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Brawl in the Hall 2 RESULTS!!!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2009
(Mid)West Clock Town
Okay uhh... shoutouts... let's see here.

1: Kel: Congratulations on winning the tournament. Your MK is too good. I'm gonna take at least a game off of it one of these days though... I hope lol.

2: Dj_iskascribble: Fun friendlies, amazing MK. Great job getting second Btw, the reason I was doing well against you in friendlies is because I'm really good on Castle Siege. I'm not better than Hilt lol. I mean, I guess we're close, but he's still better imo. Thanks for the compliments though!

3: Infern Angelis: Good job getting third. Our matches are getting closer though. Maybe I'll beat you again one of these days (not likely though since everyone is improving so fast).

4: Judo: Man, you just keep getting better. Your Sheik is way too good! Great job beating Infern too!

5: Hadesblade: It was nice meeting you. Good **** beating Y.b.M. and Renegade. I kinda want to see how my Olimar does against you now lol.

5: Sneakytako: Sorry for acting like I was deaf lol. Now that I think about it, I may have hearing problems because I always ask people to repeat what they said haha. Good job getting 5th, though I wish I had seen your R.O.B.

7: Y.b.M.: Man, you ***** Sovereign and me in doubles lol.

7: KERO: Frog-obsessed scrub :/

9: Shadow Phoenix: Fun friendlies even though my DK and R.O.B. were getting ***** lol.

9: Renegade: I... don't really know you, sorry.

9: Hilt: Man, it was fun seeing you again! Stop laughing at me though, it's creepy D: (Also, lol DK Fair).

9: 4biddin: Idk why I can't seem to remember your name. Anyway, great games. Sorry that you had to face me twice. Your Fox is really good lol. Like, at first I thought you were a random scrub in the first game because I three stocked you. Then second game you really adapted quickly and made it much closer. That really impressed me, keep at it!

13: Mister Eric: First game was WAAAAAYYYY too close. Great games. Oh, and BEEP!

13: Kassandranova: If you're angry about how you did at the tourney, don't be. You were just having a terrible off day from what I saw. You'll do better next time! Oh, and I'm really sorry about our set... I really wanted the first seed. I felt terrible afterwards @_@ And next time I'm gonna be more wary of everyone around me. I shouldn't have been hugged that much <.<;

13: Shy Guy: We still need to have our shy mm D:<

13: Soldier2: Good games... even though you were in a bad mindset. I knew something was wrong when I two stocked you lol. Btw, I might drop DK and pick MK back up. DK just isn't working out :/

17: Hael Phael: Thanks for hosting this great tourney. I really enjoyed getting back into the Brawl Scene! Gotta say though, even if you placed kinda badly, you have definitely improved. And you're gonna keep improving because you're a Keroro Platoon member, and the Keroro Platoon will always be improving so that we are one step ahead of everyone else ;D

17: Chris Forever: I... don't know you, sorry.

17: Crash: What? We were at the same tourney and didn't have to face each other in bracket or pools? Well, anyway, it was good seeing you too lol.

17: Sovereign: Sorry that I dragged us down in doubles >.<; If we ever team again, I'll try to do better. Oh, and again, I'm gonna be more wary this time <.<;

17: Random Hero: I... don't know you, sorry.

17: TTar: Good games. I was kind of panicking at the end of our first game lol. It's kind of why I hate Lucario. I get so close to beating him, then he unleashes a load of bull**** that hits like a freight train.

17: Video: I think I saw you. Your G&W looked pretty good.

25: Level 9 Snake: I heard you took a game off of Crash, good **** man. Try to sandbag less though.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the tourney! Seeing all of you again was great!

Hopefully I'll be attending more tourneys soon!

(Also, this is my 25th post. I'm a Smash Cadet now!)


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2010
MC/West Lafayette
Okay uhh... shoutouts... let's see here.

1: Kel: Congratulations on winning the tournament. Your MK is too good. I'm gonna take at least a game off of it one of these days though... I hope lol.

2: Dj_iskascribble: Fun friendlies, amazing MK. Great job getting second Btw, the reason I was doing well against you in friendlies is because I'm really good on Castle Siege. I'm not better than Hilt lol. I mean, I guess we're close, but he's still better imo. Thanks for the compliments though!

3: Infern Angelis: Good job getting third. Our matches are getting closer though. Maybe I'll beat you again one of these days (not likely though since everyone is improving so fast).

4: Judo: Man, you just keep getting better. Your Sheik is way too good! Great job beating Infern too!

5: Hadesblade: It was nice meeting you. Good **** beating Y.b.M. and Renegade. I kinda want to see how my Olimar does against you now lol.

5: Sneakytako: Sorry for acting like I was deaf lol. Now that I think about it, I may have hearing problems because I always ask people to repeat what they said haha. Good job getting 5th, though I wish I had seen your R.O.B.

7: Y.b.M.: Man, you ***** Sovereign and me in doubles lol.

7: KERO: Frog-obsessed scrub :/

9: Shadow Phoenix: Fun friendlies even though my DK and R.O.B. were getting ***** lol.

9: Renegade: I... don't really know you, sorry.

9: Hilt: Man, it was fun seeing you again! Stop laughing at me though, it's creepy D: (Also, lol DK Fair).

9: 4biddin: Idk why I can't seem to remember your name. Anyway, great games. Sorry that you had to face me twice. Your Fox is really good lol. Like, at first I thought you were a random scrub in the first game because I three stocked you. Then second game you really adapted quickly and made it much closer. That really impressed me, keep at it!

13: Mister Eric: First game was WAAAAAYYYY too close. Great games. Oh, and BEEP!

