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Casual Gaming, Nintendo, and the Wii


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1320]Casual Gaming, Nintendo, and the Wii[/drupal]

I remember when I bought my Wii. It was early 07, Halo 3 was being over hyped by everyone who owned an Xbox (and even some who didn't), Brawl was recently announced, and the economy was still stable. I remember being exited when I was walking out of Circuit City with my Wii under my arm. I thought that it was going to be just like having an arcade in my home. Too bad that the little white machine wasn't even close to what I hoped for. In addition to the motion controls only being good when limited to simply shaking the Wiimote, it also had a fairly crappy selection of games.

In the gaming industry for the PS3 and 360, for every fifteen hard-core game there was one casual game(that's 15:1). But it would appear that the Wii wasn't to keen on that, so it switched the ratio from 15:1 to 1:15. For every Twilight Princess released the Wii gets fifteen Pop 'Em Drop 'Ems. And it's not just the third party developers who are conning housewives and the elderly to buy not-so-good casual games, Nintendo is in on it too. I don't mind if a company releases a few casual games. After all, casual games are a good way for a company to make some quick cash to give their better, hard-core games a boost. But rather than using the money gained from their Wii Plays and Wii Musics to satisfy the Hard Core gamers by making a new Star Fox or a new F-Zero, the big N chooses to use that money to make more casual games. While this may not satisfy the gamer community, I can see why they've basically decided to screw the hard-core gamer community. Wii Fit has sold more copies than the best selling game of '07, Halo 3. And it's almost embarrassing to even look at the list of best selling Wii games. If you look at Wikipedia's list most of the titles are games like Wii Play or Link's Crossbow Training.

This all makes me wonder, how long is the casual gaming fad going to last? Or is it a fad at all? If Nintendo is making more money selling Bathroom Scales that come with an interactive Work-Out DvD than Mario Galaxy then what's the point of making hard-core games anymore? And before any freaky fanboys come around and start talking my ear off about how there are hard-core Wii games let me say this; I know. Yes, I know that we have games like Okami or Resident Evil 4 or Madworld on the Wii. Yes, I am informed of this. But what I'm saying is that there are far more crappy games like this on the Wii than there are epic games of baddassery like this. Now Back onto what I was saying. Game companies are making more money selling casual, half-***** games rather than fully realized hard-core games. Why is this? Perhaps it's because a casual gamer is more likely to be sold on a game just because it has nice box art (and that it's on the Wii) rather than a hard-core gamer who eagerly gives into hype and buys a "hard-core" (in other words mainstream) game because everyone says that it's good even though most of them kind of suck checks out the reviews and makes sure that what he's getting is a good game before buying it.

You know, the general Wii community is crying out for hard-core games. But I wonder if what they really want are mainstream games. The Wii, if you just pretend that all of those crappy movie-tie ins and casual games don't exist, has a fairly hardcore library. We have Twilight Princess, Resident Evil 4, House of the Dead: Overkill, hell, we're even getting Dead Space. But I wonder if the Wii community doesn't want some epic adventure, but their very own FPS staring heavily-armed Space Marine number 445734980567347846306-billion going on a mass genocide of an alien race. Oh wait, we're getting one of those, too bad no one other than me and a few other people seem to know about it.


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2009
I love the phrase "With a dynamic control system only possible on the Wii."

Mmm, point and click.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Buhl, Idaho
amazing. I too remember getting the Wii and expecting a laserbeam consisting of my favorite videogames to come forth and have me hooked long enough to burn my retinas off.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
Hopefully a good game or two will come out before the year is out...

Man, remember the times when you would get mad because there were so many good games coming out at one time? It's not like that anymore...it's a blessing to even see two decent games being released within one month of eachother.


Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2009
Hopefully a good game or two will come out before the year is out...

Man, remember the times when you would get mad because there were so many good games coming out at one time? It's not like that anymore...it's a blessing to even see two decent games being released within one month of eachother.
The good old GO****ICAN'TCHOOSE days D:

Deleted member

Hmm, good read. I understand your dilemma. You've been a loyal consumer for years and as soon as Nintendo realized that they could make millions off of soccer moms, they ditched you. The DS is fortunately still great, but I truly fear for the next handheld, as the DS approaches half a decade in existence. We've just gotta hope Nintendo finds a way to cater to both audiences.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Hmm, good read. I understand your dilemma. You've been a loyal consumer for years and as soon as Nintendo realized that they could make millions off of soccer moms, they ditched you. The DS is fortunately still great, but I truly fear for the next handheld, as the DS approaches half a decade in existence. We've just gotta hope Nintendo finds a way to cater to both audiences.
You hit the nail on the head, Godsmith. I haven't picked up a DS (never got around to it). But I've started to gain interest in them of late, I was considering getting one but I deiced to hold out for the DSi (or whatever it's called).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2006
I used to be a big Nintendo/Sega fan. Their games were just chock full of content that I could play for months without getting bored. Now even Twilight Princess and Mario Galexy is just missing what the company used to be. Everything is tailored to be beaten on the first try now.

