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captain falcon mainers: UNITE!! - the captain falcon's metagame topic


Fox mains get all the girlz
Jul 13, 2008
Post here if you main falcon AND are planning to keep maining him.
Post the ways you think are the best ways to use certain moves, that you haven't seen beforem or haven't seen much.

I found a way to use falcon kick(may be old and already called not so usefull):
when you knock the opponent offstage, jump once (full jump, not short hop) and falcon kick into the recovering opponent. after that use your second jump (and falcon dive if needed) to get back to the stage. If this is done at high percents it can KO the opponent of the side, but if it doesn't it sets you up for an easy spike, because most of the time you will reach the stage sooner than your opponent. (the spike was just an example, it sets up for alot of things) and most importantly, it will surprise the opponent (I hope)

what do you think about this use of the falcon kick? and what are your ways of using falcon's moves?


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I've never tried it in a match because I've messed around with it on training and I always barely make it to the ledge with Falcon Dive, so if it misses it's an easy edgehog for them. Maybe I was shorthopping though.


Fox mains get all the girlz
Jul 13, 2008
I've never tried it in a match because I've messed around with it on training and I always barely make it to the ledge with Falcon Dive, so if it misses it's an easy edgehog for them. Maybe I was shorthopping though.
yeah I think you were short hopping, if that happened. but you are right, if it misses, your opponent could edgehog you, but if it misses you will end up behind the opponent, wich makes it possible to side b them toward the stage, spiking them and saving yourself. worth a shot?


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2007
Austin, TX
The only problem I see with this move is how situational it is. Most people recover to the stage from high up, coming down, instead of being low and coming up.
You dig?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008

But um I think we should just make a thread with some tactics for C Falcon and keep building up on them as more are learned.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
It might only work once vs. an opponent in a match:
You just jump towards your opponent channeling Falcon Punch but turn around in the air.
When you keep the controlstick pressed int he direction you do the 180° F-Punch you'll move lil bit to that direction and might get your opponent who tries evading you with some roll.

Furthermore i often use D-throw and really fast u-air (or even 2) afterwards, landing a knee on that is pretty impossible vs. a good enemy since its so easy to evade.

Edit: I play Captain Falcon since SSB 64 and i think hes just the most awesome character.
I say he still is useful in Brawl, but it's really really hard to get the right playstyle fore being at least somehow effective :(


Jun 3, 2008
The Final Countdown is now playing in your head.
I usually just use Falcon Kick to follow up for a few in-grip hits and F-Throw and work my way from there. Somewhere in the 70-80% area, I try to use his U-Air and DI so it hits with his feet, and the opponent goes moreover to the side more than diagonally upwards. It's a great air kill, and it makes up for the fact that I lack accuracy with the Knee of Justice.

I also love his AAAA combo, because while doing the multi-jabs, you can throw in a quick F/D-Smash, easily racking up 40%+, and making the opponent bait from there.

The exception to all of these, of course, is Meta-Knight. I do okay against Snakes, but against (good) Meta-Knights, it's just rly hard.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2006
San Diego, CA
There are a lot of useful techs that were posted in Ayaz's weekly move discussion thread, although it sort of died out. We need somebody that can create us a stickied list of AT's and tactics that are useful against the whole cast.


Fox mains get all the girlz
Jul 13, 2008
There are a lot of useful techs that were posted in Ayaz's weekly move discussion thread, although it sort of died out. We need somebody that can create us a stickied list of AT's and tactics that are useful against the whole cast.
Let's post everything here and we can create that list from what is posted here. (Like expanding Ayaz's list)
It could become quite a good list.
(I'll edit the first post when more is posted)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Let's post everything here and we can create that list from what is posted here. (Like expanding Ayaz's list)
It could become quite a good list.
(I'll edit the first post when more is posted)
Thats an idea. Course you'd have to promise not to become in-active.

Also shouldn't some of the dead topics be unstickied by now?


Fox mains get all the girlz
Jul 13, 2008
Thats an idea. Course you'd have to promise not to become in-active.

Also shouldn't some of the dead topics be unstickied by now?
I promise I won't become inactive. I have spare time at night most of the time, so I can 'update' almost everyday.

and about the dead topics, I don't know:p


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
Well I might as well post one of my favorite techs for C Falcon so far...

The dash canceled USmash. Not only can it be used as an effective kill move but it also racks up a good amount of damage. If I'm at lower percentages I usually try to follow it up with Utilt in case of shielding by my enemy or if they didn't to create a bit of spacing between us so they can't counter attack.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Thats an idea. Course you'd have to promise not to become in-active.

Also shouldn't some of the dead topics be unstickied by now?
Although most of the stickies don't get updated very often, they all have useful information in them.

Well I might as well post one of my favorite techs for C Falcon so far...

