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Brawl Interview Thread, new ownership, DMG interview here, need pro to interview next


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
Okay so I'm doing this thread now. Last thread was here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=275277

I'll make this thread look fancy another time, too late right now.

Here's the DMG interview. theunabletable is me (obviously), SSBBGUY is DMG and in bold:

theunabletable (12:10:29 AM): "DMG, why do you choose to play so "gay", as most smashers refer to it? You've always been a man who pushes the boundaries in this field, and I'd like to know more about your motivations."

ssbbguy (12:13:01 AM): Why do I play "gay"? First off, because it's fun. Playing gay, for me at least, is very fun to do. It's something different, something occasionally regarded as near taboo to discuss or demonstrate. It's demonstrating prowess at an aspect of the game that I feel is lacking in many top players (besides the MK ones)

ssbbguy (12:14:25 AM): Then, you have the benefit of watching your opponent literally writhe and squirm as the time runs low. The mistakes they make under pressure, knowing you have solidly chipped and cracked their foundation and mindset. To see them mentally slow down on the treadmill of thoughts

theunabletable (12:14:12 AM): So you definitely think that camping is the optimal way to play Brawl generally?

ssbbguy (12:15:27 AM): Camping is not always the optimal path to take in Brawl. However, it is incredibly strong and it's something I don't think the general community has fully abused or explored. There is "campy" play, but rarely do you see the full blown timer running or non approaching that I gallantly display for all my fans

theunabletable (12:15:58 AM): I have trouble finding videos of you, I wish I could see more timing out

ssbbguy (12:16:16 AM): Most of my timeouts are not recorded sadly lol

theunabletable (12:16:14 AM): "If you couldn't play Wario or Meta Knight, which character would you use? Any special reason?"

ssbbguy (12:16:44 AM): Diddy or G&W because I love G&W and because I like how versatile Diddy is
ssbbguy (12:16:56 AM): I like versatile characters, flexible characters

theunabletable (12:17:21 AM): "What do you do in your spare time?"

ssbbguy (12:19:23 AM): Well, I am a pretty solid Chess player. My interest in that has waned some, but I still play a bit. I am on the boards a lot, if there is nothing else to do it depends.

ssbbguy (12:19:41 AM): I do a lot of random speedruns in games that most people wouldn't consider or think about
ssbbguy (12:20:43 AM): Paper Mario for N64, Pokemon Trading Card Game GB, Double Dash, just a few

theunabletable (12:21:24 AM): "Did you always play gay in Brawl?"

ssbbguy (12:21:48 AM): Not "always", but it started fairly early in Brawl's lifespan
ssbbguy (12:21:56 AM): The first person I timed out, ironically enough, was Dphat
ssbbguy (12:22:08 AM): at Final Smash 4? I think
ssbbguy (12:22:25 AM): Yeah most people would be shocked to know that he was the first person I timed out

theunabletable (12:22:39 AM): "Do you play Melee at all? And if-so do you play gay in that as well?"

ssbbguy (12:24:04 AM): I do play Melee. Not as much as Brawl obviously but I have some time put into Melee also. I got serious in the game a bit too late though, right after the last MLG's for Melee. Locally couldn't play the better players, so I was stuck with friends who had no drive to get better. So I got bored doing combos and stuff on them that were escapable or harder to do with varying DI and SDI or techs, and gave up for awhile
ssbbguy (12:24:26 AM): Nowadays I play it some if someone brings a setup or what not. I actually don't play very gay in Melee
ssbbguy (12:24:50 AM): The gayest I get in Melee is running away with Doc lol

theunabletable (12:24:57 AM): lol you can run away with Doc?
theunabletable (12:25:11 AM): idk I have to say, that's pretty bad *** :p and do you play gay in friendlies, too, or more aggro?

ssbbguy (12:25:15 AM): Like against a Peach player, say on Battlefield, I can run for a bit yeah
ssbbguy (12:25:19 AM): Its hard but doable
ssbbguy (12:25:50 AM): In friendlies, it depends
ssbbguy (12:25:57 AM): In Texas, sometimes you HAVE to play Gay in friendlies
ssbbguy (12:26:00 AM): especially Dallas
ssbbguy (12:26:12 AM): Dallas is the land of 4 MK's in teams
ssbbguy (12:26:14 AM): in friendlies
ssbbguy (12:26:16 AM): with planking
ssbbguy (12:26:31 AM): so in those cases, hell no I still play gay
ssbbguy (12:26:56 AM): Now if I am playing someone or somewhere where it's different, then yeah actually I can play pretty aggressive
ssbbguy (12:27:18 AM): Sometimes I even heavily sandbag to relax

