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Coeys Luigi. 3 sets up so far. Combo vid on the way...?


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
What's up luigi my playing amigos. Finally got some vids of my luigi recorded from a ranking tourney in my part of England. Any advice, critical analysis, or other comments are welcome.

Bear in mind this is PAL so you might notice a few differences, if you forget this feel free to let me know how good my di is away from sheiks d throw :laugh:

Coey vs Jo3 1
Coey vs Jo3 2
Coey vs Jo3 3

Coey vs AmcD 1
Coey vs AmcD 2
Coey vs AmcD 3
Coey vs AmcD 4

Coey vs Smashie 1
Coey vs Smashie 2
Coey vs Smashie 3

Enjoy and thanks in advance for any comments or advice. Some more videos to come soon.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Have you finished eating yet? Cause dude 3 days must be close to a record or something...

Also please if anyone does have anything at all to say, just for conversations sake please do. These luigi boards are pretty dead.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I don't have a lot of time today, but I will look at these later.

First of all, your stuff is impressive. Wavedashing is on point and you have some really good combo strings and edge guard.

My advice to you is to tone down your aggression in certain matches. Namely peach in this case. you can UP+B out of sheild peach's dash attack and kill her at like 70-80. There isn't a lot you can do if she is floating above you. Just let her float and sheild if she gets close.

From what I saw you just need use your shield a little better. Learn to upsmash and wd out of shield because that is very useful.

Anyway keep up the weegie.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
You should wavedash to tech chase when they're teching away.

It's really good that you can tech chase on reaction, that's (IMHO) about 65% more consistent and better and amazing than tech chasing via prediction. However, you often miss opportunities because you dash when they tech away (they're taking advantage of this habit btw) and forget how bad Luigi's dash speed is.

Slip in with that sensual slide. Then proceed to violate them with your boots. Or get your hands on their body and do horrible, horrible things to them.


Smash Lord
Sep 24, 2006
Bolton, UK
Thanks for the feedback guys.

Pakman - Don't worry i can up smash out of shield and wavedash out of one too. You're probably right about being too agressive some times, alot of the players i regularly play aren't particularly happy i play luigi, saying he's a boring opponent etc.. So i try play as quick and as aggressive as i can in friendlies usually. And i guess as i play like that most of the time and i've learnt luigi in that way it carries over alot into serious games too. Oh and with up-b ing peachs dash attack out of shield. The thing is i don't like doing it when peach isn't at a % where she will die from it, i find not only does this help if they've forgotten about how luigi can punish the dash attack or it makes them feel like they can dash attack away without much fear of punishment.

KirbyKaze - Thanks also for advice and that little bit about tech chasing was really useful. I've been wondering for a while why sometimes my tech chasing just fails, thanks alot dude :)


Smash Champion
Sep 22, 2007
Brampton ON
Desh hates fighting my lugi. all he never shuts up about how gay my nair is and it breaks all his combos. then he capes me 3/4 stocks.
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