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Coming to steal your slot - The Nabbit for Smash thread


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There

"Comin' to steal your Smash slot"

'Who is Nabbit?"

Nabbit is the new, thief character in the Mario-series, being introduced in New Super Mario Bros U as a special enemy.

But his roles didn't stop there:
Aside from reprising his first role in
New Super Luigi U, he also appears as the fourth playable character in that game.

The next role Nabbit played was again a playable role.
This time, he's part of the Mario Golf: World Tour DLC

He's also a playable character in Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games: Rio 2016, though only as a guest character in the 100m sprint.

In Smash, he's in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, as a stage hazard in the New Super Mario Bros. U stage.

Nabbit also made his first RPG appearance in Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam

"What could Nabbit do?"
As a thief, Nabbit has learned to run fast, but not in the way we know from the current speedies.

Nabbit namely specialises in running in AND running away.

He is the first hit and run character in the Smash Bros. series, weaving in and out the action with his run speed and air speed.

And aside from running fast, Nabbit also has a big sack full of tricks up his sleeve.
His big bag allows him to kidnap items, projectiles, and even opponents.

Of course, Nabbit also stores dozens of Mario items in there.
I wonder if that might come in handy for the fight...

"Why would Nabbit be in Smash?"
Nabbit, after Rosalina, is the new rising star of the Mario series.
As we've seen with the Koopalings, characters can be frequent characters in the Mario series in no time.

Even Nabbit's trophy descriptions notes Nabbit's potential as rising star:

"An underhanded little rascal who steals items from the Toad Houses and runs away with them. If you catch him, Toad might repay you with a nice present. In New Super Luigi U, he even manages to nab a position as a playable character! From burglar to hero in the blink of an eye... Not bad work, all things considered."

Nabbit even has his fair share of fans, being a character that's requested or brought up pretty often when it comes to Mario Kart 8's roster.

That he's a mainstay is also proven by his inclusion in two spin-offs:
Mario Golf : World Tour and Mario and Sonic: Rio 2016.
In both games, he's included at the same time or before Rosalina!

Arguments against robbed by Nabbit:
"Nabbit is too recent, his first game was on the Wii U"

While he first appeared in a WiiU game, it was the launch game that received 30 dollar DLC and was the critcally acclaimed sequel to probably one of the most sold games from the Wii.

Nabbit Catching was a special map-minigame in a New Super Mario Bros. game, playable in its DLC and playable in Mario Golf.

We all think Rosalina/Koopalings are the rising stars, but Nabbit will steal their spotlight in no time when he'll appear in the next games.

EDIT: Come on, it's 2017 you're old if you think WiiU launch was too recent

"Daisy/Waluigi/Other character X is better"
Call me when Daisy is playable in a Mario platformer.

"Aw, come on. You really think another Mario character is a good idea?"
Yes, Mario is Nintendo's single biggest franchise with a great pool of characters.
Naturally, Mario gets the most characters.

And hey, Sakurai added two unique newcomers in the main roster, who's to say he won't add a third as DLC?

"He's not even in Mario Kart! Why would he be in Smash when he's not there"
Smash is not Mario Kart.
Mario Kart had characters like Honey Queen and Cat Peach in its roster, and lacked series staples like Waluigi in Mario Kart 7.

And Smash has Palutena and Dark Pit.

On the contrary, Nabbit is brought up frequently when talking about Mario Kart 8's possible characters.
He has a ton of fans!

Nabbit moveset:
Style: Speedster/Trickster
Weight: Meta Knight
Height: Meta Knight
Run Speed: Greninja
Walk Speed: Greninja
Air Speed: Greninja
Fall Speed: Greninja
Max Jumps: 2
Jump Height: Villager
Double Jump Height: Luigi (Includes Scuttle)
Wall Jump: Yes
Wall Cling: Yes
Crawl: Yes
Tether: No

Jab: Nabbit swings the sack to the left and to the right, before slamming an open sack on the ground like a bug-net.
Short opponents will get caught completely, but on taller opponents, only the head will be caught
This is purely an aesthetic feature and won't affect damage and knockback.

Opponents caugh will act grabbed and will face Nabbit.
If an opponent is caught, the player can keep holding the button to let the sack rumble, dealing damage to opponents inside.
The finisher involves Nabbit jump on the opponent's head, while pulling off the sack off the opponent's head.
Then Nabbit jumps off the opponent's head and can keep running, or go in for a sneaky backstab.

