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Characters that give you Trouble in For Glory


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
No matter what characters you play as, which Character(s) happen to give you the most trouble when playing against them in For Glory?

This isn't about characters you hate or find annoying, but ones where no matter what you do you just can't seem to beat them or the match takes way longer than it should against them. Do you have a hard time approaching or maybe certain attacks get you every single time?

Either way, whenever you face "That character" you know you're going to have a difficult time no matter what.

For me it would have to be Yoshi. I honestly don't know what it is about him, but Yoshi's are by far the most difficult character for me to handle. I could use any of my Mains and still have a difficult time, although I notice I do a tiny bit better with ROB when against Yoshi it still takes ages to finish the match. There's a lot of times where it will even end up in Sudden Death no matter how close it happens to be.

I can be Agressive or Defensive, but it's still a headache on my end.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2015
I dunno for me. maybe it's top tiers like pika and sheik
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and we're back.
Mar 2, 2015
Wow, recurring characters. Yoshi. Dunno. It's the whole thing that people who go "Tryhard Mode" on For Glory always seem to switch to Yoshi. His dash attack is super safe on shield, his Dair, his shield break Down B, his Command grab, just everything about him is so good. And he's easy to play. His only flaw is his... uhh... he doesn't get tournament results? Ptht, this is FOR GLORY!!!

Also Falco. For Glory Falco's are always good. Never a crappy one, always one who has those RAR's down pat, the Down Throw Combos, recovery mixups. That stuff. Also, the lag makes it hard to PS his lasers, so I just end up taking tons of damage for no reason.

Deleted member

:4yoshi: Yoshi. Just... Yoshi. He's probably my most hated character to fight in this entire game. Fastest airspeed in the game, all around fantastic frame data, can juggle you to hell and has ridiculously fast and powerful smash attacks and one of the best projectiles in the game. Facing him is not fun especially when I'm going :4dedede: or :4kirby:.

:4falcon: :4sonic: Sonic and Falcon are boring characters to play, and even moreso boring characters to fight. They're so fast and can easily punish you in a moments notice that it's not hard to feel overwhelmed. It still annoys me how much they try to go for flowchart combos although nowadays I use :4pikachu: to effectively counter both characters. It's way helped me.

:4zelda: Good Zelda's honestly just stump me. I feel like an idiot afterwards losing to them.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 26, 2015
Baltimore, MD
As embarrassing as it may be, :4samus:. I ran into a couple the other day who camped on the ledge and spammed missiles and charge shots. If I approached from the ground, I'd get grabbed or they'd do a dash attack, or if I approached from the air they'd Fair. Afterwards they would run to the other side, wash rinse, repeat. Even when I switched to :4mewtwo: for the reflector I had trouble with the timing because of the lag.

I'm sure given enough time I would have figured it out, but I was already exhausted and the frustration wasn't helping.


Smash Cadet
Mar 4, 2015
New York
:4mario:: This man is a frame-data god. If you launch him into the air to combo him, he can neutral air out of it. If you keep him on the ground to combo him, he can jab out of it. If he tosses you or combos you, and god forbid he gets a read on your jump or airdodge, then it's a spike. Easy combos make it easy for people without skill to beat people with; Wtf is with his Usmash Hitbox and where is the DSmash Starting Lag? At least his cousin Luigi has a different playstyle and a nerf that makes him tolerable to fight. My Kirby and Ike can't touch mario (My TL can though).

:4pikachu:: Extremely great multi-hit aerials. Quick to trap you and combo you. My Kirby can't get past him/her. So...basically, he beats my Kirby. Screw him.

:4samus:: Roll. Roll. Photon Shot. Roll another direction so enemy doesn't get a read on me and dash attacks/dash grabs. Up B. Roll.

:4link:: Guys let me tell you the Link true combo of the For Glory century! While you're busy spamming the $%&@ out of your arrows because it's the most satisfying crap to do, run up to the enemy, and dash attack. Make sure you roll backwards 5 times afterwards. Even if you are on the edge of the stage, make sure you roll backwards. Never forward, because Link has more flips than Mr.R's Sheik. ZeRo can't touch this. Mew2King better not even try.

