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Climbing the Ranks - Travis Touchdown For Switch Smash!


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC


Travis Touchdown is the main hero (...well, protagonist) of the No More Heroes series of games, which got its start on the Wii. Travis Touchdown is a down on his luck, loser Otaku until he wins his signature lightsaber (well, laser katana) from an internet auction site, after which he decides to become a part time assassin to pay for his video game and anime exorbatant lifestyle. From then on, he is approached by the mysterious Sylvia of the United Assassin's Association and things only get whackier and more intense from there.

The first game and the upcoming third game for the Nintendo Switch were developed by Goichi Suda, AKA Suda51, known for his out there game design, bizzareness and an overall cool-weird style. Travis Strikes Again, the upcoming third game for No More Heroes, marks his first game made since the original No More Heroes, something which has me pretty excited. Travis himself is as out there as his game, as far as Nintendo characters go: An anti-hero who usually looks out for himself, someone who enjoys the heat of battle and combat, and is also pretty much a loser at the end of the day, but a loser with a strong will and some pretty good skill at killing people. And although he might usually look out for #1, it doesn't make him totally heartless.

No More Heroes itself, of course, is quite out there, and marked quite a stark contrast between its bloody, parodical and vicious nature to what is normally considered of the Wii (and Nintendo in general) lineups, fitting more into something like Bayonetta in that regard. The game has a huge variety of bosses that include an eccentric actor with a supervillain suit, an elderly woman whose shopping cart is actually a deadly particle beam cannon, a football player with his own mech, an Irish hip-hopping battle priest, a long lost Soviet from space with mysterious powers and of course your own twin brother.

Okay, so why should he go into Smash?​

Travis isn't just another swordsman, he is also trained in another sacred art of combat: WRASSLIN'. When he isn't slicing people down with his laser katana, you can get to piledriving, suplexing, chokeholding and otherwise bringing your opponent down with a variety of wrestling moves. This allows Travis a unique avenue that other sword wielders don't have, be it command grabs, a grab game focus or just plain unique animations. The fact Travis has a beam katana allows him other things that sword users with their boring old metal swords also just couldn't accomplish: Burning through shields, the sweet sounds of lightsabers, whatever! He even has the ability to charge and recharge his beam katana, which could work into a lot of mechanics and moves in the set.

If that wasn't enough, in No More Heroes 2, Travis finds himself wielding TWO beam katanas, giving him the potential to be our first dual-sword wielder!

So, you talked about his moveset potential, but...​

Travis' game is somewhat unique in the timeline of Nintendo, a game clearly going for a "Mature" movement for the otherwise "kiddy" Nintendo Wii. This allows Travis to fit quite a similiar niche to Bayonetta, even somewhat of a rivalry factor, as something outside of Nintendo's normal "scope" who nonetheless got a rather devoted fanbase. His personality is unlike the vast majority of Smashers, the terrible slacker type without many morals, and so combined Travis has a spot in the potential roster of Switch Smash that few other characters can boast. This is a great reason for Travis to pop up instead of some random new protagonist.

Isn't this kind of old hat?​

On top of THAT, Travis is appearing in his first new game in ages FOR the Nintendo Switch! A new game is always a boon to a character's chances and putting Travis in Smash 5 would allow them to promote a series that otherwise sometimes suffers in the sales department. Could this boost Travis into more games afterwards? All the same, the time is nigh for the BEST assassin in the Nintendo lexicon to show off his new game and show these Nintendo chums a thing or two about the killing game. In addition to that, Suda51 has talked about how he would like Travis Touchdown in Switch smash in an interview and talked about his close relationship with Nintendo. These only add to Travis' surprising chances to be in Smash for Switch.

So don't delay, act now, and become a Hero...or you might not be around No More!

Rank 1: FrozenRoy (Thread Owner)
Rank 2: SmashKeks
Rank 3: 8-peacock-8
Rank 4: TCT~Phantom
Rank 5: slambros
Rank 6: LaughingLefou
Rank 7: smileMasky
Rank 8: Runic_SSB
Rank 9: Mogu
Rank 10: SSBCandidates
Rank 11: NotLiquid
Rank 12: Yomi's Biggest Fan
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Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
Sign me up. I love the No More Heroes series, and I believe Goichi himself was inquiring to Sakurai about Travis in Smash during Brawl's development (Feel free to take that claim with a grain of salt until proper citation appears. I don't remember where I heard that claim exactly.). If he's still on the table, his chances may well be boosted with the No More Heroes spinoff and return of Travis to gaming coming so far exclusively to the Switch. Travis' fast pace, zippy sword slashing, and powerful throws in wrestling suplexes, combined with a dry, more mature (but still kid safe) humor and wit not seen in most personalities from smash characters could make him a refreshing and hilarious addition to the roster. May he claim his rank as number one in the tier list... or at least our hearts.