The dash canceled USmash. Not only can it be used as an effective kill move but it also racks up a good amount of damage. If I'm at lower percentages I usually try to follow it up with Utilt in case of shielding by my enemy or if they didn't to create a bit of spacing between us so they can't counter attack.
If they shield isn't UTilt way too slow to stop them from attacking you out of shield?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2008
If they shield isn't UTilt way too slow to stop them from attacking you out of shield?
In my experience few characters have a fast enough out of shield attack or a high enough priority move to attack before the UTilt hits. This is an in general move I do. It however works VERY poorly on MK and a few other charies because of fast out of shield attacks. (Like MK DSmash) Also it kind of slides them a bit from the blow of the UTilt.

And the guides do have some useful info.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
That would work, but after he uses that Up B. He would be left vulnerable to a low damage % Captain Falcon. So, yes, a better finisher but it could work


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2007
A few things I do that work (may be mentioned or not) are :

1.) When you are on the edge hanging hop up and Falcon Kick straight down, your oppent usually gets hit the first few times untill he says "Hey...Your going to FK me? aren't you?" Then You knee him. ^^.

2.)Pivot grab with Dthrows and follow up, you usually can't follow up much against Marths because they can just counter anything after a Dthrow. So After you Dthrow, wait till they AirDodge then Dthrow again, Nair, Dash attack or w/e.

3.) His Dash Attack can hit multiple times in a chain and usually causes enough hit stun to do an Uair or Fair. I'd say his Dash Attack is vital to his Metagame.

4.) His UpB is a decent recovery, but also a mindgame tool imo. Run up to your opponent and sidestep but instead of grabbing like they think UpB. It will mess with them. So change up what you do and use your mindgames.

5.) Jab Canceling is also a vital part of his metagame imo. The infinte jab is just lame and not as usuefull.
I like to JC into a Dtilt then follow with a DashAttack and go from there.

6.) His Utilt is just amazing imo. It can edgeguard, good knockback, decent damge, and has range. and you can spam it a little lol. But his Utilt can be used after a Dtilt, or JC and sometimes after a Dair at low damage. The only real bad thing about this move is it's slow and can be avoided.

7.) His spike is fast and strong. Use it to your every advantage. Most of CF's moves don't have much hit stun. So if you knock your opponent off, act like you're about to jump off but don't and wait for him to air dodge, then spike.

That's why I have so far. Hope I was helpful.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
A few things I do that work (may be mentioned or not) are :

1.) When you are on the edge hanging hop up and Falcon Kick straight down, your oppent usually gets hit the first few times untill he says "Hey...Your going to FK me? aren't you?" Then You knee him. ^^.

2.)Pivot grab with Dthrows and follow up, you usually can't follow up much against Marths because they can just counter anything after a Dthrow. So After you Dthrow, wait till they AirDodge then Dthrow again, Nair, Dash attack or w/e.

3.) His Dash Attack can hit multiple times in a chain and usually causes enough hit stun to do an Uair or Fair. I'd say his Dash Attack is vital to his Metagame.

4.) His UpB is a decent recovery, but also a mindgame tool imo. Run up to your opponent and sidestep but instead of grabbing like they think UpB. It will mess with them. So change up what you do and use your mindgames.

5.) Jab Canceling is also a vital part of his metagame imo. The infinte jab is just lame and not as usuefull.
I like to JC into a Dtilt then follow with a DashAttack and go from there.

6.) His Utilt is just amazing imo. It can edgeguard, good knockback, decent damge, and has range. and you can spam it a little lol. But his Utilt can be used after a Dtilt, or JC and sometimes after a Dair at low damage. The only real bad thing about this move is it's slow and can be avoided.

7.) His spike is fast and strong. Use it to your every advantage. Most of CF's moves don't have much hit stun. So if you knock your opponent off, act like you're about to jump off but don't and wait for him to air dodge, then spike.

That's why I have so far. Hope I was helpful.
1. That doesn't work for me unless they're charging a Smash.
3. I love the Dash Attack too =). It's almost unpunishable if your opponent has their back to the ledge.
5. Maybe not as useful but still useful, as you can often predict what the opponent will do when they're out of it (shield and roll away for most characters). If they're really close when you start the jabs, just infinite jabs by themselves can do 25% damage or more before they DI out.
6. UTilt is slow, but if you space it so your opponent is at the tip it's hard to punish, especially if they shield because of shield knockback.
7. Fast? Are we talking about DAir, because I don't call that fast. Falco's is fast. I also don't see them airdodging if you don't even jump off the stage.


Smash Cadet
Sep 25, 2007
1. That doesn't work for me unless they're charging a Smash.
3. I love the Dash Attack too =). It's almost unpunishable if your opponent has their back to the ledge.
5. Maybe not as useful but still useful, as you can often predict what the opponent will do when they're out of it (shield and roll away for most characters). If they're really close when you start the jabs, just infinite jabs by themselves can do 25% damage or more before they DI out.
6. UTilt is slow, but if you space it so your opponent is at the tip it's hard to punish, especially if they shield because of shield knockback.
7. Fast? Are we talking about DAir, because I don't call that fast. Falco's is fast. I also don't see them airdodging if you don't even jump off the stage.
Well, I may have exaggerated a bit about the Dair being Fast, but people usually air dodge it.
So you jump off but not spike. You make em think you are. Then you spike after they air dodge.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Sorry if mentioned. Here's some stuff I've learned.

