My shoutouts and whatnot....
I'm uploading pictures to my website now, so there won't be any of that silly expiration date on when you can d/l pics. The best one is the drive-thru picture (7 ft. clearance, yet nothing that would stop something 8 ft. tall) and the uber-surprised watty / mathos picture. Epic.
It actually finished while writing this post...
Everyone I counterpicked to Kongo Jungle because they didn't have the anti-Overswarm experience to ban it:
Everyone that banned Kongo Jungle and thought they were safe, but got sent to Green Greens:
Mathos- I was a little bit worried about how the tournament would run since there were no kishes to do the brackets and last time CoK had a bazillion people, but you did an excellent job getting everything done at a great pace. Except for Vidjo, but that is to be expected.
Sorry about leaving my jacket there. Sliq, Kel, or me should be at the next big tournament, so hopefully I can get it back sometime soon. Sorry for making you deal with my stuff, but I <3 that jacket.
You ever figure out what those pills were? You should give them to Joe Bushman to sell with monster. "Monster + mystery pill.... $2.00" would be perfect.
I haven't played you in a tournament yet, but I look forward to it. You're the only "camper" that is left that I haven't beaten via outcamping, with the exception of Vidjo, whom I'm saving for last. Expect an eight minute match if we get matched in pools or brackets.
Eddie- I really enjoyed our conversations. You helped clear up and summarize things I already knew, and helped me learn a lot. Your advice, both metagame related and strategy related, helped me out a lot. It wasn't enough to help me beat Joe Bushman, but I got hella close! You're definitely going to be a smasher I hang around with at future tournaments.
Our games were pretty close too. I was very surprised at how relaxed I was, and after winning the first game I thought for sure I was going to win it all, but I just couldn't get that last stock out. You aren't the most technical player, you aren't the fastest, you don't have the best strategies, but you're hella smart and it blows all the flashy play out of the water. I couldn't do something more than twice before you caught on and punished me.
As close as our games were, that final combo across PokeStadium ending with a tippered F-smash is probably the most disheartening thing that has ever happened to me. I admit defeat. You are
good sir.
John (pikachu guy)- Sorry about the four stock. Both of them. You're not bad at all, you've just got some problems with advancing. Almost all the stuff that happened to you was a result of me shield grabbing you and punishing you out of those grabs. Same with everyone else, you just have to learn to sit back and chill. Shoot some sparks, threaten with some spaced u-airs, but wait for them to mess up before you do too much. Pika's fast, but she's no Fox.
I'd also suggest going Green Greens (low ceiling) or Princess Peach's Castle (easy to teleport to saftey when hit off the stage, not too high of a ceiling) on your counterpick. Pika's got some awesome power that could be abused to hell and back on those stages.
Shaeden- You came out of nowhere. I still don't know how I lost to you (you're the first person in forever that has 2-0'd me in a tournament match other than Dope) other than that you're a Falco. You're pretty technical, and you
***** my ICs. You were smart and lead in with the shine, and it was over from that point forward. I promise you though, no more 2-0.
Joe Bushman- I really, REALLY wished that you hadn't grabbed me at 0 and then proceeded to CHAIN THROW, COMBO, AND TECH CHASE ME TO OVER ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. I thought I was going to be able to move on up to 7th place, but nope. You're clutch as hell. Sorry about your extra Monster. Go with donuts and some water next time so you can pocket some money, you gotta sell that **** for profit!
Drephen- You wore a cape, played Luigi in the finals, and blamed Frenzie Fool for porn. 222good sir. 222good. Also, Sheik (and Jigglypuff) can backthrow on Jungle Japes and hit them into the side ledges. Thought that might be useful >_>
Frenzie Fool- You're a really nice guy, and once you pick up on something you learn faster than anyone I know. I tell you offhand that you're just wasting your jump and Mathos tells you to come down with an aerial, and BAM! Suddenly my entire game has to change because I can't u-throw u-air you anymore. Keep practicing with that Sheik, but don't drop that Doc. Cape is too good.