13: Kassandranova: If you're angry about how you did at the tourney, don't be. You were just having a terrible off day from what I saw. You'll do better next time! Oh, and I'm really sorry about our set... I really wanted the first seed. I felt terrible afterwards @_@ And next time I'm gonna be more wary of everyone around me. I shouldn't have been hugged that much <.<;

13: Soldier2: Good games... even though you were in a bad mindset. I knew something was wrong when I two stocked you lol. Btw, I might drop DK and pick MK back up. DK just isn't working out :/

17: Hael Phael: Thanks for hosting this great tourney. I really enjoyed getting back into the Brawl Scene! Gotta say though, even if you placed kinda badly, you have definitely improved. And you're gonna keep improving because you're a Keroro Platoon member, and the Keroro Platoon will always be improving so that we are one step ahead of everyone else ;D

17: Chris Forever: I... don't know you, sorry.

17: Crash: What? We were at the same tourney and didn't have to face each other in bracket or pools? Well, anyway, it was good seeing you too lol.

17: Sovereign: Sorry that I dragged us down in doubles >.<; If we ever team again, I'll try to do better. Oh, and again, I'm gonna be more wary this time <.<;

17: Random Hero: I... don't know you, sorry.

17: TTar: Good games. I was kind of panicking at the end of our first game lol. It's kind of why I hate Lucario. I get so close to beating him, then he unleashes a load of bull**** that hits like a freight train.

17: Video: I think I saw you. Your G&W looked pretty good.

25: Level 9 Snake: I heard you took a game off of Crash, good **** man. Try to sandbag less though.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the tourney! Seeing all of you again was great!

Hopefully I'll be attending more tourneys soon!

(Also, this is my 25th post. I'm a Smash Cadet now!)

Dude Idk the oli match up!!!!!

(no johns) lol

mustard g&w

Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2009
NW Indiana
Needs more taiko...and game and watch... but mostly taiko.
I main game and watch but I'm not really active in the INKY scene or any scene for that matter :dizzy:

Also @ 4Biddin: Does the MC in your location stand for Michigan City?


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
I main game and watch but I'm not really active in the INKY scene or any scene for that matter :dizzy:

Also @ 4Biddin: Does the MC in your location stand for Michigan City?

MUSTARD!!! Where have you been, man? Hope you're still playing, and continuing to get better. I wanna see you in more tournaments.

Since I'm here now, I'll answer on 4biddin's behalf and say yeah it does. He's with the Purdue Crew.


mustard g&w

Smash Apprentice
Dec 15, 2009
NW Indiana
haha I'm from Laporte so its cool to here that there are other smashers in the area :laugh: even though I feel like most of them are away at school.

Sovereign! I haven't been to a tourney in a while but I've really been wanting to. Everything seems so far away, but the next time there's one in the Indy area or somewhere close around there I'll try to make it as long as I don't have work or a bunch of schoolwork.


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2010
the 937 ohio
Hael Phael - Thank you so much for hosting, it was a great tournament and I had a lot of fun. I really appreciate the pizza too.

2: Dj_iskascribble ($52.80) - ggs, sorry I played so poorly. You're really good though.

3: Infern Angelis ($33.60) - we didn't play >< grats on beating judo.

4: Judo ($19.20) - I was extremely impressed. I knew you were good, but I didn't expect that **** xD.

5: Hadesblade ($9.60) - yoshi still low tier lol step it up

5: Sneakytako ($9.60) - ggs, grats on 5th. I'm kinda glad I lost to you in winners now because of how well I did vs ybm and ren xD

7: Y.b.M. - ggs, you definitely played better vs me in pools than you did in bracket. My first tournament after I moved, I got so over confident after taking first seed in my pools, I underrated some players and lost. I know you're really good, and I'm looking forward to playing you again.

7: Kero - we didn't at all even though we played doubles and some friendlies. xD gg's though.

9: Shadow Phoenix - ggs

9: Renegade - I was so happy you played mk, though for having not played the matchup you seemed like you knew what you were doing pretty well xD. You are an amazing player, and I look forward to practicing with you and learning from you at your smashfests.

9: Hilt - Our mm was so intense xD. I was so warn out after it sorry I didn't except your rematch. I'll mm you again next time we see eachother if you want. You know so much random and for the most part useless stuff about your character its funny :p

9: 4biddin - I have no idea who you were xD

13: Soldier 2 - I don't think I've talked to you besides on the xat when you've been at every tournament I have since I got here lol.

13: Shyguy - gg's, falco is probably my most comfortable MU right now xD.

13: Mister Eric - second in mid tiers 13th in reguler wut? gg's.

13: Kassandranova., - gg's in friendlies. I didn't realize you hadn't used peach at all xD. Anyway I haven't talked to MX in a while, I haven't seen him play in sooo long, I want to see how much he's improved.

17: Crash - I hate your doubles team.

17: Video- gg's

17: Sovereign- gg's

17: Chris Forever- You're a lot better than 17th. You're ike is really good. Just look at your mid tier placing. I had fun playing friendlies with you even though you destroyed me in most of them xD.

17: Random Hero- Improving is hard and takes time, but if you want it, it's definily realistic. You didn't really look like you were having a good time at either tournaments, and I feel like I should of talked to you more. Don't get too discouraged.

17: Ttar - gg's, I don't know why I thought I had met you. xD

25: Level 9 Snake - okay, I like to think everyone can improve, but I think you should maybe just give up on brawl, and find something that rewards you for ftilting bomb blocks at green greens to spend your time doing.
no i did have a good time it was just disguraing getting ***** by your oish at siis then getting you first round of bracket at this one i just let it get under my skin when i saw i had to play you mid tier as well and thats my fault but i gave you my all all 3 times we have played i just need to practice more
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