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Climbing Up Smash Mountain - Screwing Myself Over, In More Ways Than One


Smash Journeyman
Nov 2, 2008
Bloomington, IN
Link to original post: [drupal=1237]Climbing Up Smash Mountain - Screwing Myself Over, In More Ways Than One[/drupal]

I feel so depressed right now. I guess that may not be the first thing you'd want to read in a blog, but it is what it is, and it's pretty much my fault that I got myself into this mess. If you're still interested, read on and allow me to tell you how I made my early Smash career officially slow to a standstill.

For those of you in the Midwest, you may have heard about eighteenspikes' FBT6 tournament coming up in about two weeks. He sent the word out a long time ago, and I thought it would be cool to join in. My first problem was that it would be held during my spring break, a time when I usually go back home. Thing is, home for me is in Manhattan. Flights to and from college in Minnesota have to be booked weeks in advance if I want a semi-reasonable fare. Considering how much time I spend away from home, I enjoy seeing my folks again when I return. Imagine my concern knowing that I would have to spend less time with my family just for a Smash event. I suppose some of you may question my train of thought, but following strict guidelines such as vacation times and the like is part of my nature.

Now, I tell my parents about this, as they are the ones that arrange my flights. Knowing that my parents aren't always fond of me playing video games, I go in expecting some form of debate. To my surprise, they immediately say I could go back to Minnesota early if I wanted. True, I'm an adult now and I should be free to make my own choices, but I still felt shocked they would so readily let me spend less time with them, just for a Smash event. I would still stay home for about a week, and the idea was that I would catch a ride from college out to Wisconsin for FBT6. Turns out getting out there would be the second, and ultimately "fatal", problem for me.

When I arrived back in college, I start posting requests for a ride on the MNSmash's website. I checked back periodically to see if anyone answered, to no avail. Actually, some confusion arose for a time on the site, as people were not sure who would be driving. I kept posting my requests, but no one told me anything. Then, within the last couple of weeks, someone (I don't see the need to name him) posted a list in the thread detailing who needed a ride to FBT6. Here's the first thing I screwed up: I payed the list little heed. For some odd reason, I didn't think it was too important, just a simple reminder to drivers like anyone else's individual post requests would be. I would later find out the drivers would give their rides based on that list alone, and I failed to notify the poster that my name wasn't there. Loads of cars filled up without me even knowing. Only one person routinely updated his driving situation in the thread, and me, still in the dark about who exactly was driving, made another mistake. I kept asking around for who could provide a lift, thinking I was still safe, only to see several others call spots in this guy's car. No seats were left anywhere, apparently.

And now, barring a miracle (read: someone decides not to go at the last minute), I've pretty much prevented myself from attending FBT6. A combination of arrogance and ignorance made me miss every opportunity to try my hand at my first regional tournament. It's bad enough knowing how hard I've made it for me to get more Brawl practice in, what with the relative slump in Minnesota's Brawl scene and the frequent traveling I'll be doing this summer (hence, no Smash). But it goes personal too, namely my family. Naturally, I assumed I would be going to FBT6 when I set up an early return flight. But now it's like I set myself up to be screwed. My family is important to me, and now I'm spending less time with them, all for nothing.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
Well a lot of times when you are planning to do something new you hit a lot of road blocks, because you don't know what to expect. But now you know in advance how to prevent stuff like that from happening. Don't worry you'll have more opportunities to visit your family and to try at another smash tournament.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
^Agreed. It's a tough situation, but just try to make the best of it by not stressing out so much. It's disappointing, but don't let it get you down too much. Who knows? Maybe God has something better planned to happen in that weekend. Can't tell you how many times that's happened to me.
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