Dirty camper
@Leaf, I used the java program that brings up the stage select screen and lets me pick any song from the Brawl. I changed the stage songs to songs that I don't use, or ever hear, normally, like Stage Builder, and then I put my custom music on over those files.
So I'm pretty sure that I used the music swap code then. I did because some normal stage music doesn't suck and I like to use it on multiple stages. That's also why I music swapped the bad songs, so I can have the same custom song on more than one stage.
So instead of getting the files you need to replace everything you wanted to replace with the file replacement code, you decided to make a huge mess of your music with the music swap code, making it impossible for people to play you online or to view your replays. If you want anyone to be able to record anything, you're going to need to tell them what music swaps you used, or at least the music swaps present in the matches you want recorded. If you're planning on playing any new matches, you should set your music back to normal and simply use the file replacement code to play other brawl songs where you want them. There's nothing wrong with replacing multiple songs with the same song, but it's just a mess if you use the music swap code to do it.