And my goodness! Coud you imagine the music he could add to Smash? Oof, if I wouldn't get shivers listening to Philistine gracing Smash's music selection.
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Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Sign me up. I love the No More Heroes series, and I believe Goichi himself was inquiring to Sakurai about Travis in Smash during Brawl's development (Feel free to take that claim with a grain of salt until proper citation appears. I don't remember where I heard that claim exactly.). If he's still on the table, his chances may well be boosted with the No More Heroes spinoff and return of Travis to gaming coming so far exclusively to the Switch. Travis' fast pace, zippy sword slashing, and powerful throws in wrestling suplexes, combined with a dry, more mature (but still kid safe) humor and wit not seen in most personalities from smash characters could make him a refreshing and hilarious addition to the roster. May he claim his rank as number one in the tier list... or at least our hearts.

And my goodness! Coud you imagine the music he could add to Smash? Oof, if I wouldn't get shivers listening to Philistine gracing Smash's music selection.
Oh god, yeah, No More Heroes music would be GREAT in Smash! I'll see if I can find a good citation on that, because if so I'll addi t into the OP as it adds to the chances.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Definitely for this. Been wanting Travis for a long time. And the video game theme of his next title would really mesh well with Smash if they decided to add arcade mode stories.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
Put me on as a supporter.NMH2 is in my top five Wii games (alongside xenoblade, okami, project m, and te Metroid prime trilogy , tho Rayman origins and galaxy 1 are close). Would love to see Travis suplex opponents and have a Glastonbury final smash.

Also FrozenRoy FrozenRoy will there be a supporters list in the OP?
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Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Put me on as a supporter.NMH2 is in my top five Wii games (alongside xenoblade, okami, project m, and te Metroid prime trilogy , tho Rayman origins and galaxy 1 are close). Would love to see Travis suplex opponents and have a Glastonbury final smash.

Also FrozenRoy FrozenRoy will there be a supporters list in the OP?
Added! I didn't want to add a supporter's list until we got some actual supporters. Welcome to the United Assassin's Association of Smash!


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
Well, I'll support Travis Touchdown as playable if it means we can get this character, Shinobu, as a trophy.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2018
Centray NY
*Count me in!*

I loved No More Heroes, and if a sex symbol like Bayonetta can find her way onto Smash's Roster, then good ol' Travis Touchdown is certainly viable!

Ooh, think we could have Sir Henry "Mother******" Cooldown as an assist trophy?!
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Smash Ace
Aug 6, 2014
parent's basment
i fully support this. it just seems too awesome to not include him now also with the brand new spin off on the horizon its too perfect.


Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2010
Princeton, NJ
I've been begging for this since I played NMH2. Travis is my boy and he NEEDS to be in Smash Switch, especially with his new game coming out.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
Well, I'll support Travis Touchdown as playable if it means we can get this character, Shinobu, as a trophy.

Shinobu and Henry trophies seem like obligatory must haves, if not even more characters. At least I could see them making trophies of those two and Sylvia.
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
If they can fit Bayonetta in they can fit in Travis, especially with his ability to break the 4th wall on occasion (or am I misremembering that) he could directly alude to having to tone down for a kids game. I honestly think it has a decent chance to happen, No More Heroes is an Nintendo console original, has a game coming out and has a lot of personality.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
If Travis were to make it into Smash, what do you think the guest drawn art page to represent his character would look like?

I like the idea of reimagining this promotional art sprawl, with the No Mofre Heroes assassins replaced with Smash Bros. characters.