:4pit:/:4darkpit:: Let me tell you what happened to me in a tournament. So, I got sent to losers bracket by a fairly nice player using a Palutena. I can accept that. Then, I run into this Pit that just decides he's going to roll around the map and Dsmash. Yes, I could of predicted his rolls, but he changed directions every so often and sometimes attacks regularly after his rolls so my attempt to read would fail. Arrow. Arrow. Roll in. Dsmash. I can't with this. Lucky, he got his arse handed to him later. This is why I can stand Pits.

:4olimar:: His grab is not a tether, but it's not a regular grab either; Racks up damage at insane rates; Attacks look similar so you have no idea how to avoid them if possible.

:4tlink:: I am a Toon Link main. My goal in going to tournaments is to show people that Toon Link is not the spamming crap that most people make him out to be on For Glory, but that he's actually viable and can be used both offensively and defensively. How far does my dream really go when I have people stabbing me in the heart by spamming on For Glory, claiming I suck, than saying "GG NO RE"? Stop being spinks.

:4pacman:: I'm not explaining this. If you've ever seen a Pac-Man play ever, you'll understand that the strategy is mainly just Bonus Fruit and Hydrants. I respect good Pac-Man players because Pac-Mans take a lot of skill to learn, but that sure as hell doesn't mean I am going to submit to PMs on For Glory that just like to bonus fruit their way to victory.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 6, 2015
The Blood in your Veins
:4pikachu:: I hate fighting this Character! The quick attacks in and out are super annoying to deal with as well as his size and weight which allow him to easily escape combos and is harder to hit.
:4luigi:: Down throw into anything boyz. But seriously the new patch gave Luigi a slew of attacks than can work off a D-air and Down throw. Honestly did that patch nerf or buff?
:4zss:: Her Frame Data is super good combined with swift powerful combos that work out of a down throw and the the stun laser. Samus seriously should taken off her armor melee.
:4dedede:: Everyone has got that low tier they have problems with and DDD for me is no exception. The gordos can be spammed constantly and without proper timing its kinda hard to deflect them. I will however always respect a good DDD that doesn't spam side B.
:4mario:: Up -tilt are all Mario seems to be good at now days online. If you get grabbed by Mario at 10 you will receive possibly 70% if the Mario knows what they are doing. If a Mario has rage he can connect up-airs and land a killing up-B.
:4pacman:: I hate the Fruit and the hydrant and the spam and OMG so annoying to deal with. I can take a loss from a good Pacman player but if they spammed their way to victory I'd say nothing.


and we're back.
Mar 2, 2015
:4luigi:: Down throw into anything boyz. But seriously the new patch gave Luigi a slew of attacks than can work off a D-air and Down throw. Honestly did that patch nerf or buff?
Didn't nerf, but changed the combos to make them harder. Although honestly, they're still easy like uh... easy mac (?!). It's very flowchart. If X happens, do Y then Z, etc.

I forgot to mention:4littlemac:this little (ahhh) f***er here. The fact that he can now use a forward smash, throw out his frame 1 jab, and it's almost unpunishable because of the new shield stun is completely ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that you gave the character who's supposed to have an awful recovery one of the best walljumps in the game (It goes VERY high).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2014
Queens , New York
Switch FC
SW 1823 5909 5682
:4yoshi:: For practically all the reasons that everyone said regarding his ridiculous frame data like everyone said.
:4falcon:: He is annoying because of that damn dash grab of his. His jab is also annoying.
:4zss:: Players who just do Stun Gun to grab, down throw, and up B are the worst.
:4peach:: Her floating makes her really F***ing hard to hit.

Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009
:4sheik:Best Character in the game so not much to say.
:rosalina:Probably one of the hardest match ups for me (especially as a Link main).
:4sonic: Very difficult to deal with when they know what they're doing with spin dash.
:4peach: Personally I find this match up really fun when the player knows what their doing.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
Its like a tie between :4sonic: and:4yoshi:. Sonic is spammable and I haven't fought a good one yet. I just hate Yoshi because of his egg throw and I have problems punishing his moves even though I see them coming a mile away.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
Its like a tie between :4sonic: and:4yoshi:. Sonic is spammable and I haven't fought a good one yet. i just hate Yoshi because of his egg throw and I have problems punishing some of his moves even though I see them coming a mile away.

