Smash Hero
This application is meant to decide eligibility of people to join the Brawl Minus Backroom. In addition to all questions being answered on this form, myself or another BRoom member may decide to talk to applicants further through AIM/Skype(both of these are preferred), or another chat service. You may either leave contact info in your application, and/or you will be PMed on Smashboards/Smashmods/AIB if applicable. Send all completed applications to me through any smash website.
AiB= Oro- Smashboards=Oro?! Smashmods= Bzoo
1. Describe your experience with tournaments. Do you participate often? What games do you compete in? How well do you usually place in said games? Who do you main(in Brawl)?
2. What other games have you played? What is your favorite fighting game(besides Brawl, if that is your favorite)? What are your favorite games of all time?
3. What was your first impression with playing Brawl Minus? What do you like about it? What don't you like? What do you think the goal of Brawl Minus is?
4. Why are you applying to the Brawl Minus Back Room? What special skills do you have that would make you stand out? Do you have any knowledge of coding? The smash scene in general? How much effort would you be willing to put into this project?
All applications are due by Monday, September 27th.
AiB= Oro- Smashboards=Oro?! Smashmods= Bzoo
1. Describe your experience with tournaments. Do you participate often? What games do you compete in? How well do you usually place in said games? Who do you main(in Brawl)?
2. What other games have you played? What is your favorite fighting game(besides Brawl, if that is your favorite)? What are your favorite games of all time?
3. What was your first impression with playing Brawl Minus? What do you like about it? What don't you like? What do you think the goal of Brawl Minus is?
4. Why are you applying to the Brawl Minus Back Room? What special skills do you have that would make you stand out? Do you have any knowledge of coding? The smash scene in general? How much effort would you be willing to put into this project?
All applications are due by Monday, September 27th.