That random ice climber player with braces in my pool- I've played almost every major ice climber player out there, and you were on par with technical skill at the worst. You did stuff that I would be surprised to see Chu do. You play a little predictable though, so once I got used to the speed and desynchs you were using I was able to gimp you a couple of times in IC dittos. Not gonna lie though, I'm not doing an IC ditto against you again. Risky as hell, and that was SCARY. Also, you knew how to play against Zelda. LAAAAAAAAAAAME.
Big C- get froed, sir! The Final Destination trap was toooooooo good, but I'm gonna have to send you to a janky stage next time and win via time limit
just becaused I can. You had me worried on that last game against your peach, but you got hit by the anti-peach shine trap! Low % peach + umbrella = shine spike. I'm just glad you didn't air dodge.
Next time we meet, it's gonna be like M2K vs. KoreanDJ, except not as fast, technical, or exciting. It's gonna be all about the first double blind. You go Fox, I go ICs, or maybe I go Fox and you go Peach, or maybe the matchups will be in your favor. Gotta think ahead on these things.
You know you love my stages though.
Watty-That backthrow on your samus on Onett got me all excited, but it didn't work. Enjoy your dollar sir. Buy yourself some soup. All that matters is that I know know that it isn't
impossible to beat that strategy. I enjoyed playing your Samus, never really played Samus much. I'll have to figure out what the hell to do in the future....
Jekyll- Lovin that Luigi, but your Fox has gotten better. Keep it up sir!
Tink- Your Peach did better against me than Vidjos did....... It was on FoD, but still.
****. You're definitely a powerhouse.
Jiano- If you had played me on my janky stages more, you'd know what to do on Jungle Japes! Still, you ***** it up, especially that last kill against Cunning. Epic.
Cunning- Happiest. Guy. In. The. World.
Iggy- I don't drink or smoke, but if I did it would be on a balcony overlooking other smashers with you. Yer funneh.
Viperboy- I really have to ask... did you actually sit in that chair all morning? Every time I came out it was just you and a ciggarette. You're like a monk who smokes and has a goatee. You got 5th though, so you're definitely doing something right.
Sliq- You sold me a melted candy bar! You also destroyed Vidjo. I watched every real second of that entirely believable and historically accurate match. Also, I'm glad you didn't juggle guns and get shot.
Everyone I played pool with- We're baaaaaaaaaaad.
Alpha Zealot- We aren't the best at the game and it shows in our team play, but we make up for it with our sheer amounts of awesomeness. Let's try to make it in the money next time, it'd be nice to profit from a real tournament!
Also, Amy was pretty cute. I'd high five you, but you're far away.
Amy (AZ's girl)- girls that go to smash tournaments are doing a good deed.
Vidjo- Web slinging won't be banned at the next tournament, and then you'll do good again. No more forfeiting to my smash buddies though, that means they place higher than me >_>
Camper Bob- You're with me and Iggy on the balcony making random commentary and quoting Simpson's episodes if I make it into Heaven.
Camera guy- Preeeeeetty good trash talk on that tape. Get it up! (Yes, that is what she said Sliq).
BigR- Nice playing your Falco, I needed some practice. I had those Thunder's combos down by the end and thought I had a pretty good feel, so was nice for me.
I was disappointed with my awful 0-2 loss, but it was in pools so it didn't matter because I advanced anyway. Really wish I had beaten Joe Bushman, because I had plans for Drephen. But Drephen won the whole thing, so I more than likely would have gotten 7th at best. I really enjoyed this tournament, and I love the venue. Make CoK 4 happen sometime where we don't have freakishly cold evenings. The Orphanage is
cursed, I'm sure of it.
I also am positive that I missed someone, but don't feel bad if you didn't get a shoutout. It just means you didn't leave that big of an impression on me or that I don't care about you at all. I am joking; in reality it is that I am tired.
Picture link for the second time: