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Chibi Link, comes ashore!


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC

Yes I want him.

Why him? And who even is he?
Meet Chibi Link, the version of link we see in the remake of Link's Awakening.
In the game, he is washed ashore on koholint island after fighting a major storm out at sea. A young girl named Marin takes him in and he soon recovers. He is soon told by an owl to reawaken the Wind Fish, who is currently in an egg, and can only be reawakened by gathering the 8 instruments. It is later revealed the island and all its inhabitants were a dream world made by the wind fish, and link must defeat the nightmares attempting to conquer the dream world.
The game received critical appraise and was heralded as one of the best games of all time.

Reasons for him.
As stated above, Links Awakening was one of the best games of all time. So much so it got a remake on the switch featuring this art style. This Link could be a basic clone, or he could use original movesets based off the game itself, the latter being the most likely. Hes also more known, and even got his own amiibo.

Reasons Against Him.
He's just another Link!
Just cause he's another Link doesn't mean he can't get in. Besides, we've got way more marths. (Bad joke is very bad) And The Legend of Zelda hasen't gotten a rep since brawl, its high time we get a new Legend of Zelda rep. Besides, if we can make him original, he won't be as hated.
He's a Spirit.
Spirits deconfirming fighters is a stupid fan rule that isn't confirmed.
The DLC is all third party.
Once again a stupid fan rule.

Jab: Slashes with sword
Forward Tilt; A quick slash
Down Tilt: A kick with his foot
Up Tilt: Quick, upward jab with his sword
Up Smash: Three Quick slashes
Down Smash: Uses his shovel to bury foes. Think Villager. Can bury.
Forward Smash: Same as the other Links
Neutral Air: Three quick, successive sword strikes
Back Air: Quick hit with his shield
Forward Air: Quick Kick forward
Up Air: Quick slash upward, think Meta Knight.
Down Air: Pogo Sword, just like the other links
Neutral Special: Magic Rod, expels a ball of magic which goes a decent distance. Can be charged.
Side Special: Magic Powder, Chibi Link sprays magic powder, which has a long range. The closer towards the dust the opponent is, the more damage it can do, with a chance of stunning the opponent.
Up Special: Grabs a Cucco and flys upwards
Down Special: Bomb, same as the other Links, except larger and can't be held.
Final Smash: Triforce Slash, I've got no ideas for now so I'm going with this.
Grab: Uses the hookshot. Can tether.
Up Throw: Throws the opponent up and strikes them with his sword
Down Throw: Throws them down and
Forward Throw: Puts his sword in the ground and throws the opponent
Back Throw: Throws them back and hits them with a hard hit from the Hookshot.
In General:
Link has three jumps, two normal jumps, and another performed by Roc's Feather. His shield can also block projectiles just like the other links and the hero. He can also hold the shield button while moving, allowing him to hold the shield while walking. It gets less effective the longer it is held though. It can block projectiles and push enemies, items, and even assist trophies. His throws also go a far distance due to the power braclet. His different tunics are all alts, same with the
Shadow Links
. The owl will also appear in a taunt, with another featuring Chibi Link playing an instrument, randomly selected from the ones in Links Awakening.
Stage: Wind Fish, the fight takes place on its back as it flies around Koholint, stopping at various locals.
Him and the Owl are already spirits, so heres a list of other ones they could include.
Marin (Links Awakening Remake)
Grandpa Ulriria
Piranha Plant (Links Awakening)
Anti Kirby
Trendy Game Shop Owner

B: Bomb Arrows. If held too long, he damages himself.
Up B: Flying Rooster. If you use the Boomerang beforehand, you can temporarily(for as long as you're in the Air) have a flying projectile below you.
Side B: Boomerang itself. It would be more like Toon Link's, having a larger hitbox due to showing the entire boomerang, not the slim view of it since it's turn to its side. So less realistic.
Down B: Spin Attack/Hurricane Spin. Has no air time, but works similarly to the ground version the others have. If not charged at all, it just knocks them away like Melee Spin Attack(regular Link).

His Dash Attack actually could be like Smash 64's, as that's how he dashes now. He has decent range, and is a bit faster at attacking than the ALTTP version, so maybe his AAA combo can be faster, but not much knockback in contrast to a bit more damage. Upthrust and Downthrust still make sense for aerials. Forward Air might work better as an overhead slash, similar to OOT Link's Jump Attack. Back Air probably works best as spinning his sword backwards. Hard to say for Neutral Air. Other stuff he has is the Shovel, which could act as a tripping move for Down Tilt. Forward Smash actually works well as the Magic Rod. Hookshot is of course an easy Grab.

Also, another taunt should be him doing his giant grin. Maybe randomize why it happens. He could pick up a fish(with a different animation from the others), or get any item not among his moveset(like the Bottles, technically, possibly Stone Slabs, Heart Pieces, all 8 of the Temple Final Treasures...), and the final animation would be lifting up Marin(obviously in a way that doesn't look inappropriate).

