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C-stick, Smash or Attack?


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2008
Stockton, California
Title says all.

Which one do you use and which do you think is better for Falcon?

I use the Attack when i C-stick because It's easier to spike and I can surprise my opponent with a tilt from the C-stick.

Is it alright to set it to attack or do i need to learn the ways of tilting the analog stick?



Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2006
Not at all, using your own configuration is fine as long as you're comfortable with it.

I do like that idea of using the C-Stick as a attacks, would make tilts more appealing for me, but for now I'm just fine with the standard ~ with Tap to Jump off.

I keep as is because I do find use in extending Falcons F-Smash, and since I'm always flying around the screen, I use the C-Stick to use my aerials, UAir the most. I have found though, that using the C-stick for me embodies aerial combat, where I never really use it on the ground, not to mention I find it MUCH easier to Knee using a C-Stick for some reason, where as in melee I don't think I EVER used the C-Stick other than for rolling out of a shield.


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2005
Alexandria, VA
Custom controls are all a matter of preference. Personally I keep the stick on smash, because as mentioned already it makes extended Fsmash easier. I always c-stick pretty much all my aerials too. I do recommend setting either x or y to grab though, whichever you don't jump with.

Also a note on c-stick attacking, if you set c-stick to attack then pressing it away from your opponent makes you jab. You still have to use the control stick to Ftilt behind you.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2008
Stockton, California
Custom controls are all a matter of preference. Personally I keep the stick on smash, because as mentioned already it makes extended Fsmash easier. I always c-stick pretty much all my aerials too. I do recommend setting either x or y to grab though, whichever you don't jump with.

Also a note on c-stick attacking, if you set c-stick to attack then pressing it away from your opponent makes you jab. You still have to use the control stick to Ftilt behind you.
I tried setting one of them to grabbing, but failed HORRIBLY on my Falco. The worst match ever because when i tried to jump I would airdodge instead. I use both X and Y to jump in certain situations for some reason.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
Well... I would have C-Stick on two different settings for two different reasons
If I like a fight where I don't know if my enemy has a certain favorite I'll use it on attack because I like using the fast tilts against shorter characters and it encourages me to use more logic with holding smashes against dodgers and aiming my smashes manually
Smash is a normal setting that I enjoy using the Dsmash with but... in the long I am replacing this so I can do jabs and smashes and tilts better, and if I have to aim a tilt its my problem


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I have it on attack because it was previously almost impossible to UTilt when I had tap jump on, but after I turned that off it doesn't matter anymore. The only time I use the C-Stick is for doing aerials in the opposite direction I'm DIing in, and that's mostly just for the Knee.


Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
I've stuck to the normal settings so far. So smash for me.

P.S. - why do so many people turn tap jump off? It is faster in some cases and shouldn't be a problem for u-tilt.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
I've stuck to the normal settings so far. So smash for me.

P.S. - why do so many people turn tap jump off? It is faster in some cases and shouldn't be a problem for u-tilt.
People want to be able to do their u-tilt the same as the d-tilt. I.E. by smashing the stick, then waiting for the smash attack timing window to end. Personally, I've played smash since 64, and I love tap jump. Falling u-airs are also a "benefit" But with the c-stick, you don't need tap jump off. I guess people just want to be able to play quick and twitchy, but not put themselves into bad situations. Personal preference. I can't play worth **** without tap jump.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
near San Jose, California
I've stuck to the normal settings so far. So smash for me.

P.S. - why do so many people turn tap jump off? It is faster in some cases and shouldn't be a problem for u-tilt.
Tap jump is off because it's harder to do UTilt, harder to do UAir without wasting a second jump, harder to get a short hop, and harder to do aerials right after jumping (especially important for autocanceling). They're still possible by using the stick, but the stick sometimes makes me jump, second jump, jab, or nair when I was trying to do something else, so I've mostly given up on it due to inconsistency.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2007
Glendale, AZ
Tap jump is off because it's harder to do UTilt, harder to do UAir without wasting a second jump, harder to get a short hop, and harder to do aerials right after jumping (especially important for autocanceling). They're still possible by using the stick, but the stick sometimes makes me jump, second jump, jab, or nair when I was trying to do something else, so I've mostly given up on it due to inconsistency.
I wish we could turn off Tap jumping with Melee....:/

Wogrim pretty much summed up why I hate Tap jump. To answer the question though, I just left the Cstick as a Smash so I could use smashes faster. I haven't tried Attack yet, so I might make the switch if I see it's better.

But I do find myself using A LOT of smashes when I know I shouldn't...maybe switching that up could help me. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
I am used to Smash 64 smash attacks. So I never smash with the C-Stick. In fact I don't even use it.
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