I think the only company I have been buying from these days is Capcom. They are the only ones who knows how to make a game challenging but not too difficult. Games I currently own or am planning on buying from them are:

Monster Hunter Unite
Monster Hunter Tri
Street Fighter 3
Megaman 9
Resident Evil 5

So far the only three games I have bought from Nintendo/Sega are:

Twilight Princess
Sonic and the Secret Rings

All of these were such a dissapointment to me that I haven't bought a game from either of them yet, but I hope that someday we'll get a new "Master Quest" or something similar that is tailored to all gamers instead of the people who just picked up a controller.

Different difficulty settings are a great way to tailor to both crouds. If I took double damage from everything in Twilight princess, I think I would have felt a little nervous at a few parts in the game. Additional enemies would also have been a plus.

Clone Z

Smash Journeyman
Dec 16, 2008
Good ****

Nintendo sucks. They need to open their eyes because no one other than the crazed Nintendo fanboy still cares about them.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Good ****

Nintendo sucks. They need to open their eyes because no one other than the crazed Nintendo fanboy still cares about them.
Pretty much. My Wii is the least-used system I own. Hell, I don't even play my Gamecube games on my Wii anymore.


Smash Ace
Mar 5, 2006
New England
Most of my gaming goes into my DS and my PC these days. I do love Nintendo and I enjoyed Super Mario Galaxy... while it lasted... but dammit I want a challenge.

Actually, I haven't even been playing my DS games in recent weeks. I've been going back and playing Megaman Zero for the gba a ton.

I'm repulsed to say it, but I play WoW now more than I play my Wii, though that may be because I feel compelled to play since I spent 15$ in order to be able to play it for a month *hates monthly fees with a passion, not resubscribing when my time runs out*. Still... I'm disturbed that I got bored enough to resubscribe to a game that I've repeatedly decided that I would never go back to... (can I make the excuse that I have half a dozen friends and family who play it?)

We do have a library of decent games... but they just don't last. It seems like you pick a game, play it for a bit, and then you just discard it for the next one when you can pick another one up. Good for business, bad for customer satisfaction. Then again, if the gaming industry actually worked hard to satisfy the customer to the best degree (with the possible exception of MMO's with monthly fees), they'd all be out of jobs wouldn't they, because there would inevitably be a drain of consumers who wanted new games because they were completely satisfied with the old ones and those older ones had everything they ever wanted out of the games.

This has actually lead me to writing and attempting to do pen and paper like Dungeons and Dragons Role-Playing Games. Because pen and paper allow the fullest freedom for both the player and the creator, even if the experience is less visceral.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
Sometimes, when I read these Wii rants that are so common these days, I feel like I'm the only one out there who's actually still pretty happy with his Wii. I don't have many games for it: Galaxy, Corruption, Brawl, Okami, Mario Kart, Link's Crossbow Training, and Soul Calibur Legends (a joke gift from a few SC fans to another). I got Twilight Princess for GC since I didn't want to wait for a Wii. But while I'm still bothered sometimes by the lack of games, it doesn't really affect me much. I'm well into college now, and I don't have the time for games I did a few years ago. I haven't beaten half of the games I've listed above, and that's counting Brawl as beaten.... So the slow pace of new games, whil eit's unfortunate, it doesn't hurt me too much. The only game out there I want and don't have is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World, but I'm replaying the first game first, and haven't finished that either. When the price drops, I'll go for it. But yeah, my Wii does get use every weekend for Brawl with my roommate. I've gotten my parents' money's worth out of it many times over, and I don't plan on giving up on it for years to come.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2009
Cantinero, deme mas cermesaa!
I wish I hadn't bought a Wii. $250 dollars that could have gone to PS3 or 360 games. I mean, the only Wii game that I have is Okami, and that game can be played in PS2. I've borrowed some games, like No More Heroes and Brawl, but the owner of NMH wanted it back and I was disappointed in Brawl so I gave it back.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Newest game announcement.

Wii Want Your Money!

Oh s***! Iwata! You're not meant to... that's the project code not the name of the game!

Ohhh... sorry Mr. Miyamoto, a freudian slip that was. Ho ho ho!
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