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Brinstar for best CP?


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
I am not sure exactly what the reason is, but Brinstar is just an awesome course for Yoshi. A couple easy spots to CG and spike? Always has good camping position? Small course for more grab? It may just be that I do awesome there, but why do you guys think Yoshi can own there so much?


Smash Ace
Nov 20, 2006
Pasadena, Tx
Brinstar best for CP? Are you serious? Sir, I'd like you to have a seat over there. Having CP is a serious federal offense -_-

Also, just go to Norfair. Way better cuz you get lotsa Uair opportunities. However, Brinstar may not be so bad cuz of the lower ceiling, it might be easier to get kills. Also, there are some fun slopes to play on.


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
Dearborn Heights
+Yoshi doesn't get mawled by the lava
+Yoshi can go through the base (main platform)
+Super Armor works for the lava
+Most characters suck on that stage
+Most people in general hate/suck on that stage.

But all the positive reasons for picking brinstar can be said for norfair, not to mention that norfair has more platforms to help you and lava for you to manipulate.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
really? i was under the impression that Yoshi was no good on brinstar...intereference of egg throws and chain grabbing etc


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
Do not under any circumstance pick brinstar as a CP. It's a small stage that is uneven. This screws up most chances for grabs in general. Not only that but if the center gets broken, then you could fall through the middle as I believe there is no edge. Egg toss is nearly impossible with this stage, especially ETS as there are those connective strands that stop them.

Now you say that you can go under the stage and that is a great advantage, however there are just too many negatives that make yoshi horrible on this stage. If you are looking for a great CP pick, I would really look into pictochat, norfair, or corneria. I could name a few others if you would like, but really...don't do it lol.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Do not under any circumstance pick brinstar as a CP. It's a small stage that is uneven. This screws up most chances for grabs in general. Not only that but if the center gets broken, then you could fall through the middle as I believe there is no edge. Egg toss is nearly impossible with this stage, especially ETS as there are those connective strands that stop them.

Now you say that you can go under the stage and that is a great advantage, however there are just too many negatives that make yoshi horrible on this stage. If you are looking for a great CP pick, I would really look into pictochat, norfair, or corneria. I could name a few others if you would like, but really...don't do it lol.
I thought about CPing D3 to Brinstar. Have any thoughts on that since he won't be able to CG far?


Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2007
Dearborn Heights
D3 brinstar is okay personally I think its one of the best choices vs falco and D3. Vs any other character picking brinstar is not smart lol. I normally go with japes (no falco) or Cruise (no rob).


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Well here is my opinion on the whole best CP for yoshi or any character

I don't think there is a right or wrong answer/opinion on what is the best CP it all depends on your style of play and whether or not you like the stage if you like non proportional weird small stages then go ahead and pick brinstar if you think it will work but if you rather play on a more even balanced neutral stage then pick a neutral stage it all matters on your style of play and what style of stage you prefer.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
but if you rather play on a more even balanced neutral stage then pick a neutral stage
That makes so much sense it doesn't anymore...lol

I pretty much agree with Bwett on this one. The stage has properties that a Yoshi would normally like, such as the jump-through floor, but the bad outweighs the good here. Halberd, Delfino, and Norfair are much better if you want to jump through things, and don't have the gayness that Brinstar has.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
I thought about CPing D3 to Brinstar. Have any thoughts on that since he won't be able to CG far?
Personally, if I want to CP D3 just to get rid of his grab, why not head to Norfair or even just a small stage or stage with platforms. All of them will do the trick, as well as keep your advantage of ETS and the pivot grab.

Well here is my opinion on the whole best CP for yoshi or any character

I don't think there is a right or wrong answer/opinion on what is the best CP it all depends on your style of play and whether or not you like the stage if you like non proportional weird small stages then go ahead and pick brinstar if you think it will work but if you rather play on a more even balanced neutral stage then pick a neutral stage it all matters on your style of play and what style of stage you prefer.
The thing is we aren't discussing so much opinion as we are fact. When you look at counterpicks, you want to either have it as your advantage, their disadvantage, or a combination of the two. When naturally looking at Yoshi's abilities, Brinstar severely limits his options. He can barely space with pivot grabs, he has lost his CG, and he can't ETS from the edge. There are other stages that would give you the same perks as Brinstar, but without all the negatives so in this instance, why even choose it?

If you want to talk about CP theory then we can do that as well. To me, there are three different types of players: those who beat you, those who go even with you, and those you beat. (This will also take into account instances where they choose characters that CP you like G&W. Obviously if yall are on equal skill, but he has G&W, by theory, he should win when given neutral conditions.)

If you are playing someone you beat, then odds are you don't really want to go to a CP stage. You can easily outclass them on a neutral like FD, BF, or SV. There is no point in possibly throwing out more random events that could cost you the game when you know solely by skill and character choice, you can beat them.

If you are playing someone you go even with, then you have two options. You can either go for a neutral and hope that you come out victorious or choose a CP that gives you better options than your opponent. In this case, once again, you won't want random things to occur. Just something to give you an edge like Delfino or Halberd.

If you are playing someone who beats you, then you have to rely on another two options. Either you CP a stage that gives you better options so that yall become even in terms of winning, or you really on the random effects to win. In the latter, you CP stages such as Norfair or pictochat in order to possibly level the playing field by knowing the stage more than your opponent or hoping a random effect gives you a severe advantage for that time.

This is my view on CPing. Of course this doesnt account for every instance, but in general, this is what I think about when I CP opponents.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
What's your favorite CP bwett?

I'm honestly thinking of Brinstar in a few occasions too, especially if your more of a physical Yoshi and an unbalanced player. It could play out well.

And waht about RC? Opinions?


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2007
I don't like Brinstar personally. Though maybe if I practice on it more, it might change, but I feel like going under the stage doesn't reap as much rewards as on other stages like Delfino and Halberd.

I like RC, especially since I like to keep moving. That's just a personal preference though, I don't play there enough to have a valid opinion. Though I'll admit I get scared at some parts of the stage, afraid that I'll kill myself. XD


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I like RC personally, I love Delfino, and Brinstar can be good. So I'd def CP it on DDD.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
What's your favorite CP bwett?

I'm honestly thinking of Brinstar in a few occasions too, especially if your more of a physical Yoshi and an unbalanced player. It could play out well.

And waht about RC? Opinions?
Lately, I've been loving Pictochat. That stage is amazing for Yoshi. Think of FD with the possibility of infinites against walls, gimmicks like downb sliding off of everything, and the possibility of living to up to 243% (see link for great fun lol).


I used to use Norfair all the time for people who aren't used to it. It is a great stage for Yoshi, but unfortunately it can be even better for other characters. I definitely wouldn't advise taking a G&W or MK to Norfair...I've made both mistakes lol.

I think RC is okay. I get scared from time to time and can suicide, but because of mobility of Yoshi, its fine.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
True but if D3 can't CG me I am happy not CGing him unless he goes mk then I grab and release to up smash
True, Hmm, could you release spike onto a lower platform? Or would it cancel?
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