theunabletable (12:27:36 AM): Like between tourney sets and such?
theunabletable (12:27:50 AM): I can actually see how that might work in helping you relax, I might try that

ssbbguy (12:28:13 AM): Sandbagging real hard is soothing, especially if you still win
ssbbguy (12:28:28 AM): Its even funner when both people sandbag
ssbbguy (12:28:39 AM): sometimes me and Dphat will get some games in where we both don't try at all
ssbbguy (12:28:58 AM): Not "Hey lets turn on Smashballs" but "Hey Imma keep approaching with Fair, nothing else"
ssbbguy (12:29:24 AM): Although if you want a great time, go play Duelist or Random FFAs on Pipes
ssbbguy (12:29:37 AM): Im too good at the randoms usually so people double or triple team me
ssbbguy (12:29:39 AM): :(

theunabletable (12:30:19 AM): Next one: "Give a rough estimate of how many matches you've timed out. "

ssbbguy (12:30:27 AM): Oh yeah, in spare time I also play LoL a lot
ssbbguy (12:30:30 AM): forgot to mention that
ssbbguy (12:30:50 AM): Matches I have timed out; well over 50 actually
ssbbguy (12:31:00 AM): Estimate? Probably 65ish
ssbbguy (12:31:11 AM): This is higher if you count MM's though
ssbbguy (12:31:16 AM): and teams

theunabletable (12:31:22 AM): Oh that's just tournament in singles?
theunabletable (12:31:27 AM): Jesus christ lol

ssbbguy (12:31:31 AM): yeah
ssbbguy (12:31:39 AM): My average for awhile was over 3 a tournament
ssbbguy (12:32:49 AM): Like sometimes you gotta have compassion for the victim
ssbbguy (12:32:53 AM): I never do, but I try to
ssbbguy (12:33:03 AM): even little kids IDC
ssbbguy (12:33:21 AM): When I say little kids, I mean Trela and Razer, not some 9 year old
ssbbguy (12:33:23 AM): who is new
ssbbguy (12:33:24 AM): lol
ssbbguy (12:33:28 AM): that's outright mean

theunabletable (12:34:07 AM): Question from Laem: "Are you under the influence of substances when making, lets call them GENIUS posts?"

ssbbguy (12:35:05 AM): Good sir, I detest any and all accusations that I use, have used, or will use those "substances" when making brilliant observations

theunabletable (12:35:47 AM): "What's your goal as a SmashBoards BackRoomer/Researcher? Helping others, helping yourself, some other reason, or a mix of both?"

ssbbguy (12:35:59 AM): Helping others by far

theunabletable (12:36:12 AM): Are you still in the BBR, btw?
theunabletable (12:36:23 AM): Your name isn't purple anymore, which is why I'm asking

ssbbguy (12:36:40 AM): yeah. They flushed out a lot of inactive people, a lot of regular members would be happy to hear that
ssbbguy (12:37:32 AM): But yeah I do that for the benefit of others. I already know so much, and I play good enough even on bad days that I am comfortable with how I do, that I try to help other people get better or know more
ssbbguy (12:37:39 AM): or think outside the box
ssbbguy (12:38:19 AM): It's why I made threads like the one on Planking. It would benefit me to know that personally, and gather information on it, but it would be more important and helpful to spread it

theunabletable (12:39:28 AM): Question from Paix: "WHo do you think is the best Wario?"

ssbbguy (12:40:26 AM): tough one. Right now IDK. I might be the wrong person to answer that
ssbbguy (12:40:49 AM): I think the top 5 includes something like this
ssbbguy (12:41:01 AM): Bassem, Me, Malcolm, Fiction, and Gluttony
ssbbguy (12:41:08 AM): the order exchangeable
ssbbguy (12:41:31 AM): that top 5 looks very correct IMO, for the absolute best hard to tell

theunabletable (12:42:07 AM): With Gluttony being Europe and all and only having played Ally, I guess it'd be hard to decide on a best, huh?

ssbbguy (12:42:29 AM): He's easily top 3 IMO, but it is hard to tell yes

theunabletable (12:43:18 AM): "Do you think MK should be banned?"