Foward Tilt: Nabbit swings the sack in front of him in a hook.
Very fast, but has medium knockback and doesn't combo into anything.
However, it sends the opponent at a rather low angle, allowing for tech chases.

Up Tilt: Nabbit swings the sack above him in a windmill-like manner.
Sends the opponent behind him with medium knockbback.

Down Tilt: Nabbit drags the sack over the floor like it's a golf club.
Like Nabbit's stats in World Tour, this move sends the opponent flying at a low angle

Dash Attack: Nabbit swings his sack up and down like it's an hammer while running forward

Neutral Air: Nabbit jumps in his sack, causing it to get bigger.
Deals moderate damage, is fairly quick and reduces damage taken for Nabbit.

Forward Air: Nabbit holds the opening of the sack, causing a coin to fly out at high speed.
The coin is as big as a Star Bit and acts like Villager's slingshot.

Back Air: Nabbit swings his sack behind him.
Up Air: Nabbit opens his sack, and a Piranha Plant jumps out and bites opponents
Down Air: Nabbit dumps his loot, opening his sack.
This causes a few acorns and coins to fall out in a cone pattern, dealing damage in a wide area
Forward Smash: Nabbit folds his sack into a Bullet Bill cannon and while crouching behind the cannon, he nervously shoots out a Bullet Bill.

The Bullet Bill starts out as a Bullet Bill, being the size of Pac-Man's Key, but if the Smash is charged, it turns into a Banzai Bill the size of Mega Man's fully charged Forward Smash.

The Bullet Bill travels with the speed of a Crash Bomber and deals a small amount of knockback.
The Banzai Bill travels with the speed of Pac-Man's Melon and deals a big amount of knockback, killing at 120%

If an opponent is caught with Down Smash, the cannon is changed into an aimable warp pipe cannon and the opponent is launched with the speed and lenght of Bowser Jr's Cannonball, with the charge increasing the knockback.

Up Smash: Nabbit crouches, lays down his sack, slowly opening it and a Bob-Omb jumps out.
While the hitbox is very small (The size of a Bob-Omb), the knockback is very big, killing Mario at 100%.

If an opponent is caught with Down Smash while performing Up Smash, the bomb malfunctions and blows up in the sack, dealing 13% damage while slightly knocking away any opponent caught.

Down Smash: Nabbit swings his open sack from left to right, trapping any opponents close in the sack.
Any moves done with the sack will now damage the opponent directly. Go for the Forward Smash for a big burst of damage.

Grab: Nabbit puts the sack over the opponent.
Pummel: The sack rumbles.
Forward Throw: Nabbit uses the sack as a golf club, holding the backpart of the sack, and swings it away, with the opponents flying out as Nabbit sweats for having such poor golf skills.
Back Throw: Nabbit picks up the bag and throws the opponents away like Mario's back throw.
Up Throw: Nabbit jumps very high with the sack, and comes down very fast. The landing causes the bag to open and shoot the opponents upwards
Down Throw: Nabbit shakes the sack up and down six times, with the opponent getting shot out the sixth throw.

Neutral Special:
Treasure Catch:
Nabbit opens his bag to catch any projectile he encounters.

If he catches a projectile in his bag, Nabbit glows yellow and gains Super Armor.
If Nabbit gains the damage the projectile in his bag would have given, the Super Armor expires.

The Super Armor kicks in directly after the projectile is caught and Nabbit can only catch one projectile, as the bag stays closed when the button is pressed again.

Side Special:
Thieve's Trail
Similar to Fox Illusion, Nabbit will sprint very fast in a line.

Unlike Fox Illusion though, Nabbit will leave dust clouds that act like the Smoke Bomb item, obscuring the view where he travels.

If Nabbit encounters an opponent, he'll steal any items and charge (DK's Giant Punch, WFT's Sun Salutation) the opponent had.

Up Special:
Nabbit opens his bag to use it as a squirrel suit.

Aside from gaining air speed and slowing descend, Nabbit can also press A to jump one time.

Down Special:
Buzzy Beetle Shell

Nabbit opens the sack and puts it upside down, kicking the Buzzy Beetle Shell that falls out.

Final Smash:
Coin Heaven:
When Nabbit activates the Final Smash, his bag grows giant and Nabbit will get invincible.

If the player presses A, Nabbit throws out a part of his loot that damages and possibly KOs his enemies.
This can be done until the time runs out.