1. As an edgeguard, if they want to grab the edge, I run off the stage, no jumping involved, and use an aerial. Usually knee, but if they're in different places, use something else.

2. Dash attack. It's usually pretty good at punishing small lags. It has not very much knockback, but it's hitstun is pretty good, and I can usually toss in a B-air, U-air, or another dash attack.

3. Raptor Boost. As a recovery, it's a spike. And, unlike in Melee, this spike doesn't alway doom you to fall down with them. If a character other than MK tries to jump out after you, this or Up-B could interrupt that and give you another move to recover with.

4. Falcon Kick. This is a pretty fun edgeguard, but it takes practice to really find aplications for it. At high enough damages, using this, grounded, from the stage, can hit the opponent far enough back that you can either go back, for the edgehog, or forward for the kill. Be warned: If you go forward, you'll die. Hopefully you'll kill them too. And first.

5. N-air. Hard to tell if this is really a useful move, and its uses vary. I hear some people shorthopping it, so the first hit hits, and they land for the follow-up. I'd rather full-jump, use it, and fast-fall so the second hit hits. Not only can it be mindgames, it also has more knockback this way. At low damages, this can be chained.

6. Pivot Grab. You know what to do.

7. U-air. Probably his best aerial. Fast, and can be used for just about anything. Depending on when it hits, the knockback speed and direction varies. Mindgames possible with this, but not really that great.

8. Knee trips. Yes, it decays your electric kneepads. But, if you only use it early on, a whiffed knee can trip, which can then be followed by a u-tilt, and then a u-air, etc. Useful, but don't do it a lot.

9. Falcon punch can be tough to land. Use it only when you know where they'll go, and that there'll be enough lag for this to work. If you miss, you'll get punished. Hard.

10. U-throw. It seems like a bad idea. I know. But, most people expect you to have enough lag for them to retaliate well. They think this because: IF YOU TRY TO FOLLOW IT UP, THEY DO. Instead, shield or dodge, so that when they go for their attack, you can punish them instead.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
5. N-air. Hard to tell if this is really a useful move, and its uses vary. I hear some people shorthopping it, so the first hit hits, and they land for the follow-up. I'd rather full-jump, use it, and fast-fall so the second hit hits. Not only can it be mindgames, it also has more knockback this way. At low damages, this can be chained.

9. Falcon punch can be tough to land. Use it only when you know where they'll go, and that there'll be enough lag for this to work. If you miss, you'll get punished. Hard.

10. U-throw. It seems like a bad idea. I know. But, most people expect you to have enough lag for them to retaliate well. They think this because: IF YOU TRY TO FOLLOW IT UP, THEY DO. Instead, shield or dodge, so that when they go for their attack, you can punish them instead.
5. The point of NAir first hit is because it combos to jabs, which combo/chain to other stuff, which ends up doing a lot more than just a second hit (which is only like 6% damage)

9. Falcon Punch is usually underused by people who don't know the good mindgames for it or overused by people who don't main Falcon so they just spam it hoping for fun kills. There are also cases in which Falcon Punch isn't even punishable (although it may not be the best option). I might make a video of all the useful Falcon Punches, since they're kind of hidden in some of my videos.

10. That sounds like a good idea for UThrow at low percents, but at mid-high percents you don't have too much lag to follow it up. If you go after them with UAir though, they'll usually just airdodge it, so I usually let them come back down, at which point they have two options: come down at you and try to hit you with an aerial, or DI away and avoid you. Since I don't like it when they're straight above me, I move to the side a little (a roll does nicely), so that if they come down at an angle at me they've decided to attack and won't airdodge a surprise Falcon Dive. If they try to DI away from you instead then you should chase them down with UAirs and you may even catch them with a Knee after an airdodge. There are some characters of course who have attacks that will outprioritize yours (so you shouldn't chase them, and they will probably come towards you after the UAir) and some with an air game bad enough that you should always chase them (and they will probably always avoid you).


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
5. The point of NAir first hit is because it combos to jabs, which combo/chain to other stuff, which ends up doing a lot more than just a second hit (which is only like 6% damage)
Right, but I'm talking knockback. It's not a killer, by any means, but it can get somebody far enough away from you to do whatever you personally would do. I'd pursue, and try to hit something else. Another N-air or a F-air, or adash attack, usually. Point is, I'm trying to introduce new ideas. If this ends up being entirely useless, sorry.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
Right, but I'm talking knockback. It's not a killer, by any means, but it can get somebody far enough away from you to do whatever you personally would do. I'd pursue, and try to hit something else. Another N-air or a F-air, or adash attack, usually. Point is, I'm trying to introduce new ideas. If this ends up being entirely useless, sorry.
I guess, but 2nd hit they could see coming for sure, and I'd think you would have better options from 1st hit to grab to FThrow or DThrow to followup anyways.
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