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COA Shoutouts Thread


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2013
Luigi sucks
I won't type individual shoutouts for everyone, but I do have some funny stuff I want to share.
First, tho, thanks again to bloodpeach and cobr for housing me and picking me up/dropping me off at the greyhound stations. Thanks a bunch guys <333


-Kero IRL was a bit of a letdown LOL. Not as nuts as he makes himself appear online. However, Stranded was exactly the person I expected him to be, and he pestered me for like an hour for me to take a picture with him holding up gang signs. Needles to say, I caved. gg Stranded.

-As far as I know, Boom will refer to me as Mixa for the rest of my life.

-According to Killer, everybody knows his mom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

-Drunk Shears is 10x better than regular Shears. Here are a couple of Drunk Shears quotes from the car ride on the way to Rob's:

--- "WOW, what an amazing marth waveshine combo....... **** ME, PLEASE!!"

---"Bloodpeach, you have to take a right on 'x' road, right around the orange area (referring to the orange-colored highway on google maps that only HE could see on his phone)"

(2 minutes later)
Bloodpeach: where to now, shears?
Shears: Zzzzzzz
Bloodpeach: ****

--- "Stranded, I AM a drunk."

I'm probably forgetting a bunch of stuff, but you get the gist of it.

Aside from that, playing in my first tournament was fun. I hadn't played on console since May or so, so I was missing z cancels and stuff back at bloodpeach's. I couldn't dash--> up smash or shdl well for some reason, so I decided to not go for that in tournament and resorted to being really lame lol. I'll practice on console for a couple of days before my next tournament for sure.

I played madrush first. he rekt me during the first game, and then i went for the cheese 'laser, grab, gimp' so I was able to win the set. Really nice guy and I'm glad I got to play him first. Then I had to play against Kero, and he was nice enough to agree to play fox dittos on hyrule. I got completely destroyed, but the second game was kinda close. Kero is really fun to play against.

Then I played smellycat in losers, who was sandbagging with samus and using an n64 controller. I lasered the **** out of him and won the set. He complained about the lasers a lot xD. He was really nice too. After that cobr, 3 stocked me twice and that was it lmao. Cobr is always really fun to play online, so getting to play him on console was fun.

I played some friendlies with some people during the tournament (stranded, clubba, sk, fireblaster, maliki, bloodpeach) and played with bloodpeach and sk a bunch on friday. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to play with jimmyjoe for whatever dumbass reason. I guess I was watching tournament matches the whole time and didn't play friendlies that much after I was eliminated, but meeting him was nice. Really nice dude. Didn't get to play ceasar either, but his sets were sick.

I've never really cared much about competing or getting really good at the game just for the sake of it, but this has really pushed me to try a bit harder to get better, so I'll be working on that.

Overall, this was a great weekend (except for the 13h bus rides lol). I'll definitely try to go to the NE several times a year for tournaments even if theyre just locals because I had a lot of fun.



Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
I apologize for the small outburst at rob's house, I was under the impression we were playing yolo tourney with items on very high so I was really frustrated that people wanted to automatically DQ me for playing defensively for trying to get items safely when I was too tired to realize that items were off.

@Cobrevolution, your set against revan was one of the hypest and you even made top 8 in a pretty stacked tourney. Don't ****ing quit this game man. If you quit this game, you quit US

@Florence, you are probably the single reason that everyone decided to come to this tourney. I understand your frustration and I don't blame you for it. Maybe ask other players to review some of your matches and give you critique on your gameplay and what you can do better

Stranded, if you can stop making mistakes and suiciding 20 times per tournament, you'd create even more hype than usual. Awesome job with 4th place and having the hypest match on stream.

@ The Star King The Star King really impressive showing with fox. If you had beaten kero with fox the 64 community would have blown up.

@ KeroKeroppi KeroKeroppi where did the year go

Killer, just practice man, it's not the character that's stopping you and stop fretting about that, you're your only limit

@ jimmyjoe jimmyjoe , thanks for being the ****ing man and housing us on friday night. I forgot to give you money for food and feel like a total **** about it so i'll spot you next time we meet :D

@ pidgezero_one pidgezero_one @ Sedda Sedda , you guys are awesome for travelling such long distances just to show up to this little local. Sedda finally got to see that we're all just oxygen thieves and pidge proved that she's the most corrupt ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@everyone else I interacted with and didn't mention, you were all awesome for showing up to this and being with us and I'd mention you all if i wasn't already supposed to be sleeping instead of staying up late for no reason.


((((((((((( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) gotta go fast!
Writing Team
Jul 13, 2011
In case anyone's looking for it, results thread is here: http://smashboards.com/threads/mele...al-6-results-11-01-2014-somerville-nj.376224/

@ Fireblaster Fireblaster I had a lot of fun in our set, but I legit have no ****ing clue how I almost brought game 1 back. Enjoy your new ownership of the IRC room. (just kidding, i don't even remember the channel password. this does not make me corrupt of course)

@bloodpeach Thank you SO MUCH for pulling through with the adapter fix stuff, you're a ****in wizard and awesome dude. GGs in bracket too, I can't believe our games were as close as they were!

@Cobrevolution I can't thank you enough for the housing and for making the tournament run. Sorry I was a boring piece of garbage and slept through the yolo tourney. NJ diners are godlike can confirm.

@ Sedda Sedda and @ The Star King The Star King it was fun chilling with you guys at the diner. I don't know what you guys heard but it's all lies and I've never done anything corrupt in my life.

I don't remember Killer's username but good **** getting top 3. Happy to see the adapters served you and SK well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

@ KeroKeroppi KeroKeroppi Sorry we didn't get to play at all. You're not missing much tho, i'm pretty bad. It was cool commentating with you, somehow two terrible posters put together are not all that terrible on the mic? Good **** getting 2nd!

@Florence Thank you SO MUCH for the lift back up to ontario, it was cool hanging out with you too! I'm gonna try to get all these weiners in Southern Ontario to go to the January 3rd tournament.

Liz and Boom it was cool meeting you guys in person too. Liz I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out more, I was caught up with adapter stuff for most of the tourney :(

@ jimmyjoe jimmyjoe it was nice meeting you man! Thanks for helping me and Jacob out with the adapter situation too!

@ LLDL LLDL Thanks for hosting this, it was worth the 14 hour trip!

Sorry if I missed anyone, it was really cool getting to meet all of you guys for the first time after writing dumb **** at you guys for like 6 months on skype. I hope that meeting me in person was not nearly as disappointing as it usually is!

(And to everyone who asked or implied it, no i am not dating ybombb. Or anyone for that matter. But I'm still mad at him for not going)


Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
Im really honored that you guys supported me and managed to have a good time, despite how the event turned out. I had more tv's 4 more consoles / copies for smash 64, but we simply had no place to really set it all up with the 100 people for melee / project m :(

Next time will be smoof. I promise!
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Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
Im really honored that you guys supported me and managed to have a good time, despite how the event turned out. I had more tv's 4 more consoles / copies for smash 64, but we simply had no place to really set it all up with the 100 people for melee / project m :(

Next time will be smoof. I promise!
It turned out to not be so bad. We annexed a couch and table in the modern console part of the venue which turned into a nice little 64 section.

Oh and shoutouts to everyone. Also, Rob has some really nice furniture in his living room.

Kyle's Style

Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2014
Stranded spammed my phone for like an hour so I can post this pic for him, It's him and Sedda I imagine from reading prior post.

Also good job Kero and Stranded,


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
good games fgts

don't feel like doing mad shout outs so here are the important ones

sedda - SORRY I'M A LET DOWN, it was a pleasure meeting and playing with you

thanks for coming out

pidge- also a pleasure to meet you, we should have played some games, i had fun commentating tho

thanks for coming out

madrush - an even bigger thanks for coming out than the ones i gave to sedda and stef, you the real mvp

boom - an slightly bigger thanks for coming out than the one i gave to madrush for coming out

i really wanted to do better than i did at zenith but i got beat down even worse

lol whatev i'm kero the great

it won't be long before i beat you :)

a huge shout out to @FableSSB for being a lil thug

this little *** is a straight up ***** slayer

fun games bro

sk - there's something special about the way you play

i can't explain it, but it feels very intentional

like all your moves have a purpose and that you don't just throw out moves to throw out moves

they all mean something

idk it's really cool

gotta be more confident tho man, you were not only my most difficult non-boom opponent but you also have the best fox i've ever played (sorry z<3)

train hard and beat me at apex

with yoshi

i don't lose to fox :)

jj- i just finished watching the games

you realized that i was playing for fun instead of playing to win in gf

and you kept saying that if i pulled myself together and tried my best that i would probably be able to take a game off of boom's high tiers

thanks for believing me

i'll remember your confidence next time i'm being crushed<3

chain ace - super fun event, thanks for having us

everyone else- i ****ed your mom

pce n00bs


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
oh and shout outs to tommy, cesar, rob, and scrubba

you guys did super well

good ****

oh **** and thanks to rob and his family for housing like 30 smashers
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Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York
efwpegjrwoigjrwg and sorry for falling asleep so early like a little *****

i was the one pushing that people should stay up all night and i failed you guys

i won't even ask for your forgiveness

i have committed the ultimate crime and i do not deserve to live

goodbye world

-kero the great

Han Solo

Banned via Warnings
Nov 9, 2011
Midwest Corellia
People seem to be talking about how SK *almost* beat Kero with Fox, but how come no one is talking about Kero beating Boom's Fox or Stranded wrecking SK's Fox game 2?

Top-tier Fox lost. :'(
How is this possible?


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York

i think it is so ****ing annoying when you ***** about fox

but for what it's worth

i too think that fox is a ****ing awful character LOL

ok not awful lol

but like

worse than yoshi and puff deff


any player with a good punish game wrecks fox

lol like fox just won't beat players that can edge guard

it's that simple

well that's enough wisdom for tonight

peace out queers

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
nope I just lost because I suck if I just played a little better I could've won vs Kero, was definitely doable (man I got owned by Stranded though)


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2011
New York

regarding the lol fox sucks tone of my prev post

pls note that it refers to foxes around your skill level

(HOLD THE **** Up)

is the plural of fox foxs bc fox is the characters name or foxes bc fox is still a ****ing animal and we have to follow the laws of grammar and **** what the ****


i know this goes without saying

but still

don't be offended by my post if you lose to like sk or z or some ****

they're really good

apparently not good enough to beat kero the great... butttt

LOOOLL nah I'm totally kidding

srsly tho

fox is trash when two players are equally good

that's what i'm tryna say

and again

by trash i mean like worse than yoshi and jiggs so not even that trashy

tbh fox is not even that bad

i don't know why i bother making these ****ing posts


Han Solo

Banned via Warnings
Nov 9, 2011
Midwest Corellia
How am I complaining? I want to know how the best character in this game lost to a ****ty ****ing rat like Kero (who coincidentally used a rat-like character).
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