Other animations:
Intro animation:

Side Taunt:
Up Taunt:
Down Taunt:

Victory Pose:
Victory Pose
Victory Pose

Nabbit is a Fragile Speedster: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FragileSpeedster

This means Nabbit is very fast, but doesn't have much weight.
Think Glass Cannon with speed instead of power.

Of course, Nabbit also has a few tricks as a thief, being able to steal projectiles to gain a little of his New Super Luigi U. invincibility with Treasure Catch, or he can steal anything that the opponent had in hand with Thief's Trail.

I didn't want to have too many invisibility or other thief gimmicks, because Nabbit uses his speed more to rob Toad Houses than his stealth, but I think I made a nice compromise in Thief's Trail between representing the Thief-trope and Nabbit's lack of stealth-tactics.

First we need to note that Nabbit has only a few key traits.
He's not like Decidueye in that he has a number of assets (In case of Decidueye, grass and ghost-based powers, with flying capabilities, wielding a bow whose/which/what/halp I got Englished/whatvers arrows can trap)

Nabbit is not like that.
He's a thief (I heard a common RPG trope) that is fast.
He also doesn't want to be caught.
He's also invincible at times
(He also has a special move in the Olympic Rio Games, involving dust clouds behind him)
(He could also use Mario enemies as a summoner)

That's a cohesive playstyle right there, currently only used by Greninja, Jiggly (but only aerially) and Wario, with the former being the closest to what I envision to be Nabbit's playstyle

This also means Villager is not hindering to Nabbit's potential, playstyle or unique-ness whatsoever.
There are a lot of potential stealing moves that fit Nabbit's source game much better, such as:

-Nabbit steals an item, gets Super Armor that can tank hits or combos that deal less damage than the projectile.
This way he can use the NSML invincibility without it doing away with his hit n run style
-Nabbit steals an item, if he opens the sack, a healing item comes out.
-Nabbit steals an item, growing his power
-Nabbit steals an item, a special grows stronger

And if the sack and what's inside plays a bigger role throughout the set, Ness' and Game and Watch's Down Specials can be cloned, a la Corrin getting another counter to play on the dragonthing better:

-Nabbit steals an item, simply healing him
-Nabbit steals an item, throwing the contents out later.

So there you have it, unique ways of implementing stealing into Nabbit's moveset

But that's not everything Nabbit has to offer.
Aside from a hit-and-run playstyle where Nabbit is light, fast, but not very good at comboing, there's also what you might call the flavor.
This has two parts: One part explaining how the entirety of the Thief Trope can be used on Nabbit and one part how the Mario-flavor can be conveyed.

First is the thievery, as aside from stealing, Nabbit also has several other powers as shown in Rio Olympics, but primarily Mario Golf: World Tour.
This power is the power of stealth. This stealth-power, aside from being a big part in the trope, is relatively unused in Smash.
Now you might say, that that's for a good reason: stealth would not work in Smash and you are absolutely right, but Nabbit doesn't have the classic stealth (invisibility), but instead uses dust clouds to conceal himself.
This can be used to add to his hit-and-run playstyle.

Then there's the flavor-issue.
How will Nabbit convey the Mario-flavor in his moveset.
This is very simple, as Nabbit has been shown to hold Piranha Plants (Mario Golf: World Tour), Buzzy Beetles (Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam) and several items (New Super Mario Bros U) in his sack.
This doesn't mean Nabbit would be a summoner, or that he would just spam different enemies, Game n Watch-style.
These enemies would just be used as flavor

On top of that, Nabbit could also use various elements from his source game, such as Boost Blocks, Treasure Chests (As bait) and the flying-squirrel-glide (Albeit with his sack instead of magic wings)

Rabbit Robbers, the support list:

Yomi's Biggest Fan
Rider Gwen
Aussie the Shinobi
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Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
Still support.

Though I guess it's already since you didn't reset the list.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 26, 2014
Wowah, that's an old thread you bumped there bucko!
Luckily, it's mine, so I'll add you to the support list and await your moveset
lol yeah, I had just remembered Nabbit and how surprisingly likely he is to be playable now that he's been in so many games. And sounds good! I thought a trickster/grappler theme for him would be interesting.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I've played New Super Mario Bros. U for my Wii U. Probably, the most annoying character. (In a good way) I'm planning on getting New Super Mario Bros. 2 for my 3DS. I support!


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
I've come to support and bump this thread with a gift. A moveset!

