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Matt -eco-

Smash Rookie
Nov 1, 2011

1: ****ed up (4% & X) ($42.00)
2: the bagles heats (The Lake and Nakamaru) ($12.00)
3: jiggly puff combo something something (Vanz & Flip X) ($6.00)
4: Bingo!!! Ohhohoho (Vudujin & Abate)
5: sex in the city HD remix (Silentswag and Ambix)
5: the real house biddys of **** what you heard county (Carroll & J-bro)
7: shepington (The Game & Matt)

coming soon

1. vanz
2 vudu
3 abate
5 silentswag
5 the lake
7 ambix
7 naka
9. flip x
9. get low
9. taki
9. x
13. stone cold link
13 game
13 carroll
13 shep
17. jbro



Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2010
South Park
1. vanz = gg's your soo good!! and its really awesome that you guys came to this
2 vudu = fun to chill if you again. unbelievable that Pittsburgh can take 2 good lugius
3 abate = unbelievable that Pittsburgh can take 2 good lugius. GG's, our set was amazing. Car rides are sooo fun with you
4. 4% = GG's we will have that rm
5 silentswag
5 the lake = my doo?
7 ambix = we ****. your like my best friend in the smash community. no salt
7 naka = =p
9. flip x = GGs in our mm. we need to play more mm
9. get low = fingernail swag
9. taki = =P
9. x = GGs, gota run that back
13. stone cold link = lols
13 game = such a great tournament. your really chill, and you need to come to the pittsburgh weeklys
13 carroll
13 shep
17. jbro = u can get amazing at this game

PGH Carroll

Smash Master
Feb 6, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA aka #TipperCity
Fun tourney. GG to all I played. I kinda really played like poop today. (more so the usual.. Lol) and shout out to the venue, that basement was perfect! Best house tourney yet! We need more of those IMO. And the food was awesome<3

And please for the rest of forever

I got pretty screwed.. But hey it's whatever. There's No way that Taki and Ambix should have had to play each other.. And I had to play my room mate.. Lol

Also hope4 is coming up!!! Hope to see you all there!

1. vanz - not a fox at this tourney that's beating silent swag;)

2 vudu - you earned that hat!!! Also shoutout to Pittsburgh luigis ****** errrrbody. I'll send you that ringtone!

3 abate - your my hero. AboTAYYYYYYY<3

4 4% - your the man. Sorry I played crappy in our friendlies.. I'll give you a better fight next time. Lol

5 silentswag - you didn't give me a shout out? How about "thanks for all that fox practice!!! I love you brother!!" least you could have done after you screwed me in bracket!!!

5 the lake - I will not rest until I best you. I'm about 0-8 loooooooool

7 ambix - less ciggs, more peach.

7 naka - what's your YouTube account? Also fun to watch in teams.

9. flip x - sorry for that disgrace I offered you in friendlies.. Lol next time when I'm not stressed out I'll give you a good run mah doo

9. get low - didn't know you played any other characters. Neat! GGs we should team one of these tourneys. I think a peach would compliment my fox well:)

9. taki - yeahhhhhhh Ill beat you one day too.. Play me with falco!!!! And wtf!!! Start hanging out with me more!!!

9. x - we've like never played... I like fighting those Ohio sheiks! Sooooo free ;)

13. stone cold link - nice to see some old school players coming back.. All those old players you were talking about.. Good times. Looooooooool

13 game - awesome tourney mah doo! You need to come to our weeklies!! Also were holding another Pittsburgh tourney in about a month! /hope4 is the name. Also your samus is pretty tight! But do me a favor and stop playing on those laggy tvs!! Trust me you may not notice it now.. But as you gett better you'll start seeing how bad it is.. Lol

13 carroll - thanks Johny...

13 shep - hope to play ya some more!!!

17. jbro - my dooo sorry about how everything turned out. But this week were gonna hit you hard. Wave dashing, edge guarding, tech chasing.. The whole deal. Don't quit on us yet!!! You got mad potential. You just got at it!


Get Low

Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2011
Niles, Ohio
This was a fun little tourney. The ferocious dog was scary though. D:


1. vanz - Dat Young Link. And after watching you play Peach on Brinstar, I know why people don't want it to be legal anymore, lol.
2. vudu - Vuh - DOO! - jin.
3 abate - Dat Weeg.
4. 4% - Nice seeing you again. We need to play some friendlies at the next tournament we're at.
5. silentswag - You got so lucky against X, lolol.
5. the lake - Good games, dude. I really enjoyed our set.
7. ambix - How are your lungs doing? I have a thing or two to learn about Peach dittos. Good games, nevertheless. Keep repping blue Peach.
7. naka - You are a beast, my man.
9. flip x - Never quit playing Melee. I won't let you.
9. get low - HERE!
9. taki - Your Fox is so scary. :O I enjoyed our friendlies.
9. x - Your set against Swag made me oh so sad.
13. stone cold link - Keep coming to tourneys! I want to play dat Link some time.
13 game - The Gaaaaaame. Thanks for hosting this awesome tourney. And good games.
13 carroll - I'd love to team with you one of these days. :) And also, this may sound strange, but I feel like the weird way you play Fox fits your personality, lol.
13 shep - Thank you also for hosting this tourney. Good games in friendlies. And I hope to see you and The Game at more tourneys.
17. jbro - Javier. Caliente! We definitely played some good friendlies. Keep on practicing and you'll be rapin' *****es in no time.

And shoutouts to whoever's mom that was for being a sweetheart and giving me a hug on the way out. <3


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
abate you in pittsburgh for school?.........thats my smash starting point. monroeville is hella close to UPITT(where I went).

glad to see X is back playing. Good stuff in teams at the big house. Hey everyone


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
abate you in pittsburgh for school?.........thats my smash starting point. monroeville is hella close to UPITT(where I went).

glad to see X is back playing. Good stuff in teams at the big house. Hey everyone
I actually graduated last may and I found a job over here. Are you visiting anytime soon? I'm gonna try and make it to no johns at some point.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
Shoutouts to my brooooos (my apologies to those of you I haven't had the pleasure of meeting)

1. vanz - grats my man
2 vudu - biiingo, oh ho ho.
3 abate - nice meeting you, fun friendlies.
5 silentswag - johny you go hard as ****, just stick to smash and not making brackets.
5 the lake - what is this I hear about not playing your main at all? Boooo
7 ambix - great peach, bad work johns
7 naka - I've got a feeling you're gonna get hot one day soon and just sweep one of these smaller tourneys.
9. flip x
9. get low - best friendlies of the tournament, definitely wanna play again next time we meet up.
9. taki - how the eff did you place so low taki?
9. x
13. stone cold link - nice meeting you man, what better time than now to get back into melee?
13 game
13 carroll - mah doo, I am the anchor keeping your ship from sailing.
13 shep - thank you for everything, except for beating me and leaving me in lone last place, haha.

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