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Can you help my ice climbers?

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
After learning a few chain grabs from my friend melee1 i tryed them out and basically 4 stocked people. Ive litterly had people quit the match on wifi leave the game than take me off their list.
The problems come in when i try down throw fair grab etc. Than ice to force up but i cant do it to small chars like toon link or really big chars like bowser n DK. Can you guys help me out and tell me more chains?

I know constant down throw... barely.
I know charging smash while one grabs.
I did ice lock once not sure how though.
Last i did the most beautiful meteor from grab.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
To Dthrow > Fair smaller chars, sometimes u need to shorthop yur Fair, instead of full hop.
For taller chars, u jus have 2 mess wit the timing of yur Full hop.

They're 2 main ways 2 get the IB lock going that I kno from grabz.

The eaiser 1 is escapable, but its the Dthrow > Fair combo. Then jus start mashin B and they're locked..
The other Non-Escapable one is the Fthrow > Footstool. After u Fthrow wit popo or nana.. w/e.. Jus jump forward than start spammin yur jump button, u will footstool em, then jus start mashin B.

Yeh, Fair spikes when at the edge of a stage.

U can Fthrow CG, self explanatory.

U can Bthrow CG.
Jus Bthrow > Grab. Then u can either pivot grab while tossing backwards.. Or move popo up a bit, then jus Bthrow > Grab again.

Theirs some other CG that I forgot how 2 do.. It involves solo squall.. Go look it up if u want.

Dude, u dont even really need 2 kno all these, lolz. Jus focus on wut u think are yur eaisest 2-3 and master em. U need 2 b consistent with yur CGs. I seriously think every IC should learn either Dthrow or Fthrow and Bthrow. This way u can dodge Bananas and Gyros and other stuff like that, while continuing yur CGs.

Thats all I got, Good lux.

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
Thank you also could i play you in a wifi match so you can show me in person? also i have the most problems when i grab with one im not using. When i try fair combo i jump too high than when i grab and the other jumps . WHy?


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
Psssh, Idk why he allways jump so dern high >.>

What I do tho, iz instead of going straight into the Dthrow > Fair CG, I simply Fthrow 2 Popo. Then I do it.
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