I like this character a lot and would love to see him in Smash. He's not too unlikely; he could almost be considered an important recurring character of the Mario series. I'd envision him to be a trickster/hit-and-run character like you guys suggested. Since he's a thief, I also want him to make use of the various power-ups he's stolen. Here's what I came up with:

Neutral B: Bag
Nabbit holds the bag open, with its mouth facing horizontally. Any projectiles that fall into it are absorbed into it and converted into weight. The more powerful the projectile, the heavier Nabbit becomes.

An empty-bagged Nabbit weighs around 92 units (like Villager), while a bag filled to the maximum makes him weigh 102 units (like Mega Man).

The more the bag is filled, the bigger and stronger it becomes. However, it also slows Nabbit in both movement and attack speed.

Side B: Double Cherry
Nabbit pulls a Double Cherry from his bag and makes a clone of himself that automatically attacks the opponent like a computer player. This clone dissapears in a vision-obscuring cloud of smoke when hit once.

Up B: Propeller Block
Nabbit pulls a propeller block from his bag and rises into the air similarly to propeller Mario’s signature move. You cancel the move at any point, which makes Nabbit throw the block as a projectile.

Down B: Power-Up
Nabbit can redeem a power-up depending on how much items he caught with Neutral B! The heavier the bag, the greater the reward. The bag empties back to its default weight every time this move is used. The power-ups, from least to most powerful:

Tier 1(MINIMUM WEIGHT): Buzzy Beetle Shell. Nabbit simply kicks this shell forwards. It functions like a weaker Green Shell item.

Tier 2: Fire Flower. This functions more similarly to the NSMB series than Mario's own Neutral B, which means the fireballs move faster and you can shoot two in succession. You lose the item after six shots.

Tier 3: Ice Flower. Similar to the Fire Flower, but the projectiles have a shorter range and freeze opponents in a block of ice at high percents. These blocks of ice can then be kicked by Nabbit and slide across the stage.

Tier 4: Tanooki Leaf. Functions just like the item in Smash.

Tier 6: Super Mushroom. Functions like the item in Smash, apart from a less drastic damage multiplier and change in size.

Tier 7 (MAX WEIGHT): Super Star. Functions just like the item in Smash.

Final Smash: Stealing the Show
Nabbit jumps offscreen, and the camera zooms out past the borders of the screen to reveal Nabbit placing the bag over the entire stage! The players are forced out of the screen Nabbit stole and find themselves in an area not unlike a castle level from NSMBU. From this point, Nabbit tosses three large projectiles out of his bag from the background and toward the players; A Giant spike ball, a Banzai Bill, and a Giant Skewer as a finisher!
The FS Meter version only includes the Skewer.

Nabbit uses his fists, ears, and bag (with its speed and damage depending on its weight) for most of his normal attacks. He also uses more items from his bag, such as a POW Block for Down Smash and Burner for his Back-air.

His grabs involve him slamming the bag over his opponents and encasing them. Whatever item they were holding is added to the bag's weight, which means they lose the item when thrown.

I'm thinking about illustrating all of this, but I'd love to hear your guys' thought on this moveset first!


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
I've come to support and bump this thread with a gift. A moveset!

I like this character a lot and would love to see him in Smash. He's not too unlikely; he could almost be considered an important recurring character of the Mario series. I'd envision him to be a trickster/hit-and-run character like you guys suggested. Since he's a thief, I also want him to make use of the various power-ups he's stolen. Here's what I came up with:

Neutral B: Bag
Nabbit holds the bag open, with its mouth facing horizontally. Any projectiles that fall into it are absorbed into it and converted into weight. The more powerful the projectile, the heavier Nabbit becomes.

An empty-bagged Nabbit weighs around 92 units (like Villager), while a bag filled to the maximum makes him weigh 102 units (like Mega Man).

The more the bag is filled, the bigger and stronger it becomes. However, it also slows Nabbit in both movement and attack speed.

Side B: Double Cherry
Nabbit pulls a Double Cherry from his bag and makes a clone of himself that automatically attacks the opponent like a computer player. This clone dissapears in a vision-obscuring cloud of smoke when hit once.

Up B: Propeller Block
Nabbit pulls a propeller block from his bag and rises into the air similarly to propeller Mario’s signature move. You cancel the move at any point, which makes Nabbit throw the block as a projectile.