Alternately, and this is a long shot, but if they wanted a more risqué picture that would also capture Travis' character, I recall an (I think) official promotional artwork of Travis on a grey throne surrounded by 3 girls from the no more heroes series in a provocative way, kind of like a harem for Travis. I think the girls were Sylvia, Shinobu, and another I'm not remembering. If someone can find that picture, let me know. I'll keep searching for it. Even so, a re-imagining of that artwork with the girls around the throne replaced with some Smash females would be cool.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2016
North America
Switch FC
Put me on the support list, please. Ever since I watched some gameplay of No More Heroes 1 many years ago and then heard that Suda51 wants Travis in Smash, the thought of "....dude....this is a no-brainer" came to mind and still does to this day. There's just so much moveset potential that Travis has and, like you said FrozenRoy, they could even go the No More Heroes 2 route in some capacity by making him a dual wielder.

Also I loooooove his design and personality.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
I found a source for Suda51 talking about how he wants to put Travis Touchdown in Smash and have added it to the last section of the opening post, in addition to updating the Supporters list with all of you lovely folks who agree with THE Travis Touchdown in Smash For Switch!

As for trophies...Bayonetta got about 6 trophies and I think something around that is what we would get for No More Heroes, probably somewhat more if we assume Travis is a release character. Shinobu and Henry seem HIGHLY likely given their series importance and either one could also be an AT. Sylvia also seems pretty likely and I imagine Jeane would be a trophy as well? Bayonetta in most ways seems like the most apt comparison in Smash to Travis, for sure.

I think the art sprawl is a good thought, a lot more likely than the other one I feel, in general art with the other Smash characters in the place of assassins seems pretty likely, I could see something like Travis walking up to Letz Shake in NMH1 but with Smash characters far in the distance for example.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
I honestly feel Travis is the next third party character with the highest chances to be in Smash. Suda has been quite open on it and we all know how things went with Kojima and Snake in Smash. Plus he has an upcoming game, Switch exclusive. Oh and add me to the rank list.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Forgot to mention, personally I would prefer to have Henry over Travis if I had to pick one, but of course I like Travis. Maybe Shinobu should be the AT.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Key thing is just it is pretty unlikely they would put in Henry before Travis. Maybe in the future if more NMH got made?


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
Sign me up for this. Suda even said he wants No More Heroes to be Nintendo exclusive because he considers him a "Nintendo icon" and has been vying for his inclusion in Smash forever. He even said he made the controls of Travis Strikes Again simpler because Sakurai is all about controller elegance and he wants to get his attention. I wouldn't be surprised if he announced Travis' return on the Switch grand stage reveal just because he hopes Sakurai would notice. Nintendo seems to love him enough.

I wrote up a potential move list for him earlier because I had time to burn and it'd be a fun thought experiment. Even for being a sword user, there's a lot of potential to squeeze out of him as a unique fighter.


Main Gimmick: Battery. Every sword attack deals powerful damage but consumes some of the battery of Travis' Beam Katana. If his battery runs out, his sword attacks will become essentially useless (1% damage on hit, low hitstun), and he'll need to recharge his sword. Even just recharging to have 5% battery may help you in a pinch.

Positive traits: Average speed and sustainability, powerful attacks, high hitstun on moves, high combo potential.
Negative traits: Awkward hitbox coverage, no reliable anti-airs, slow startup on several moves, reliant on Beam Katana charge

