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Care to critique my Link?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2008
Lake Forest, CA (949)
Here's a video of me facing my brother.
(edited on Aug. 12 to include all three videos)
Match 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LimebyKhjKs
Match 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us7SwnnwU74
Match 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28uEk9fVeOU

Not the best matches, but it's all I could upload with the time I had today. The thing about my brother and me is that we know each others' game so well that our playstyles become quite different entirely. I'm not going to excuse that for bad gameplay, but I'd just like to say that my playstyle is a little different - better or worse - when I fight other people. So let me know what you think and tell me what I need to improve!!

Deleted member

zair more or i'll eat your children

its good that you know how important links bombs are, now learn how important his AT's and tilts are lol


Smash Rookie
Jul 26, 2008
at the end you have committed suicide with the gale boomerang nooooo! good link use more arrow cancel


Smash Ace
May 25, 2007
NJ of all places.
I enjoyed watching your Link very much. It's not the best, but nether am I. It looks like you have to work on your swordplay at close range a bit more. Your use of bombs though are top notch. Also, the use of your d-air is a tad predictable. Try using it in more different situations. Also stop-dodging does come in handy, but try to shieldgrab more often. You'll be surprised how much it works.


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
Very good Link. It was fun to watch your battle. It was very good. :3 You're the opposite of my problem according to LinkSpecialist. My sword play is the only thing I use a lot plus the zair and I have trouble using bombs but arrows and the rang work just fine for me. :d Go figure. I have a battle but I get uber owned. Marth.... one mistake and I'm gimped off the stage past my recovery by multiple fairs!


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
Columbus, OH
When off the stage:

The top portion of Link's up-B will autosweetspot ledges, whereas the bottom portion will not. Therefore you want to pretend you're playing Melee and fall a bit lower before doing up-B to make sure you grab the ledge on the way up - every time you rise above the stage, you get punished.

At the first kill, Wolf might have recovered had he not messed up. Ideally, you should have done the clawshot edgehogging to be sure of the kill. Obviously you didn't have to in this case..

LOL at the midair up-B kill. Don't expect that to happen again; it can be escaped with some smash DI.

Don't be afraid to simply drop bombs. FD is probably the stage with the fewest opportunities for bomb dropping shenannigans, but you can still do some neat things, like Airdodge->Bombdrop.

Like Arkive said, more Zair. Zero artificial landing lag is a great thing, and so is its range. It's like having a fourth projectile, only this projectile combos into a DAC quite consistently.

I didn't see any jab canceling (i.e. A,A,Utilt or A,A,Grab or A,A,Fsmash if you feel lucky). It works pretty often; I suggest trying it if you haven't already.

Of course, you're probably better than I am for the most part.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
Remember that your bomb hit-stun is one of Link's best kill setups, especially while he's in the air. Timing it so you get the 2nd hit of the Fair/Bair or just connecting with his Dair. All together not bad, but time your Zair so that it auto cancels and you can go into another attack. The way to play Link successfully is to manipulate his available hitstuns.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2008
Lake Forest, CA (949)
Thanks for all of your comments guys.
Like I mentioned, when I fight my brother I play a little differently than I normally do. This mainly applies to my zair usage and jab cancelling. I find myself using ZAair a lot more when I play other people; I'm not sure why. lol!

I agree that my swordplay, especially my DAir, needs some work though. Perfecting my edgeguarding is also something I want to improve.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
Link's AT's arent important, theyre just cool and fun to use, and can be useful in very situational occurances aside from 1-2 techs that are really important like, zair and.....um..... XD.

darn it nintendo, you finally make a smash game where Link's got more AT's than half the brawl cast put together and make it so theyre totally useless. I hope your children die >:O.

Lord Ganon

Smash Rookie
Jun 10, 2008
QLD, Australia
That was quite an enjoyable fight to watch. Usage of projectiles could've been higher but then again, wolf does have a reflector. I didn't find anything too bad about your style although i'm not an online player. In my opinion though you shoudln't rise above the stage if you upB but if you do, make sure you hit the opponent with the sword's tip (which you did) or try and get on the edge safely.

Overall pretty good :)

Metro Knight

Smash Ace
Mar 27, 2008
Alright, so my brother plays Wolf, and I play Link, so this might take a while. First off, if you brother shield grabbed more, you would have gotten owned pretty hard. Like, Your brother definitely has some room for improvement with his Wolf, but he isn't bad by any means. He just could have been way campier, and just used like 3 moves the whole fight until he had you higher percentages, thrown you off the stage, and timed a dsmash or some move to own you, he had plenty of chances. Like Wolf can out projectile link a lot of times, without even using the reflector, his reflector really isn't all that great versus Link, its only useful if you are making some bad attempts. Anyways, U are way too hyper with Link, you probably have a lot of failed recoveries, like on that last death. Like that was BAD. Before I can even complain about the lack of ATS, which you did you a few, but I would not focus on learning the ZAIR, if you are still ****ing up your recovery with Link. Like, you missed a few sweet spots on FD, and that can make you lose a game fast. Like one time you UP B and land in a spot where Wolf totally could have Fsmashed you, or even just shot you with his gun so you fell back off the stage and grabbed the ledge. Like the Ledge is the LAST place you want to be versus Wolf. I dunno, that video was pretty good, it is definitely worth archiving in the Link Vids, but U and your brother made was too many small mistakes, that are very costly versus good players.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2008
Lake Forest, CA (949)
Here's another video of me getting owned by my bro.

Since the last video I've learned to shield grab a lot more, which is helping a bit. Still have to work out the recklessness like Metro Knight pointed out; I appreciate your comments bud. It's getting me into a lot of bad situations that can easily punish me.

And this'll be a nub question but what does AT or ATS stand for? :0

Deleted member

Here's another video of me getting owned by my bro.

Since the last video I've learned to shield grab a lot more, which is helping a bit. Still have to work out the recklessness like Metro Knight pointed out; I appreciate your comments bud. It's getting me into a lot of bad situations that can easily punish me.

And this'll be a nub question but what does AT or ATS stand for? :0
advanced techniques

edit: good stuff, you've improved

you have to start ftilting though T_T the ftilt kills just as easily as the fsmash and its better imo

practice your spacing, DI, and AT's then you should improve a lot


Smash Apprentice
Jun 9, 2008
Netherlands Antilles
AT or ATS = Advanced Techniques I'm asuming.

Watched your video. Good fight.

One thing I can say is that your letting Wolf approach you way to easily. Also your approaching him to much as well. Bad idea. Wolf closeup battle > Link's. His down Smash has less lag than yours, so his will win in the end. Keep wolf at mid-range and retreat if he gets to close.

In all, your being a bit to aggressive with Link, throwing out smashes and Dairs recklessly. And in the end, none of them hit. You got punished alot because of that.

You still need to tilt more as well. Wolf would have died alot sooner had you used uptilt :p.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
adding a few more AT's wouldn't hurt, and DIing would definately help you. with a little more practice, (and a few more AT's) you'll probably be able to beat your brother's Wolf. He can't look up many AT's of his own. :laugh:
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