Ze Diglett

Smash Champion
Writing Team
Dec 7, 2014
Rivals 2
Heavyweights in general are always terrible to deal with online. I can't punish their slow attacks in lag, and all it takes is one lucky smash attack and there's the stock at 70%. I think the only heavyweight I legitimately enjoy fighting is Bowser Jr. since you can't really get away with spamming smash attacks expecting to get results. I also hate fighting Little Mac, Shulk, Lucario, and Link for the exact same reason (they instantly become god tier in lag). Fighting Villager is never fun when they always stay at least halfway across the stage from you using that damn slingshot. Of course, fighting the Mario Bros. is always cancer, online or not, so I feel like tossing myself out the nearest window whenever I face them. For some reason, I can never fight Lucas and I always end up getting grabbed, though that may just be due to my own scrubbiness.
Really, I could go on all day about characters that give me trouble. I'd be better off listing the ones that I don't have trouble against, tbh.


Smash Rookie
Oct 16, 2015
Santa Cruz, CA
Switch FC
Personally I always end up losing to ZSS on the regular. Her easy-bake combos just get the best of me every time, but I'm getting better at dealing with it.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2015
:4ganondorf: because for some reason ,online, there is ALWAYS input lag for shields and air dodges, even if there isn't any input lag at all for every other move.

:4yoshi: Also, probably due to matchup stuff.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 23, 2015
probably playing smash
Rosalina always gives me trouble, no matter who I'm playing as. She pretty much comes in to my house, wrecks all my furniture, and then Luma eats all the food in my fridge and poops on the carpet.

Oh, and Mario sucks too.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 21, 2015
Almost always:
(some):4kirby:(s) :4myfriends: :4bowserjr: :4samus:

:4littlemac:(some) :4yoshi: :4lucario:


Enemy Birds

Smash Cadet
Jul 10, 2015
:4sheik:. When I play as DK (which I've done a lot recently) I can barely even get any attacks in. They just have something for every approach I try to make, and if I just wait for them to come to me, they'll bombard me with daggers, instead. That said, it's actually pretty fun to try and figure out, and doesn't actually become frustrating nearly as quickly as you'd think. I don't mind losing to them a lot, as I feel like I'm learning something every time.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Any characters that rely on hard reads/have really powerful smash attacks, like Ike, Ganondorf, Bowser, Link, etc. I am too careless so I keep being punished byt those jerks. >:'(

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
:4metaknight: : Surprised to see no mention of this guy. Maybe it's because I love playing with floaties, but these MK that do nothing but dash attack and a string of up airs followed by an up B that (eventually) kills are somewhat annoying to deal with. Especially since the 'combo' is relatively easy to pull off even with lag. Even I can do it and I dislike playing as MK.

:4yoshi: : I won't lose if I use one of my main characters, but everything about him is pretty annoying if it lags even a little. Thankfully the Yoshi players tend to suck on for glory, either that or they are relatively predictable. Special mention to the down B lovers that will try it more than three times in a row when you're under them. Even though you are Rosalina and have an amazing Uair.

:4sonic:: ... I have little to say about him, his priority makes him incredibly annoying to fight, and his speed allows him to punish you so you can hardly bait him correctly. A pain to deal with, and worse with lag which is a part of for glory unfortunately.

:4olimar: : When they run away coupled with lag. Though they are fairly easy to beat whenever I'm playing someone I'm good with.

:4ryu:: Strength, speed, priority and staying power. He has it all. Again I rarely lose but sometimes when the lag gets you...


Smash Apprentice
Nov 21, 2013
Normally these characters if the player is good and aggressive :

Yoshi: Even when I try to move in between eggs or run under them, they still give me trouble. And they fight in such a way that makes it hard to get near him.

Kirby: I swear it feels like Kirby has no cool down time in his moves. Constantly doing down air into up tilt.

Pikachu: Especially those players who spam Quick Attack so well.

Rob: Not just the constant projectiles but they edge guard well.

Charizard: Good at edge guarding and Flare Blitz comes out so fast.

Sonic: Especially when it looks like I am clearly blocking the homing attack but it doesn't work?

Captain Falcon: constantly running around, looks desperate for grabs, always tries to meteor smash offstage.

Mario: Stupid air combos that seem endless and grab spam. And desperate for that up smash when trying to get back to the stage.

Bowser: Similar to Charizard.

Fox: Constantly running around and desperate for that up smash or up air.

Lag Chan

Fastfall Nair Everyday
Oct 12, 2014
North East England
:4falcon::4feroy::4ryu: Braindead characters that even the least skilled player can pick up and win with. They all have the same style, amazing power, speed and range. Can't win as Dedede because of his awful priority and how he's combo food, can't win with Mac because they're literally just Little Mac minus super armor and KO punch, can't win with Duck Hunt because they're all excellent at rushdown. Hate them with every fibre of my body.

Deleted member

:4falcon::4feroy::4ryu: Braindead characters that even the least skilled player can pick up and win with. They all have the same style, amazing power, speed and range. Can't win as Dedede because of his awful priority and how he's combo food, can't win with Mac because they're literally just Little Mac minus super armor and KO punch, can't win with Duck Hunt because they're all excellent at rushdown. Hate them with every fibre of my body.
I dunno, it's very easy to tell apart the bad Ryu's from the good ones. I do agree about Falcon and Roy though, they're just so exasperating for me to fight. One of the main reasons I picked up :4pikachu: was to counter Falcon because he's all over the damn place. There are so many fanboy Falcon mains that probably haven't played an F-Zero game in their lives. He's just incredibly unhype.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2015
:4yoshi: Oh my god. Where do I even start.

As a Villager main, I have lots of trouble with characters who constantly get in my face and prevent me from setting up lloid rockets, planting the sapling, etc. Yoshi, specifically, gives me headaches. His projectile game is excellent as he is able to spam egg throw to apply tons of pressure and force me to approach. The thing is, I can't even get to punish him as his jab is extremely fast and most of his moves are very safe on shield, n-air being a good example.

After racking up damage on me and sending me off-stage, all he has to do is spike me given that Villager's recovery leaves him defenseless. His air game is excellent too and I find myself getting juggled most of the time by his u-air.

Basically, Yoshi gives me nightmares. :facepalm:


Smash Ace
Jun 27, 2009
Columbus GA
:4littlemac:I kind of fear this character lol. When I do win against him I do it pretty convincingly, but he tends to make me just lose out of nowhere a lot of times too. I'm normally very nervous to even approach or attack due to the Super Armor on several of his moves. Also with how fast he rolls on top of that, so I'm not eager to throw out of attacks or even attempt to punish at times. That KO punch can be such a clutch at times lol.

:4sonic:Sonic only because of his speed, and long matches for the most part. I end up getting pretty impatient most of the time. A lot of Sonics I've fought in the past had laggy connections unfortunately.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 3, 2015
California, Bay Area
:4littlemac: because:

- Lag
- Stupidly safe smash attacks on shield so spamming them is fine + super armor on all of them is ********
- Safe to spam smash attacks
- Smash attacks are pretty much safe

Did I mention how dumb it is that he has super armor on his smash attack start ups and that they are pretty much safe on block so spamming them is like uughgghhg???

Like, I shield, then I try to punish only to get trumped by his Frame 1 Jab or get shielded because hitstun is increased so I have less time to punish


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
:4falcon::4feroy::4ryu: Braindead characters that even the least skilled player can pick up and win with. They all have the same style, amazing power, speed and range. Can't win as Dedede because of his awful priority and how he's combo food, can't win with Mac because they're literally just Little Mac minus super armor and KO punch, can't win with Duck Hunt because they're all excellent at rushdown. Hate them with every fibre of my body.
"Brain dead characters". You sound like a scrublord when posting that.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2015
As a link main the 3 characters that give me a ton of trouble on for glory are :4sheik:,:4zss:, and :4fox:.


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
:4myfriends::4myfriends::4myfriends:Oh, he's playing careless. I can totally punish him this time :4myfriends::4myfriends::4myfriends:
:4myfriends::4myfriends:*lag spike*:4myfriends::4myfriends: :4myfriends::4myfriends:*runs into fsmash*:4myfriends::4myfriends:
:4myfriends::4myfriends: GAME!:4myfriends::4myfriends:

:4myfriends:"You'll get no sympathy from me":4myfriends:
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
:4dedede: Good dededes are annoying. All my characters cant do **** against gordo spam.
:rosalina:Really good ones I cant do anything about