  • Neutral Attack: Travis' standard jab-jab-kick combo in NMH. High base knockback on the final hit but low knockback scaling overall, meant to be a "get off of me" move.
  • Forward Tilt: Generic single forward slice, all-purpose utility move.
  • Up Tilt: Sword combination. Travis performs his standard high slash combination from the games, high damage, decent knockback.
  • Down Tilt: Sword combination. Travis performs his standard low slash combination from the games, low damage, good range. Up Tilt and Down Tilt can be alternated within a combo similarly to Marth's Dancing Blade.
  • Dash Attack: Step-in slice from No More Heroes 2, similar to Link's SSB4 Dash Attack, this has high BKB and knockback scaling making it a good killing move.
  • Neutral Aerial: Generic rotating slash, all-purpose utility move.
  • Up Aerial: Generic upward slice, all-purpose utility move.
  • Back Aerial: Generic backward slice, all-purpose utility move.
  • Down Aerial: Performs a flip and a lunging falling slash, powerful KO move.
  • Forward Smash: Charged clothesline punch. Decent damage but staggers opponent, leaving them open for a KO move.
  • Up Smash: Charged high slash attack. Travis' strongest KO move, but depletes 50% of his battery.
  • Down Smash: Charged low slash attack. Not as strong as the Up Smash but makes up for it in range, depletes 45% of his battery.
  • Neutral B: Killing Blow. This move initiates as a generic slice but can be placed right before the end of a sword combination to maximize damage and knockback. On contact Travis will do one of four random "finishing moves" that can send the opponent flying off in different angles, but you can choose which of the four moves you get in the split second after landing the attack by tilting the control stick in one of four directions, just like the games.
  • Side B: Schpeltiger. This is basically the same as Wario's bike, except the bike can do a much larger aerial leap.
  • Up B: Glastonbury. Travis summons a miniaturized version of the Bizarre Jelly 5 mecha that Travis has adopted for himself in NMH2. This would be somewhat similar to Corrin's Up B, a small directional boost that ends with a stinger sword stab.
  • Down B: Charging Katana. Much like in the games, this has notable startup and recovery frames, so unlike Cloud he can't go around spamming this. To charge from 0% to 100% would take roughly 3 seconds.
  • Forward Throw: Powerbomb, general purpose throw to create distance for Travis to charge
  • Down Throw: Suplex Powerslam, can lead into a combo
  • Up Throw: Frankensteiner, general purpose throw to create distance for Travis to charge
  • Back Throw: Tiger Suplex, high BKB scaling making it a potent KO throw
Final Smash: Slots

Travis initiates the slot machine to activate one of his four Dark Side Modes, giving him a random chance of four potential Final Smash moves.

  • Strawberry On The Shortcake (3x Hopper): Travis goes into a superpowered state of himself, similar to Wario Man/Mega Lucario etc., every sword attack becomes a Killing Blow.
  • Blueberry Cheese Brownie (3x Bell): Travis' sword attacks create powerful projectiles that have high knockback and damage, similar to Yoshi's Final Smash.
  • Cranberry Chocolate Sundae (3x Bar): Travis slows down the entire field, similar to Luigi's Negative Zone, and his attacks end up having trippy effects and high knockback.
  • Anarchy In The Galaxy (3x 7): Travis sends an explosive shockwave around the stage, like Tabuu's off waves - the strongest (but rarest) final smash.
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Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Good to see some set posting. I was thinking of throwing up some stuff for Travis myself, I make Smash moveset ideas all the time heh, so maybe in a few days I will have anything to say. Something I'll say about your set is that I think that the penalty for having the battery at 0%, especially when some attacks take so much, is probably a bit too punishing, I would probably lessen the penalty.

Oh, and ofc, I've added you to the supporter's list. :) Glad to see so many people like this choice!


Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
So I was guiding a friend over Spring break in NMH2 on Bitter, we came up with an easiest to hardest boss list

1. Mimmy
2. Chloe Walsh
3. Charlie McDonald
4. Dr Letz Shake
5. Million Gunman
6. Kimmy Howell
7. Margaret Moonlight
8. Nathan Copeland
9. Captain Vladimer
10. Alice Twilight
11. New Destroymen
12. Matt Helms
13. Ryuji
14. Skelter Helter
15. Jasper ****ing Batt Jr.

NMH1 List on Bitter
1. Death Metal
2. Dr. Peace
3. Harvey Volvadarski
4. Speed Buster
5. Destroyman
6. Holly Summers
7. Jeane
8. Shinobu
9. Bad Girl
10. Henry

What do you guys think of this list?
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
Travis is the man and I loved all No More Heroes games. They were so charming and full of action. Feel free to add me.

And by the way, I was wondering if any of you Travis fans would be interesting and talking him as a Smash fighter or just general No More Heroes talk.

The overall theme is brining supporters of underrated/darkhorse characters together. All are welcome.



Smash Ace
Jan 23, 2010
Princeton, NJ
TCT~Phantom TCT~Phantom I'd put Million Gunman at the bottom. Not because of the actual boss, but because you also have to fight the horrible shoehorned jumping controls and a new dimension of Suda51's camera from hell.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Switch FC
Travis is the man and I loved all No More Heroes games. They were so charming and full of action. Feel free to add me.

And by the way, I was wondering if any of you Travis fans would be interesting and talking him as a Smash fighter or just general No More Heroes talk.

The overall theme is brining supporters of underrated/darkhorse characters together. All are welcome.