Down B: Power-Up
Nabbit can redeem a power-up depending on how much items he caught with Neutral B! The heavier the bag, the greater the reward. The bag empties back to its default weight every time this move is used. The power-ups, from least to most powerful:

Tier 1(MINIMUM WEIGHT): Buzzy Beetle Shell. Nabbit simply kicks this shell forwards. It functions like a weaker Green Shell item.

Tier 2: Fire Flower. This functions more similarly to the NSMB series than Mario's own Neutral B, which means the fireballs move faster and you can shoot two in succession. You lose the item after six shots.

Tier 3: Ice Flower. Similar to the Fire Flower, but the projectiles have a shorter range and freeze opponents in a block of ice at high percents. These blocks of ice can then be kicked by Nabbit and slide across the stage.

Tier 4: Tanooki Leaf. Functions just like the item in Smash.

Tier 6: Super Mushroom. Functions like the item in Smash, apart from a less drastic damage multiplier and change in size.

Tier 7 (MAX WEIGHT): Super Star. Functions just like the item in Smash.

Final Smash: Stealing the Show
Nabbit jumps offscreen, and the camera zooms out past the borders of the screen to reveal Nabbit placing the bag over the entire stage! The players are forced out of the screen Nabbit stole and find themselves in an area not unlike a castle level from NSMBU. From this point, Nabbit tosses three large projectiles out of his bag from the background and toward the players; A Giant spike ball, a Banzai Bill, and a Giant Skewer as a finisher!
The FS Meter version only includes the Skewer.

Nabbit uses his fists, ears, and bag (with its speed and damage depending on its weight) for most of his normal attacks. He also uses more items from his bag, such as a POW Block for Down Smash and Burner for his Back-air.

His grabs involve him slamming the bag over his opponents and encasing them. Whatever item they were holding is added to the bag's weight, which means they lose the item when thrown.

I'm thinking about illustrating all of this, but I'd love to hear your guys' thought on this moveset first!
Oh this is a lovely surprise!

I love the idea of catching projectiles adding to his weight and being able to cash in that weight for an item! I also like the idea of the items that Nabbit can summon being like their Smash counterparts. I’m not sure how balanced it is, since items in Smash tend to be quite powerful, but it really fits the thief-like persona he has and there’s plenty of items hailing from the Mario series in Smash. Using those items in normal moves is also really clever and I’d love to see a Jab that uses the Fire Bar item until it is depleted, for example. Maybe some of these moves can even spawn the item itself after the move is done, like Robin throwing away his Levin Sword. That’d mesh well with his Neutral B and be a bit of an advanced trick for Nabbit players!

I actually made a Nabbit moveset last year too:

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Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2021
Forgotten Isle
Oh this is a lovely surprise!

I love the idea of catching projectiles adding to his weight and being able to cash in that weight for an item! I also like the idea of the items that Nabbit can summon being like their Smash counterparts. I’m not sure how balanced it is, since items in Smash tend to be quite powerful, but it really fits the thief-like persona he has and there’s plenty of items hailing from the Mario series in Smash. Using those items in normal moves is also really clever and I’d love to see a Jab that uses the Fire Bar item until it is depleted, for example. Maybe some of these moves can even spawn the item itself after the move is done, like Robin throwing away his Levin Sword. That’d mesh well with his Neutral B and be a bit of an advanced trick for Nabbit players!

I actually made a Nabbit moveset last year too:

You have some interesting ideas as well! I like how tou went all-out with the dust/invisibility mechanic here, incorporating it into several moves. I also find the treasure chest move unique, as protecting an object on stage isn't really something we've seen in Smash before. If I had to criticize something, it'd be that a little too many moves rely on stuff coming out of the sack, rather than Nabbit fighting himself. Some of the descriptions for moves are quite lengthy as well. Other than that, I admire the effort, and you did a great job!
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Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
You have some interesting ideas as well! I like how tou went all-out with the dust/invisibility mechanic here, incorporating it into several moves. I also find the treasure chest move unique, as protecting an object on stage isn't really something we've seen in Smash before. If I had to criticize something, it'd be that a little too many moves rely on stuff coming out of the sack, rather than Nabbit fighting himself. Some of the descriptions for moves are quite lengthy as well. Other than that, I admire the effort, and you did a great job!
You’re definitely right in that a lot of the set is about items jumping out of the sack! I tried to evoke the feeling that Nabbit has travelled the world and has stolen souvenirs from everywhere, and that his bag is a world of its own, butI like your implementation of the items better!
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