Pac-Man. Don't get me wrong I think Pac is a cool character and all just after a friend showing me Pac-Man 2 The New Adventures, I don't see how he can be a fighter in anyway.
Lucario. Enough pokemon in already since we know Jiggs is most likely coming back and maybe Mewtwo.
Megaman. The only reason I say this is I don't like classic, EXE, ZX, etc. I'd really only like him if he was in his X form.
Bomberman. Another character I like just don't see how he could have a diverse moveset besides punch, kick, bomb.
Master Chief. As much as I love Halo he represents Microsoft way too much and was never even on a system, (yes i know there was supposed to be Halo DS)
Ness. He would take the spot that Claus could have =P.
Tingle. No, just no.
Sukapon. This one is biased again, he would take Takamaru's spot.
Generic FF/Dragon Quest characters. Chocobo, Moogle, Slime, Tonberry, Cactuar, etc. I've seen these thrown out there and I much rather have an actual character from FF or DQ instead of one of these its like saying a koopa or an octorok would be good character choices.