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Changing Smash 64


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2018
the building from smash mouth's astro lounge
So, I got bored recently and something occurred to me.
If you could change Smash 64, how would you do it?
Of course, it would have to be realistic changes - bearing in mind the power of the N64.
You could use the Expansion Pak, though.
Would you change any of the characters in the roster? Who would you add? Would there be more stages?
I'm just interested to see if anyone has any ideas.
Also - this hypothetical game would have been released at the end of the N64's lifespan - so any N64 IP is game :3
Looking forward to see what y'all can come up with!


Smash Rookie
Jan 11, 2020
United States
I would definitely include some event matches, and some trophies. Admittedly not as much could have been done as in Melee, given that the N64 wasn't nearly as powerful as the GameCube.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
All the Polygons, Metal Mario, and Giant DK playable. Master Hand is too, but solely on Final Destination. All of them work with the natural control system too. Of course, making the Character Select Screen look good is another story. But that's not impossible. You could also having other ways to access the characters by pressing L or R anyway. the issue with the CSS is that it's an uneven number of characters, but they could just position the last 3(Metal Mario, Giant DK, and Master Hand) so they aren't 100% even, I guess? Or give them larger icons so they take up half the space. I dunno. I only see them plausible as playable. MH wouldn't work outside of 1 on 1 fights.

More stage selections too. The other unused stages are available, and grant the ability to use Race To The Finish, but it has its own rules; no time limit, and stocks. If someone wins, the other players just lose their stocks that weren't KO'd in the stage as is. They can be if they hit 300% and are Smash attacked hard enough.

I'd say 1 extra music per stage isn't a bad idea, save the extra stages. So nothing for Meta Crystal, Polygon Cave, and End Stage(to note, I'm trying to stick to their more official terms. The last two I forget the exact name of, but they weren't Battlefield or Final Destination just yet). Also, hazard toggle. Every stage that has a hazard of sorts can easily be removed. Though it varies, of course;
  • Princess Peach's Castle removes the Bumper(or it has no knockback and phantom damage?) and the floors don't move. They also could could be equal distance on both sides.
  • Hyrule Castle loses the Tornado. That's kind of it.
  • Congo Jungle keeps the Barrel, but it doesn't rotate. That or it loses the barrel. Both work. Also, the platforms never move.
  • Sector Z loses the ships. That's pretty much it.
  • Planet Zebes has the acid never rise. It however still exists, but does no damage in return. It's treated like you're hit with it while at 0%. This actually would make battles easier to survive.
  • Dreamland 64 loses the blowing wind.
  • Yoshi's Story's clouds don't disappear.
  • Mushroom Kingdom removes the Piranha Plants, and you cannot go to the middle pipe. You can however pop back up in the same pipe in return to keep it interesting. The moving platforms are stationary and cannot break.
  • Assuming the usage of Race To The Finish, all the hazards are hard disabled. No damage/knockback, etc.
For items, Green and Red Shell are separately toggable, and you can separately select what Pokemon to come out. In addition, all Gen 1 Pokemon from later games are added here(like Eevee). Nothing beyond Gen 1 though, due to the timing of this game.

My only thought on Polygons is they could have a unique option to have any Special Move. Not completely unlike Mii Fighters. However, everybody else stays the same. Maybe you could get currency to buy coins, as well as profiles. So beating the game doesn't entirely unlikely a profile instead. They could add plushes as "trophy" variations, including every tiny thing in the game too. Items, and more. This would make playing through everything way more worth it.

Bonus-wise, might not be worth giving Target Test and Board The Platforms to all 12 Polygons, Metal Mario, and Giant DK. It's a lot of work, and their unique properties require differences too. However, the Polygons could have the same exact specials during these modes, and reuse the same bonuses. This would not count as beating the original character's bonus either. And this means only 4 new bonuses to make. It would also give more to do.


Smash Lord
Feb 16, 2019
I would bring Bowser, King Dedede, Mewtwo and Marth into the roaster, just like originally planned.

New arenas include Mute City, Onnet Hospital, Pokémon Gym, Bowser's Castle, Castle Dedede, Route 5 and Castle Attack

New Pokeball Pokémon includes: :034::020::024::037::084::054::138::133::129::098: :122:and :094:

A Few more soundtracks would not hurt (includes Onnet Theme, Mute City Theme, Pokémon Gym, Bowser Theme, King Dedede Theme, Battle Trainer and Meeting Theme

That is all I got

Wario Wario Wario

Smash Legend
Sep 3, 2017
Cheese Wheels of Doom
cut out Falcon, Luigi and the Puff for Muddy Mole, Wario and Banjo - Ness can stay through.

Wario is a starter and Samus is unlockable.

Planet Zebes is unlockable, Mushroom Kingdom is cut but a very similar monochrome Wario Land 1 GB-themed stage is added for Wario with the classic Rice Beach theme (a proper cover, not an awful replica). Ness, Banjo and Muddy also get stages: Banjo's is Spiral Mountain, no surprise there - it's the biggest stage in the game and could be considered a proto-Temple, it has a remix of the iconic Spiral Mountain theme of course. Muddy's is a stage where you can go from overground to underground Wombling free with a remix of the Forest theme from Mole Mania, and Ness' is Onett as it appears in Melee with Bein' Friends remix.

Note that in Brawl, Wario's moveset will be changed to a Ware moveset.

Polygons are unlockable alts.

the Yoshi Team in Classic Mode actually fights.

Assist Trophies, called "Assist Dolls" also appear - one associated with each character, they appear as voodoo dolls until released.

The game has a female announcer like the one from Smash Flash 1

There might be other ideas, but that's all I've got.
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