Ahm Skittish

Lets build up some support for our little guy!
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Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2018
Maybe you should put the end of Link's Awakening in spoiler...


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
I would be fine if the next Smash used this guy instead of Toon or Young Link, but I don't think we need another Link added to the roster alongside them.

He is cute though.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I'd love him just for the unique items alone. Magic Rod, Magic Powder, more emphasis on the Roc's Feather in some way, maybe use the Bottles directly. Marin could show up in a taunt or something. Same with the Ocarina. Maybe Up B could use the Flying Rooster instead, while allowing him to use another attack similar to the trick in the home game, where you could throw the Boomerang, grab onto the Rooster, and have an infinite wave of attacks. What I'm thinking for Special moves, to make him feel a bit more unique than the others;

B: Bomb Arrows. If held too long, he damages himself.
Up B: Flying Rooster. If you use the Boomerang beforehand, you can temporarily(for as long as you're in the Air) have a flying projectile below you.
Side B: Boomerang itself. It would be more like Toon Link's, having a larger hitbox due to showing the entire boomerang, not the slim view of it since it's turn to its side. So less realistic.
Down B: Spin Attack/Hurricane Spin. Has no air time, but works similarly to the ground version the others have. If not charged at all, it just knocks them away like Melee Spin Attack(regular Link).

His Dash Attack actually could be like Smash 64's, as that's how he dashes now. He has decent range, and is a bit faster at attacking than the ALTTP version, so maybe his AAA combo can be faster, but not much knockback in contrast to a bit more damage. Upthrust and Downthrust still make sense for aerials. Forward Air might work better as an overhead slash, similar to OOT Link's Jump Attack. Back Air probably works best as spinning his sword backwards. Hard to say for Neutral Air. Other stuff he has is the Shovel, which could act as a tripping move for Down Tilt. Forward Smash actually works well as the Magic Rod. Hookshot is of course an easy Grab.

It's all I can think of off the top of my head.


Smash Hero
May 27, 2019
Waiting for Latias and Latios to get a theme
Switch FC
I'd love him just for the unique items alone. Magic Rod, Magic Powder, more emphasis on the Roc's Feather in some way, maybe use the Bottles directly. Marin could show up in a taunt or something. Same with the Ocarina. Maybe Up B could use the Flying Rooster instead, while allowing him to use another attack similar to the trick in the home game, where you could throw the Boomerang, grab onto the Rooster, and have an infinite wave of attacks. What I'm thinking for Special moves, to make him feel a bit more unique than the others;

B: Bomb Arrows. If held too long, he damages himself.
Up B: Flying Rooster. If you use the Boomerang beforehand, you can temporarily(for as long as you're in the Air) have a flying projectile below you.
Side B: Boomerang itself. It would be more like Toon Link's, having a larger hitbox due to showing the entire boomerang, not the slim view of it since it's turn to its side. So less realistic.
Down B: Spin Attack/Hurricane Spin. Has no air time, but works similarly to the ground version the others have. If not charged at all, it just knocks them away like Melee Spin Attack(regular Link).

His Dash Attack actually could be like Smash 64's, as that's how he dashes now. He has decent range, and is a bit faster at attacking than the ALTTP version, so maybe his AAA combo can be faster, but not much knockback in contrast to a bit more damage. Upthrust and Downthrust still make sense for aerials. Forward Air might work better as an overhead slash, similar to OOT Link's Jump Attack. Back Air probably works best as spinning his sword backwards. Hard to say for Neutral Air. Other stuff he has is the Shovel, which could act as a tripping move for Down Tilt. Forward Smash actually works well as the Magic Rod. Hookshot is of course an easy Grab.

It's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Mind if I add that to the op? I'm currently also working on a links awakening moveset for the op, so might as well add this in the meantime

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Mind if I add that to the op? I'm currently also working on a links awakening moveset for the op, so might as well add this in the meantime
No problem. Feel free to organize it better than random thoughts too~

Also, another taunt should be him doing his giant grin. Maybe randomize why it happens. He could pick up a fish(with a different animation from the others), or get any item not among his moveset(like the Bottles, technically, possibly Stone Slabs, Heart Pieces, all 8 of the Temple Final Treasures...), and the final animation would be lifting up Marin(obviously in a way that doesn't look inappropriate).

Oracle Link

Smash Master
Oct 9, 2020
Thats me! jokes aside I will Call him classic Link, i just pesonaly prefer that name!
I Would also Include Reffrences to Zelda 1 (Simalar look), Oracle(Same Link i dont care about the retcon) and maybe A link to the past!
i really hope in the next smash he replaces Young and Toon maybe make them Alts so he represents 2d Zelda and Adult Link would Represent
3d Zelda.
Also say when you want a Link(Hahaha Funny) to my Link based Thread!
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