I just noticed this thread.
I already posted about it on the videos thread, but I got 1st place in Dubai's IGN Convention Sm4sh Wii U tournament last weekend (November 21st and 22nd; yes, weekends here are Friday and Saturday). Here's the bracket (I registered as Snack, but the TO entered me with an extra S...):
www.challonge.com/IGNCONSSB4 Don't mind getting 2-0'd at first. There were... controller issues, but I let it slide (despite being a co-organizer). I switched to my 3DS for the rest of the matches.
I used Charizard and Pac-Man most of the tournament. (except in GF since my opponent only played Mario and that match-up is scary for me... though I did bust him out at the end and 2-stocked him. Must've been the momentum)
The videos are kinda scattered and messy, but you can find 'em here:
www.twitch.tv/falcon_arena. I posted more direct links here: