Nothing wrong with having a few ppl playing random games when doing crew Bs.
I dont like this... during a crew battle, all the attention should be on the crew battle. It makes it much more fun, you can cheer on your teammates and boo Chet.
I still like the idea of 1 TV use for another fighting game (Melee, SF, etc.)
No Mario Kart, no Halo, no Mario Party.
I know it sounds unfair but the idea came from Brawl players that also enjoy having a few games of other FGs so dont steal it from us! Also, a thing like a SF setup is more convenient since it can handle more players and you can have much more games with only 1 setup, do it arcade style.
And thos chars are overrated because they sux and they never do any kind of upgrades on them, the only one that could be considered really popular and awesome is Akuma, with Cyber akuma has an update it went pretty good. I loved fighting him as a boss.
Instead isn't a big word considering that Guile and Nash are the same characters, literally. That is why I said instead, I prefer Nash way over more Guile.
The only character that I loved in 3S and that they should have continued with him is Sean. He had a bit of ryu and ken, kind of, but his style is way cooler. he has a crappy stance tough, like ryu and ken, shame.
I dont agree, there's a big difference between WW Ryu and 3S Ryu. Over time they gave him air Hurricane Kick, Red Fireball, rush punch, overhead punch, supers, and the donkey kick.
Also, different game engines = different playstyles. You can't spam Hadoukens in 3S like you can in ST. Also it is very probable that SF4 Ryu will be played differently than SF3.