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2015
I just can't beat :4mewtwo: on for glory.One time I lost to a Mewtwo on FG and the guy said "Nice tiers get wrecked" I Main :4yoshi: and :4mario: btw. But I can't ever beat Mewtwos they just Side B me into up smash or down smash every time.i tried jumping and di'ng and still get hit with a 20-35% combo.
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Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2015
:4littlemac:I kind of fear this character lol. When I do win against him I do it pretty convincingly, but he tends to make me just lose out of nowhere a lot of times too. I'm normally very nervous to even approach or attack due to the Super Armor on several of his moves. Also with how fast he rolls on top of that, so I'm not eager to throw out of attacks or even attempt to punish at times. That KO punch can be such a clutch at times lol.

:4sonic:Sonic only because of his speed, and long matches for the most part. I end up getting pretty impatient most of the time. A lot of Sonics I've fought in the past had laggy connections unfortunately.
For Mac pick up Mario or Shiek.They both have great gimp tool and combos in the air and we all know Mac can't fight well in the air.sheik can spam fair then kill with bouncing fish and mario can back throw then cape or down b and he is dead.

Also with Sheik spam needles to stop him from hitting you.They never shield them I donno why.Hope I helped you.


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2015
:4yoshi: Oh my god. Where do I even start.

As a Villager main, I have lots of trouble with characters who constantly get in my face and prevent me from setting up lloid rockets, planting the sapling, etc. Yoshi, specifically, gives me headaches. His projectile game is excellent as he is able to spam egg throw to apply tons of pressure and force me to approach. The thing is, I can't even get to punish him as his jab is extremely fast and most of his moves are very safe on shield, n-air being a good example.

After racking up damage on me and sending me off-stage, all he has to do is spike me given that Villager's recovery leaves him defenseless. His air game is excellent too and I find myself getting juggled most of the time by his u-air.

Basically, Yoshi gives me nightmares. :facepalm:
All you need to do I learn the MU I main Yoshi and secondary villager so be we can play a few times so you can learn the mu.My old traing partner mains villager/shulk and he had a hard time beating my Yoshi then we played more and he learned the mu and he was fine after that.
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Jubilant Adept Princess
Sep 19, 2015
Niagara Falls N.Y
I would have to say :4zss: players that only do the Stun to grab to U-air strings to up B are the most annoying thing to fight. Recently i haven't run into any that have had good spacing. She's painful for both my :4lucina:/:4zelda: Mains.

The other one oddly enough is :4dedede: i probably lose 90% of my matches against him and i don't know why. He just seems hard to punish, especially played defensively. even with :4zelda: who supposedly counters him i lose 75% of my games.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
But I can't ever beat Mewtwos they just Side B me into up smash or down smash every time.i tried jumping and di'ng and still get hit with a 20-35% combo.
Usually I can hit a Mewtwo immediately when he does that to me by using an air attack, especially as Bowser Jr.

I suppose it depends on the character you use but you may want to try that.
I would have to say :4zss: players that only do the Stun to grab to U-air strings to up B are the most annoying thing to fight. Recently i haven't run into any that have had good spacing.
Ya know, I have a feeling I should include Zero Suit Samus on my part as well. Although they are pretty rare for me to find I can hardly deal with them as well due to their spacing and basic strings. It seems like the really good ones know how to foil all my tactics!


Smash Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
:4yoshi: I almost want to SD whenever I see this character, lol. I've been slowly learning how to deal with each character but I still have no idea what to even do against Yoshi, let alone in lag. Probably lose to Yoshi 80% of the time.

:4mario: :4luigi:- Really dislike running into these two because at this point I know exactly what they're after, yet still find them really hard to deal with. Pretty much every Mario player I've played against are like clones...it's really frustrating to be able to predict exactly what they're going to do, yet still get caught in the stuff. Every match starts with Fireball x3 -> grab, to the point that whenever I come across Mario, I always shield for three fireballs and then spotdodge...and it works haha.

:4mewtwo:- Actually have no idea why I struggle against Mewtwo, but I do. I don't have any DLC, so maybe it's just a case of not knowing the moveset well enough.

:4sheik: For obvious reasons

:4pit: :4darkpit:- So many multi-hit moves and I always drop shield too early. Also still salty about Dark/Pits that roll across stage and time me out, then kill me in sudden death with arrows.
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