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Can we talk about olimar's grab?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I have tons of experience in this matchup, it's probably the matchup that I know the best. I just have to base my way around that ****ing grab range, and I'm wondering if the side B can evade it and punish him for trying to shield grab you (smashed of course). Also, if anyone knows does throwing a naner at a pikmin about to grab you negate the grab? Is there anything diddy has that beats the grab in action? Thanks, if I just knew somehow to get around the grab range the matchup would be so much easier.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
I have tons of experience in this matchup, it's probably the matchup that I know the best. I just have to base my way around that ****ing grab range, and I'm wondering if the side B can evade it and punish him for trying to shield grab you (smashed of course). Also, if anyone knows does throwing a naner at a pikmin about to grab you negate the grab? Is there anything diddy has that beats the grab in action? Thanks, if I just knew somehow to get around the grab range the matchup would be so much easier.
From what I've observed, banana peels and Pikmin will only impact each other only if Olimar is executing a F-smash. In the event of a grab, the banana peel will pass through the Pikmin and hit Olimar. If a banana peel throw is timed in such a fashion that it hits Olimar shortly after Diddy is grabbed, it will still interrupt the grabbing animation and trip Olimar. This seems to be true for all other characters with tether-based grabs and recoveries.

I suppose the other thing I ought to make note of is the fact that I have never once seen characters with tethered grabs actually activate those pseudo-super-armor frames with their grabs, either.


Smash Ace
Mar 24, 2008
When Oli grabs, the pikmin that is grabbing can't be touched by an attack. If you throw a naner, however, it will hit oli, and the grab will be canceled because he does not have SA on his grab. Other tether characters (at least Samus, dunno about the others) have SA on certain frames during the grab, but oli has none (as far as I know, and if he does, then I've never seen it, and its only like 1 frame then).
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