ssbbguy (12:43:53 AM): Another tough one
ssbbguy (12:44:14 AM): There are only 2 things clear about MK at this point
ssbbguy (12:44:20 AM): regardless of what people personally think
ssbbguy (12:44:35 AM): the first is that MK is in a tier of his own
ssbbguy (12:44:58 AM): He is on a different level than the rest of the cast framewise and matchup wise
ssbbguy (12:45:03 AM): is it an issue? Maybe
ssbbguy (12:45:18 AM): The second thing is that MK, if allowed
ssbbguy (12:45:25 AM): cannot reign freely
ssbbguy (12:45:48 AM): by that, I mean he is too powerful on his own to not have restrictions on his usage
ssbbguy (12:46:27 AM): even though there are flaws in rules like the LGL, the negative aspects of having them introduced is much less than the negative aspects of having him run around freely
ssbbguy (12:46:34 AM): Yes LGL and scrooging for example
ssbbguy (12:47:16 AM): As bad as those kind of rules can be, the situations looks much better with them in play than without them

theunabletable (12:48:07 AM): Who are the top 8-10 characters in your opinion, and in what order do you think they should be?

ssbbguy (12:50:11 AM): MK Snake Diddy/Falco/Wario, Marth, IC's, Pika, Olimar
ssbbguy (12:50:25 AM): MK Snake seems pretty agreed on
ssbbguy (12:50:34 AM): the rest of top 5 is up for grabs
ssbbguy (12:51:00 AM): marth is probably 6th best, IC's might be better than him just depends
ssbbguy (12:51:16 AM): and then after that I do think Pika and Olimar are better than the other characters who could fit the spot
ssbbguy (12:51:19 AM): Dedede, Lucario, etc

theunabletable (12:52:41 AM): What do you think is Wario's biggest unexplored asset?
theunabletable (12:53:14 AM): Like what thing do you think has the most potential out of his currently unused or unexplored options?

ssbbguy (12:54:06 AM): well
ssbbguy (12:54:15 AM): I think he is actually a fairly well explored character
ssbbguy (12:54:32 AM): the only thing left for people to do IMO is abuse his mobility advantage on the cast
ssbbguy (12:54:50 AM): For people not exactly to run harder with him, but be more defensive
ssbbguy (12:54:57 AM): his defense is greater than his offense

theunabletable (12:55:15 AM): So you think that, apart from people not abusing his safer defensive options, his metagame has pretty much peaked?

ssbbguy (12:55:26 AM): Yeah
ssbbguy (12:55:36 AM): he's a simple character at heart
ssbbguy (12:55:40 AM): that just happens to be really strong

theunabletable (12:55:52 AM): And what do you think about his bike and tire usage?

ssbbguy (12:56:42 AM): There is nothing great of worth in them. Most people bring that up cause of Gluttony or Krystdez (hes gonna killing me for getting his name wrong)
ssbbguy (12:57:13 AM): Tires, there are some things that you can do yes. The bike itself, generally a bad idea
ssbbguy (12:57:20 AM): it limits more than expands your options

theunabletable (12:58:09 AM): From Paix again: "What do you think of Brawl's "mods": Brawl+, Brawl-, Project M etc?"

ssbbguy (12:58:30 AM): Brawl - is good for Lulz. Brawl + is too silly
ssbbguy (12:58:38 AM): When I say that, it's too MUGEN like
ssbbguy (12:59:06 AM): Brawl Balanced is what Brawl + should have been IMO
ssbbguy (12:59:31 AM): Brawl -
ssbbguy (12:59:34 AM): is fun
ssbbguy (12:59:43 AM): it outright says "Lets make things outrageous"
ssbbguy (12:59:47 AM): you expect it, you want it
ssbbguy (1:00:07 AM): Brawl +, you get a mixed bag of yes and "Why this change?"
ssbbguy (1:00:21 AM): Not balance, not unbalance, but what the person felt was good becomes what you play
ssbbguy (1:00:47 AM): It would be better IMO if it aimed to be balanced or unbalanced
ssbbguy (1:00:54 AM): because you can at least have expectations
ssbbguy (1:01:24 AM): Project Melee, I need to look more into that
ssbbguy (1:01:32 AM): I do not know much about it sadly

theunabletable (1:02:10 AM): "What is your opinion on MLG's stage list?"

