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combo move with c. falcon that no one have herd of


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
"All for Nothing" combo

How does this happen?

Is where your comboing the fawk out of your opponent just to fail at the end by loosing a stock, either missing a knee off the stage, gimping, or ect. Seriously, like wtf D:. And it's been happening to me the most...but not only c. falcon can do this too ya know.

there, I feel better


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
The Rick Roll'd Combo
Dashing USmash, SHNair,Fast Fall,KoJ.

Works 60% of the time for me.
I haven't laugh so hard in ages XD.

Bifocalling, v.: The act of embarassing oneself in a Smash Brothers match through error, often humorously or in an extremely shameful way.

Example: Walljump Teched Meteor Cancelled Warlock Punch Recovery

See also: Rest (jigglypuff), Falcon Punch, and Johns.
Interesting term o.o was thinking of doing that while my opponent was off the stage...I'll call it "Fawk you! wall tech- to a falcon punch!" or the F-zero GX combo
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