I'll check it out at some point! Added you to the supporters list, glad to have you aboard.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
So, I was wondering, does anybody remember any notable quotes from the No More Heroes series? I tried to find a video on YouTube of all of Travis' voice lines, but no one has made such a video currently. Travis uses some saucy language, but surely there have to be some witty quips and bad a** one liners that don't involve the myriad of spicy four letter words Travis so commonly uses. I'll probably replay the series in the near future, so I'll look out for some SFW lines, but I was just curious if anyone distinctly remembered some off hand. Travis needs some cool things to say during taunts and victory animations.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
Coffee with MILF
Pretty sure Diane from Beefhead videos said that one, not Travis, and even then that seems a bit risqué still for Smash.

That said I would totally support Travis using the many truly inspired fake pron movie names that NMH graced us with as voice lines in Smash, in a truly perfect best timeline where such an event would ever happen.

My favorite fake movie is Air Force One: The First Lady Returns to the Mile High Club.

*EDIT* I did not realize that Smashboards would not censor the word pron. Well I'm going to soft censor it any way so I don't get in trouble.
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Brother AJ

Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2014
Fort Worth, Tx
Oh yea! Count me in! I loved NMH, and the whole eccentric, bizarre, hyper violent, hack and slash that is was! I’ve still been meaning to play the sequel... He definitely would fit well in Smash, but I’m not sure how likely it is. He would probably need a lot of fan support like Bayonetta to get in, but there doesn’t seem to be that much sadly...


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I love No More Heroes. I didn't support Travis for Smash before because..well frankly I thought he'd be too 'mature' for the series. With Bayonetta in, and Travis being a similar level of fame, I'm down for bringing the beam sword to Smash.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
Here's a thought I had: With Travis' spin off game fast approaching, adding to his probability of making Smash, what are the chances he'll have Some moves from Travis Strikes Again? Early gameplay shows off some unique special moves, from vortexes that suck people in, to barrier shields that nullify projectiles, to a spin attack with a long animation akin to Toon Link's spin move.

On the topic of Travis Strikes again, I wonder how likely it is that Badman could be a skin for Travis. He is the Co-Op player in Travis Strikes again, Travis and Badman look to be about the same height, and even though he uses a Baseball bat as opposed to Travis' Beam Katana, looks like they are swung the same way game animation wise, and he still has to recharge his bat like Travis does his sword (for some reason). Given how Travis Strikes again is about the duo being trapped in the world of video games, and Smash is literally a video game, it would be fitting. Plus Badman is pretty eye catching, with his baseball design and off-putting leather mask.

Plus, in doubles tournaments, you know a team of Travis and Badman literally playing co-op in Smash would be a hype set.
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Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
On the topic of Travis Strikes again, I wonder how likely it is that Badman could be a skin for Travis. He is the Co-Op player in Travis Strikes again, Travis and Badman look to be about the same height, and even though he uses a Baseball bat as opposed to Travis' Beam Katana, looks like the are swung the same way in game animation wise, and he still has to recharge his bat like Travis does his sword (for some reason). Given how Travis Strikes again is about the duo being trapped in the world of video games, and Smash is literally a video game, it would be fitting. Plus Badman is pretty eye catching, with his baseball design and off-putting leather mask.
I was trying to work out for the life of me who Badman was and why he was chosen as player 2 for Travis Strikes again over Henry or Shinobu...

...now I've read his background biography I'm even more perplexed why he's the co-op partner for Travis!


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
I was trying to work out for the life of me who Badman was and why he was chosen as player 2 for Travis Strikes again over Henry or Shinobu...

...now I've read his background biography I'm even more perplexed why he's the co-op partner for Travis!
It's my understanding that the Death Drive MK II is rumored to grant the wishes of whosoever survives its' gauntlet of 6 games. Presumably, Badman didn't know Travis had the game system when we went to kill him. Now that they're both in the system, I read that part of his backstory was that he was looking for a Death Drive MK II so that he could beat the games and bring his daughter Bad Girl back to life.

Maybe now that they're stuck together, he figures Travis can help him escape and get him the wishes. I'm assuming his motivation to help Travis will hopefully be explained in the games' story when Travis Strikes Again releases in full.

