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Cameron and Juan's AMAZING Tourney 3 Miami FL Date Uknown

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Yep. That's right. I'm going to host a tourney, most likely the Saturday of, or two Saturdays after Christmas. But, if you assume it'll be in my garage, you're wrong. I'm getting a much bigger venue, and wen I say much bigger, I mean just that. I'm renting a townhouse for a one day use, and it'll be hosted there. I don't know the address, the day, the time, this is for you to know that this will happen, and I AM running both Melee and Brawl, but having a max cap of 64 people for each event, due to time constraints. I only have it for the day. I'm going Melee doubles, singles, Brawl doubles, singles with 15-30 min breaks in between each event, of course, due to constraints. It is first come, first serve, so if I have a attendance list, it's to see that if it exceeds 64, haul your butt there before everyone else. I'll make two different lists for melee and brawl. I promise that when we get closer to the event, I'll have more info, and soon after Oct 7th, I'll have rented the townhouse, and show most all of the information.

Thank you for reading and happy brawling!

Here are the rules:

3 stock
8 min
ALL items off.
Rounds are best 2/3, grand finals are 3/5.
Bring your own controller.

This time around, I'll use the pool system. If I get under 32 entrants, then I'll do 4 pools of 8. If more than 32, then I'll do 8 pools of 8 (I seriously doubt I'm getting 64 people, considering the fact that I only got 14 last time). This will eliminate the whole complaining of people being put together first round. I'll put each of the final two in the final brackets, making it so that winners of pools fight losers of different pools. Give me feedback on this idea.

The winner will be determined by stock, then precent. Sudden Death will NOT be played. If both stock and precent are equal at the end of a match, then a one stock 2 minute math will be played. If a player falls off the edge with their opponent causing sudden death, then the one causing the scuicide will be deemed winner.

You will start your set with the following, with both players agreeing to the stage:

Final Destination
Yoshi's Island
Lylat Cruise

The loser of the first match will choose from the following stages to play from:

Pokémon Stadium
Delfino Plaza
Battleship Halberd
Frigate Orpheon
Castle Siege
Jungle Japes
Rainbow Cruise
If agreed upon, ANY stage can be played.

BEFORE the first match begins, you may choose one stage ban so it cannot be played through the set.

Dave's Stupid Rule is on. For those who don't know what this is, I shall explain:
If you win the first round in FD, then that's swell. Your opponent CP's and you lose. You will NOT be able to pick FD.

MK Infinite cape glitch is banned.

Gentlemen's Rule in effect.
*These rules may vary. Keep looking here for updates*

I got confirmation on a Melee tournament, and this will be a two day event: one for each game. Melee would come first, then Brawl. If there is time and interest, then I'll host a Brawl + tourney.

4 stock
8 min
Ties will be broken by stock then %. If both are equal, then sudden death will be played.
Items OFF.
Wobbling is not banned, but if your opponent does it, you have my permission to slap them in the face while they're wobbling.
Any form of stalling is banned.
Friendly fire is on.
Life stealing is on.

I'm thinking of doing pools, like the brawl tourney, so there is no complaining about placing, but still, as with brawl, give me feedback on this idea.

Stages will either be stage struck, or if stage striking is not mentioned, then random stage select will occour. The following stages will be selected at random:
For singles:
Yoshi's Story
Dreamland 64
Pokemon Stadium
Fountain of Dreams.

Yoshi's Story
Dreamland 64
Pokemon Stadium

CP's for both: Anything that is not banned.

Banned for singles only:
Great Bay
Mushroom Kingdom 2

Banned Doubles Only:
Fountain of Dreams
Mute City

Banned for both:
Yoshi's Island (Pipes), Fourside, Hyrule Temple, Flatzone, Brinstar Depths, Icicle Mountain, Big Blue, Mushroom Kingdom 1, Venom, Yoshi's Island 64, Peach's Castle, and Kongo Jungle, Onett.

Dave's Stupid Rule applies.

If I missed anything, tell me and I'll go ahead and fix it.
1. TheGorditoBoy
2, Puredrive
3. Cryptic

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

This tourney needs more hype. I don't want just 20 people coming like in the garage...

And in the event that we don't finish in time, then we will continue at my house(sorries, I guess that that's inspiration to help make this tourney as smooth as possible).

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Umm, you're one to talk, 8 bit? (Yasumicon and Infinite Bits?)

But still, I kind of get what you're saying. Just hurts my heart to see that my tourney thread is at the third page of threads.

I also am posting this early because, with two months of hype for my house tourney, I got 14 people to come. I want a pretty good attendance, so I assumed that if I put this early, I'd get more, while keeping my 64 max cap.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
No no no, I understand the difference between you and me.

I don't want this tourney to be low attendance. I want it to be really good, and hyping it early, since I'm not a known tourney host, is the only way for me to get good attendance. Slapping your name on a tourney will get a lot of people to say, "Hey, it's 8 bit! That guy that hosts really good tournies! I'm going there!" I'm getting it out early so it can be on people's mind that this guy is hosting a tourney in January. I might want to go, since there's no known tourney on that day.
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