We're making it out of RVS. If we judged everyone by posts they made now, how do you think the game would go?

I've made it clear that I don't really care that he's acting that way NOW, I care that he could be acting that way in the future when it's more important he does not.
So you don't care how he's playing now, but that's the only reason you're worried he'll be playing badly in the future?

Anyone who has played in a game with Xonar, Macman, or otherwise useless posters, can think back and realize that whenever there was a dull moment someone ALWAYS points a finger at them.
I just played a game with both of these people, I know what you mean. Yes, it's important that this play of his stops before things get super serious. No, him playing like this doesn't mean that he'll pull a Mac the rest of the game.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
We're making it out of RVS. If we judged everyone by posts they made now, how do you think the game would go?
We're making it out of RVS by holding people accountable for their actions and not letting them act like ****heads. Not by raising an eyebrow at the people that say "stop ****ing around".

So you don't care how he's playing now, but that's the only reason you're worried he'll be playing badly in the future?
You're having to word these carefully to make me look like a bad guy Vrael. It's not incongruent to say "hey guys, the presentation is a month from now. I know you guys are loving the jokes and off topic conversation during our weekly meeting, but we gotta start cracking down on this. I don't mind a few jokes here and there, but we've gotta focus in the coming weeks if we want to do a good job", so don't word it like it is.

I just played a game with both of these people, I know what you mean. Yes, it's important that this play of his stops before things get super serious. No, him playing like this doesn't mean that he'll pull a Mac the rest of the game.
Why are you buddying Swiss? Is there any particular reason you feel the need to move focus off of his posting style and defend his actions?

I'm confused by you Vrael. You've been walking a line carefully in this conversation, questioning me for not being light hearted about all this and being concerned at Swiss' playstyle... but at the same time saying "dude, I know what you mean" and agreeing with my premise. I don't like it.

FoS Vrael.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I'm confused by you Vrael. You've been walking a line carefully in this conversation, questioning me for not being light hearted about all this and being concerned at Swiss' playstyle... but at the same time saying "dude, I know what you mean" and agreeing with my premise. I don't like it.

FoS Vrael.
Do I like Swiss' playstyle? Nope. Do I think you're the bad guy for going after him? No. It's just that I'd rather have his play speak for him as the game progresses, as opposed to going after it now. I suppose it's helpful to eliminate it before it starts so to speak, but it's Mafia, and people **** around in the beginning. If this keeps up later in the game, hell, if it keeps up later toDay, then I'm all for calling him out on it. I guess I don't have as much as a problem with his play at this point in the game as you do.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Do I like Swiss' playstyle? Nope. Do I think you're the bad guy for going after him? No. It's just that I'd rather have his play speak for him as the game progresses, as opposed to going after it now. I suppose it's helpful to eliminate it before it starts so to speak, but it's Mafia, and people **** around in the beginning. If this keeps up later in the game, hell, if it keeps up later toDay, then I'm all for calling him out on it. I guess I don't have as much as a problem with his play at this point in the game as you do.
I don't understand. Why are you giving him a free pass?


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
Because the game just started and we have a week until the deadline. We're getting more serious now so if he keeps this up in the coming irl days I'll have a bigger problem with it.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Because the game just started and we have a week until the deadline. We're getting more serious now so if he keeps this up in the coming irl days I'll have a bigger problem with it.

FoS Vrael


Smash Apprentice
Jul 28, 2009
Because the game just started and we have a week until the deadline. We're getting more serious now so if he keeps this up in the coming irl days I'll have a bigger problem with it.
Whhhhaaaattttt??? You blame this post on your playstyle? Weaksauce.



Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL
I'm not "blaming" the post on anything. That's just how I play. I could "blame" all of your posts on your playstyle because you post according to your playstyle.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'm not "blaming" the post on anything. That's just how I play. I could "blame" all of your posts on your playstyle because you post according to your playstyle.
Not me, I change lil things every game


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Likin' how I ain't useful 'cuz of mai apostropheez. Substances be rockin about in dese posts.

