True, but Jason has an underlying edit that makes him stand out above the other two. Besides, Scot and Cydney are smart enough to win. The editing acts as a security blanket, and for viewers to predict the winner. However, I do think Jason has a better chance than Cydney or Scot. Here's why:
it's because he has a winner edit. Not only does he get a lot of air time, but he has the personality for it. I'm a semi-inactive member of a Survivor fan site known as "survivorsucks" so I have an idea of what the editing formula is. The members there have this edit formula all figured out. Here's a basic rundown:
OTT- Stands for Over The Top. The edit in which a contestant gets a lot of air time showing one character trait they have. This contestant is normally a goof ball, a crazy person, or perhaps a fan favorite. They normally distract viewers from the winner due to their overly blatant and basic edit.
CP- Stands for Complex Personality. This is the edit a contestant gets when they give a lot of confessionals, show more than one personality trait on a normal basis, have a deep story arc, are normally strategic masterminds, etc. This edit is one of the two edits that hints at the winner.
UTR- Stands for Under The Radar. This contestant will barely show up in an episode and serves the purpose of furthering the character of the contestants around them. They very rarely win any season.
MOR- Stands for Middle of Road. This contestant has a balance between all three other major edits, or is simply the "only sane man/woman." This is the second edit that normally gives away the winner.
INV- Stands for Invisible. This contestant has zero confessionals, zero lines, or may not even appear on camera aside from a short few seconds. One INV edit episode could ruin their chances of winning from an editing standpoint.
Winning priority goes: CP/MOR > OTT > UTR >>>>> INV
Based on the edits, Jason has a CP edit. He's not overly simple like other contestants, but he gets enough screen time to show off some character. You see: he's a jerk to Alecia but is still kind to Cyndey. He's has potential to be ruthless in the game, but shows that he's loyal to his team mates to an extent, etc.
His edit helps me predict that he's a good winner candidate. Here's how every person still in the game stacks up as far as edits go:
Anna- Between CP and UTR
Aubry- UTR
Cydney- MOR
Debbie- Between OTT and CP
Jason- CP
Joe- Between MOR and UTR
Julia- UTR
Michelle- UTR, with a dash of CP
Neil- UTR, with a dash of CP
Nick- UTR
Peter- OTT
Scot- MOR
Tai- OTT
When looking at the edits, Debbie, Jason, Scot, and Cydney have the best chances of winning from an editing angle. Anna, Joe, Michelle, Neil, Peter, and Tai have a chance although it's slim. With Aubry, Julia, and Nick, they have no chance of winning unless their edits make a U-turn.
On a side note, characters can also receive a positive, negative, mixed, or neutral edit. For example: Jason's basic editing type is CP, but he acts like a jerk to Alecia. Thus, he's closer to a CPN edit (with N standing for Negative). On the other hand, Tai is very likeable and is a fan favorite right off the bat. His final edit would be OTTP (with P standing for Positive). A mixed tone of edit is represented by M, and neutral lacks a letter.