My rope is the best.
Anyway, to clarify a few things...
"May I ask you a question" gets really old after a while. When you are a mod or admin (especially an admin on a huge server like Official, which is Colin's case), you get asked questions all the time. Your "workload" in answering them is literally doubled by people asking if they can ask instead of just asking the question to start. I am also at the point where I'm not going to answer any questions from someone who prefaces by asking "can I ask you a question" unless I'm in a particularly good mood; it's just really agitating when people do that. I suppose many of you are under the impression that you're being polite by doing it so I can't be angry at anyone for doing it, but I guess we can call this a lesson in internet communication in general. Never, ever ask if you can ask a question.
Your account security is your problem. Accidentally banning yourself is nearly impossible. Ban self is just a test in "natural selection"; I don't see why we shouldn't have it...
Also, to respond to an earlier post, I strongly endorse the use of AAMS though Official is really fine.