Overscum, I'm waitin' on how I'mma be a "wasted" lynch. How ya know I wouldn't be flipping a scum in my flippy floppies, while I'm making copies?

Said I be hatin' on the Pappy, got mad alliance with X1 (dubble trubble votin') 'n' be questionin' u.

Spanish Swiss leaned back on his chair, the torn, tattered wreck of a moped in front of him. He vowed then he would bring the hooligans responsible to justice. Momentarily distracted by a fiiiiiiine señorita eating a ****** burrito he looked fiercely at Overscum, why was he playing the perfect townie, why was he doing such a bad job at it? He'd try to keep his suspicions to himself, and instead imply he though him to be scum. Yes, that would work better. Why did he cast a finger of suspicion at Vrael twice, so soon? Was there anything to be suspicious of? Nay! Buddies, it was the only explanation. Swiss knew he should stay quiet, in the face of this astonishing admission he would be killed as he slept for sure. The moped vandalisers thought themselves much more cleverer than him. Appreciating the irony of the grammatically incorrect sentence previously, he knew this not to be true, and eyed up their 3rd scum buddy. Did he know there were 3 scum? Was this a slip from Swiss himself? Nay!


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Worthless crap like this comes from posting styles like that. I don't want anyone to be a burden by D2, it shouldn't be hard for town to work together at that point and not have "you're inactive" or "you aren't posting anything substantial" as reasons for a lynch.
OMG OMG OMG I'm the best townie EVER. I'll sit here telling people how to be an awesome townie 'cuz I don't wanna have to scum hunt, I just wanna LOOK useful!



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I'm confused by you Vrael. You've been walking a line carefully in this conversation, questioning me for not being light hearted about all this and being concerned at Swiss' playstyle... but at the same time saying "dude, I know what you mean" and agreeing with my premise. I don't like it.

Mad scum vibes. I think my scumdar just exploded, the last time that happened I rooted out 5 godfathers and a werewolf.

Happy with Overscum being the play toDay. Calling for a waggon.

(Btw I just won a game of connect 6)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Too tired atm to read 50ish posts after 3 days of tournament. Gimme some time and I'll get them scumbax tho y0



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
You still post like you've got boxing gloves on your hands, but much better Swiss.

Although it is a bit unnerving for you to claim you've got 2/3rds of a scum team figured out before everyone has even posted. Keep it up though.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
@Overswarm - it's interesting how you find the need to call everyone dumb however you seem to also be ignoring the fact that people are plotting against you. Why are you trying to reach out to people who might not even be town? That doesn't make very much sense to me.

@Swiss - I'm curious as to when you are going to play serious, or if this -is- you being serious and you have some sort of gameplan; tl;dr I'm watching you. You have yet to answer the light question that Tom has given you.

@Vrael - I'm looking at you as well, While Overswarm seems to ignore the idea of people being scum, I'm glad he did point it out, you in the sense of being town shouldn't be content with thinking "eh, he'll stop -eventually-. He should be stopping now and helping down if he knows what's good for him.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Also Overswarm, wtf are you talking about; Swiss's posting habits hasn't changed since the game has started, are you saying he's actually getting better? :|

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Eh I don't like swords because his posts look so overreacting. Kind of like Swiss, just not trying to be funny. Swiss do you think joking around like that for long will help you in the long run? What use will the "info" you claim to obtain have when you lose all credibility in the process?

Vote Swords



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Also Overswarm, wtf are you talking about; Swiss's posting habits hasn't changed since the game has started, are you saying he's actually getting better? :|
There's more substance to his posts. He sounds like an idiot, but there's more substance to them; he's made stances. That sort of thing. Pay attention.

@Overswarm - it's interesting how you find the need to call everyone dumb however you seem to also be ignoring the fact that people are plotting against you. Why are you trying to reach out to people who might not even be town? That doesn't make very much sense to me.
WTF did this come from? I just got us out of RVS. It literally just happened. You're pulling a Sephiroth's Masamune, but I don't have a history of reading your games so I don't know what that means. Just don't attempt to be so clever, k?
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