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Bringing this out there.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Not sure if this is wide-spread knowledge, but I found out it works GREAT against people who use z-air to recover (especially my friends samus)

Whenever you chase them, if they z-air the edge, B-air onto their "string" (the z-air itself) and just FF.

If they press-A to recover, z-air works like a zipline and they pull themselves into a stage spike. If they do not press A, you hit them off with a weak-b air often gimping them.

I managed to pull this off 5-6 times vs my friends Samus in our 10 minute match until he finally learned. Z-air is not your friend vs Pit.

Anyways, just pushing it out there :s hopefully I don't seem like a noob for doing so xD

I also got a victory vs my friends Sheik due to doing this.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Show me this so i can probably use it. I suppose it would work on Links too right?


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Show me this so i can probably use it. I suppose it would work on Links too right?
Works on Sheik, Link, Samus, Zamus, Lucas, and Toon Link. (did I forget anyone?)

If you notice they z-air to recover WHENEVER they can, abuse that and run off the edge and Bair for the spike.

I can't show you considering you have that nasty 84260 error.... but you CAN use it OFTEN since if you miss the worst that can happen is you not being able to grab the edge / getting spiked. (remember you have like 2-3 jumps left and your up-B or all jumps +up-b if you predicted it and wing-refreshed off the edge into a Bair)


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Does this affect the Ice Climbers?
That is a fantastic question O_o and nana is a hitbox, so it might affect her dependant on spacing, but the Popo pull after that.... possibly.....

I have no real way of testing it unless someone wants to be IC and let me test this on wifi with them :urg:

Thank you for bringing this up :) but since Popo generally doesn't come from the bottom, it may be harder to actually stage spike him, if you hit him with a weak bair it should gimp if my logics correct.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Well, the Ice Climber's belay works like this.

1. Nana teleports to Popo if the Belay command is made while they are in relative synchronization
2. Nana becomes the hitbox of the recovery and reaches to the edge.
If she is hit by an attack, there is massive lag and the belay continuous without interruption since Nana is invincible while belaying. If she hit's a person, she makes contact, reaches the edge and Popo get's pulled upward but not into the edge making the belay seem like as though it was the Melee version of belay where Nana is grabbing the edge and Popo is still being propelled upward resulting in a failed tether belay.
3. If step two is successful, Popo is pulled up with Nana almost immediately after she grabs the edge but isn't invincible during the time period when Nana is reaching for the edge.

It's hard for me to explain but when Popo starts pulling the rope toward Nana, his animation is like his animation of normally grabbing the edge when it is close by except he is traveling at a freakish speed toward Nana...

I'm not sure if he can be hit once moving toward Nana cause he is acting like he is grabbing an invisible edge that is moving along the rope. If he can be hit in the animation, I would guess that Nana would stay at the edge invincible for the prolonged period of time she is given compared to all the other brawl characters and Popo get's hit, allowing him to possibly do a solo belay that might get him back on the edge...


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Well, the Ice Climber's belay works like this.

1. Nana teleports to Popo if the Belay command is made while they are in relative synchronization
2. Nana becomes the hitbox of the recovery and reaches to the edge.
If she is hit by an attack, there is massive lag and the belay continuous without interruption since Nana is invincible while belaying. If she hit's a person, she makes contact, reaches the edge and Popo get's pulled upward but not into the edge making the belay seem like as though it was the Melee version of belay where Nana is grabbing the edge and Popo is still being propelled upward resulting in a failed tether belay.
3. If step two is successful, Popo is pulled up with Nana almost immediately after she grabs the edge but isn't invincible during the time period when Nana is reaching for the edge.

It's hard for me to explain but when Popo starts pulling the rope toward Nana, his animation is like his animation of normally grabbing the edge when it is close by except he is traveling at a freakish speed toward Nana...

I'm not sure if he can be hit once moving toward Nana cause he is acting like he is grabbing an invisible edge that is moving along the rope. If he can be hit in the animation, I would guess that Nana would stay at the edge invincible for the prolonged period of time she is given compared to all the other brawl characters and Popo get's hit, allowing him to possibly do a solo belay that might get him back on the edge...
I'll test this out when I can, I use IC as well and the speed in which he moves will make this difficult, but I wouldn't rule it impossible quite yet.

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
Omg you guys must be kidding. This is so old, it works wonders. I always do this to my friend's olimar. And it the main way people gimp Ice climbers.

This is what happens You stall in the air until they try to recover, Nana is invincible and she makes it to the edge, You hit popo and he gets knocks off the string. Nana moves onto the stage unable to get back to popo and popo is left under or on the side of the stage unable to recover back because nana is nowhere to be found. This is the main way to kill Ice climbers. Wow


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Omg you guys must be kidding. This is so old, it works wonders. I always do this to my friend's olimar. And it the main way people gimp Ice climbers.

This is what happens You stall in the air until they try to recover, Nana is invincible and she makes it to the edge, You hit popo and he gets knocks off the string. Nana moves onto the stage unable to get back to popo and popo is left under or on the side of the stage unable to recover back because nana is nowhere to be found. This is the main way to kill Ice climbers. Wow
I've only seen it in a few vids... and every Pit I've faced doesn't use it vs my Samus or Sheik :s

Rogue Pit

Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2008
Philadelphia, Pa
No offence havokk but there arent many good pits out there. Im pretty sure smashboards has the best pit community, because of what i've seen at other furoms. And sadly we are still in the stone age.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
No offence havokk but there arent many good pits out there. Im pretty sure smashboards has the best pit community, because of what i've seen at other furoms. And sadly we are still in the stone age.
Hence why I'm trying to get this out there for the nooby Pit's. :dizzy: I found it extremely useful, saw NO topic about it, so I made a topic for it.

Look at Adm Bowser (adm pit =p to me) he's a good Pit (or at least compared to me from what I've seen), and yet it seems he didn't even know of this. So I probably just improved his game vs Tether people. (cant believe I left Olimar out of this -.- he used to be one of my mains xD)
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