As for why not Henry or Shinobu, yeah they would be more fitting but perhaps harder to justify why they would be in Travis' trailer in the middle of nowhere right as the game system was sucking people into it, plus I could actually see Henry not helping Travis (I can't be seen with that travesty, even I have standards). He thinks his brother is peak dork and helping him play his video games might be the lamest thing he could imagine. All said though I'm not too mad about it. Sure Badmans a new original character, but he fits into the world of NHM well enough. He's eye catching in the sense that I'd believe he was an ally to Travis to join his cavalcade of weirdos in Shinobu and Henry.

That said I wonder if Badman will be a prominent character in No More Heroes 3? So long as we get more Henry playable stages (More than a single boss fight anyway, and hopefully some actual levels), I wouldn't mind throwing a few playable appearances to Badman, but I'm probably getting way too hopeful with no basis for that claim at the moment.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It's my understanding that the Death Drive MK II is rumored to grant the wishes of whosoever survives its' gauntlet of 6 games. Presumably, Badman didn't know Travis had the game system when we went to kill him. Now that they're both in the system, I read that part of his backstory was that he was looking for a Death Drive MK II so that he could beat the games and bring his daughter Bad Girl back to life.

Maybe now that they're stuck together, he figures Travis can help him escape and get him the wishes. I'm assuming his motivation to help Travis will hopefully be explained in the games' story when Travis Strikes Again releases in full.

As for why not Henry or Shinobu, yeah they would be more fitting but perhaps harder to justify why they would be in Travis' trailer in the middle of nowhere right as the game system was sucking people into it, plus I could actually see Henry not helping Travis (I can't be seen with that travesty, even I have standards). He thinks his brother is peak dork and helping him play his video games might be the lamest thing he could imagine. All said though I'm not too mad about it. Sure Badmans a new original character, but he fits into the world of NHM well enough. He's eye catching in the sense that I'd believe he was an ally to Travis to join his cavalcade of weirdos in Shinobu and Henry.

That said I wonder if Badman will be a prominent character in No More Heroes 3? So long as we get more Henry playable stages (More than a single boss fight anyway, and hopefully some actual levels), I wouldn't mind throwing a few playable appearances to Badman, but I'm probably getting way too hopeful with no basis for that claim at the moment.
I actually thought that he was a preexisting character that I just forgot about with how seamless his inclusion was. My sister, who is my co-op buddy, prefers his design to Travis anyway, so it is all good with me, fam.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2018
Normistotzka, Kekistan
I actually thought that he was a preexisting character that I just forgot about with how seamless his inclusion was. My sister, who is my co-op buddy, prefers his design to Travis anyway, so it is all good with me, fam.
Well, i was replying to YoshiandToad, who asked why him over Henry or Shinobu, so I was just trying to give my possible explanation. I will admit he fits in pretty seamlessly, even though I recognized him as a new character. It's cool that he works so seamlessly too, given how he looks to be designed by the new artist who designed all the new bosses for NMH: TSA.

Another idea I had as to why he's playable: I speculated to my brother that TSA is an homage to indie games, but it takes the form of a beat em up game. I thought back to the game Double Dragon where, if you play co-op with a friend, the true final boss becomes you and your friend fighting against each other to be the only one to get the girl at the end of the game.

I wonder if Suda51 will put one over on us and make us fight our Co-op buddy in the last stretch of the game (Though I kind of hope not because I too like Badman and I hope he doesn't die in his debut appearance.).

I̶t̶'̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶o̶l̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶N̶M̶H̶3̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶l̶l̶
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Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Well, i was replying to YoshiandToad, who asked why him over Henry or Shinobu, so I was just trying to give my possible explanation. I will admit he fits in pretty seamlessly, even though I recognized him as a new character. It's cool that he works so seamlessly to, given how he looks to be designed by the new artist who designed all the new bosses for NMH: TSA.

Another idea I had as to why he's playable: I speculated to my brother that TSA is an homage to indie games, but it takes the form of a beat em up game. I thought back to the game Double Dragon where, if you play co-op with a friend, the true final boss becomes you and your friend fighting against each other to be the only one to get the girl at the end of the game.

I wonder if Suda51 will put one over on us and make us fight our Co-op buddy in the last stretch of the game (Though I kind of hope not because I too like Badman and I hope he doesn't die in his debut appearance.).

I̶t̶'̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶o̶l̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶f̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶N̶M̶H̶3̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶w̶e̶l̶l̶
That actually sounds likely as hell given the plot they've outlined so far.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2015
I want Travis Touchdown in smash he's a anime fan I respect a dude that likes anime and add me in support list.
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