ssbbguy (1:03:48 AM): I would accept it more if it wasn't somewhat supported by the BBR. What I mean is that I was there when we talked about stages with MLG and when we had votes on "close calls" like Green Greens and Norfair
ssbbguy (1:03:56 AM): A lot of the questionable stages that got through
ssbbguy (1:04:02 AM): were literally coin flips

theunabletable (1:04:08 AM): Oh wow

ssbbguy (1:04:30 AM): on 1 stage I think MLG actually decided to use it when it had less than 50%. Like 48 or so

theunabletable (1:04:42 AM): Do you recall which stage that was?
theunabletable (1:04:44 AM): Just curious

ssbbguy (1:04:47 AM): If I did not personally know that, I would be more OK with it
ssbbguy (1:05:01 AM): It was either Norfair or Green Greens
ssbbguy (1:05:29 AM): I don't fault MLG for using the stage list that they use
ssbbguy (1:05:35 AM): because we personally recommended it to them
ssbbguy (1:05:53 AM): they did the right thing and took our advice, I think we could have done better though

theunabletable (1:07:20 AM): Well what advice would you give to the majority of new or up and coming players?

ssbbguy (1:08:05 AM): Well
ssbbguy (1:08:10 AM): best thing I can think of is this
ssbbguy (1:09:11 AM): Brawl is winning by not losing
ssbbguy (1:09:44 AM): You don't have to always think "Ok I gotta do this, I gotta do that", a lot of times the best thing to do is relatively nothing and let the other guy mess up for you
ssbbguy (1:10:01 AM): Punishing a person's mistakes is easier than trying to force them to make mistakes
ssbbguy (1:10:35 AM): The montra of Brawl: Wait it out. The other guy WILL mess up
ssbbguy (1:10:38 AM): He HAS to
ssbbguy (1:11:08 AM): If he doesn't, he's better than M2K lol

theunabletable (1:12:00 AM): "If you could change one thing about your main?"

ssbbguy (1:12:45 AM): Give him a reliable projectile and make him OP
ssbbguy (1:12:46 AM): lol

theunabletable (1:13:28 AM): And how long was it before you started placing well and got good at Brawl?

ssbbguy (1:14:10 AM): well
ssbbguy (1:14:47 AM): First time I got national recognition or attention was Hobo 11. I got 4th there, ahead of established national players at the time, and having to beat Azen to get there
ssbbguy (1:14:58 AM): Cool guy btw, one of my favorite smashers

theunabletable (1:15:16 AM): How many tournaments had you been to before you got 4th at Hobo?

ssbbguy (1:15:33 AM): Less than 10
ssbbguy (1:15:46 AM): I got Power Ranked 2nd on the PR I think after Hobo 10
ssbbguy (1:15:52 AM): Might have been right after Hobo 11
ssbbguy (1:16:01 AM): because of how well I did at previous ones
ssbbguy (1:16:36 AM): After that, I've stayed probably around that kind of level most of my career
ssbbguy (1:16:59 AM): always making it out of pools, usually making top placements, winning teams a lot, etc

theunabletable (1:17:37 AM): Okay, I think that's everything, then
theunabletable (1:17:47 AM): Thanks for doing the interview! :)

ssbbguy (1:18:13 AM): np

Well that's it. He's a pretty cool guy, was fun to interview him.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
I was also a bit tired, hence the "gonna killing me"

Was surprised when you IM'd me and said "ALRIGHT ***** LETS DO THIS!"

Read up folks. Learn more about the gay.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Nice interview DMG. Playing gay sounds like fun. I reckon you don't get a good look at your opponent writhing because your deeply into the game right?

PS: What was your opinion of Doctor Mario being axed from Brawl? If he was in, would you main him?


Writing Team
May 6, 2009
Austin, TX
Great interview haha.
I sorta want to see Lee Martin or San interviewed if they haven't been already. Just my suggestions.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2009
That's a good idea. I imagine with Lee Martin getting 2nd at Raliegh MLG will probably interview him.

But I think interviewing San would be pretty cool. I'll PM him and see if he wants to :p


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2009
Spiking lightweights, NJ
Even though many smashers, and DMG himself, like to call DMG's play style gay, really, he's more like the quintessential turtle of Brawl. Although his playstyle is very effective, he most likely won't win any nationals with it, but he'll always be successful and even place high.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Depends. I plan on making a lot of matches go to time at MLG. I am getting closer and closer to perfecting gay gameplay with Wario.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 7, 2009
Spiking lightweights, NJ
If you do win a national with a turtle style then players will be hopping right on that. Typically, turtles don't really win big competitions but get far nonetheless.


Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2010
Depends. I plan on making a lot of matches go to time at MLG. I am getting closer and closer to perfecting gay gameplay with Wario

Claire Diviner

Oct 16, 2010
Indian Orchard, MA
Wow, a more like a snapping turtle by the sounds of it. I will so laugh if DMG suddenly shows up to an MLG event and wins it not only by turtling, but also using the Wii remote control scheme! That would be beast! XD

@jiujie1: I don't think repeating someone's post like that is a very wise move. Just my opinion though.
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