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Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2006
Queens, NY
sigh....he posts more on the mario boards then i do

and he mains ness? witchcraft


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
PKNintendo, do us a favor and troll on the Ness boards. They tolerate that ****
The first as second ones we're jokes.

You know your a Bipolar person.
Seriously, this guy comes in, saves the first 2 quotes on the computer. (totally disregard the fact I made fun of EVERY board AND the Ness boards)

As you can see the thread was here:

PKNintendo said:
The DK boards suck because of they underrate their character.
Mario boards suck because they think Mario has potential, and flame you for disagreeing.
The Ness boards suck because they're too **** positive, Ness sucks. He gets infinited by everyone. EIDI doesn't work.
The Bowser boards suck because they started out thinking bowser sucks, but now think his top tier
Falcon board sucks because they don't post anything useful
Diddy Boards suck because they attack everyone who hates the nana's
Falco boards suck because they think Falco's the best character
Fox boards suck because they think low tier scum like Fox counters ANYONE.
G&W boards suck because Hylian is a G&W fanboy
Ganon boards suck because they ridicule us with useless techs.
IC boards suck because they think the infinites they have are the best
Ike boards suck because they think Ike is decent. Noob attractor BTW
Jiggs boards suck because they're mean and bitter
King DDD boards suck because some of them want to ban the AMAZING 6 infinites they have.
Kirby boards suck because they're filled with Kirby fanboys
Link boards sucks because no one good mains him
Lucario boards suck since they think he's a good high tier. Lucario is mid, low or bottom.
Lucas boards suck because they've become a cult now. They also have no backbone either.
Luigi boards suck since they cannot grasp how much better Luigi is compared to Mario.
Marth boards suck since they're *****. Plus they're obsessed with Marth's infinite on Ness
MK boards suck since they all want to ban him. TURNCOATS!
Olimar boards suck since they think Olimar can camp.
Peach boards suck because they think Peach is usable in Brawl. She's useless.
Pikachu boards suck since everyone there thinks QAC is good.
Pit boards suck since they actually think Pit can stand up to the high tier's in Brawl. LOL
PT boards suck since they think PT has potential and don't shut up.
ROB boards suck since they hated him and now like him. Bandwaggoners.
Samus board sucks, since their obsessed with the Zair.
Sheik boards sucks because of Gimpyfishes sticky.
Snake boards suck since they abuse the Mortar slide. CHEAP!
Sonic boards suck since they overrate the freak. Sonic is a terrible character.
Toon Link boards suck, because of SasukeBowser's username.
Wario boards suck since they never leave it. Wario sucks too, he gets infinited by everyone.
Wolf Boards suck since Gheb underrates the character too much.
Yoshi boards suck since they think all of Yoshi's techs save him from bottom tier. Yoshi sucked in every SSB game. EVEN 64! ha!
Zelda boards suck since their ***** too, and think they're high and mighty.
ZSS boards suck since they don't realise ZSS hotness.
And even when I (sarcastically) insult the Ness mains they get it. Seriously, your stalking me Matador. You really are.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
That second quote was a joke. Hell the first one was too.

You know you're a Bipolar person.
Seriously, this guy comes in, saves the first 2 quotes on the computer. (totally disregard the fact I made fun of EVERY board AND the Ness boards)

Matador, get a shrink why don't you.
Bipolar am I? Nah, you just piss me off. Seriously, look at this thread, it's a waste. It's as bad as that garbage in the General Discussion. I also find it funny how you write off both quotes as a "joke" to try and protect yourself. How you try and play the victim everytime someone calls you on your idiocy or passive-aggressive comments. Clever, but I'm a little more observant than you think I am.

I'm well aware that you made fun of all the boards, but you didn't just make that stuff up, you had your own twisted premise you made your assumptions from. My proposition, stay off the boards if you dont like it. Go on the Ness boards and argue how overrated his Fair and Bthrow are, and how "good" his Fsmash is. At least it's more constructive than "His Fsmash looks like a basketball! /newthread"

Edit: Nah, I have a good memory and make use of the search function.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Bipolar am I? Nah, you just piss me off. Seriously, look at this thread, it's a waste. It's as bad as that garbage in the General Discussion. I also find it funny how you write off both quotes as a "joke" to try and protect yourself. How you try and play the victim everytime someone calls you on your idiocy or passive-aggressive comments. Clever, but I'm a little more observant than you think I am.

I'm well aware that you made fun of all the boards, but you didn't just make that stuff up, you had your own twisted premise you made your assumptions from. My proposition, stay off the boards if you dont like it. Go on the Ness boards and argue how overrated his Fair and Bthrow are, and how "good" his Fsmash is. At least it's more constructive than "His Fsmash looks like a basketball! /newthread"

Edit: Nah, I have a good memory and make use of the search function.

You've just crossed the line.

They we're jokes, deal with it. Im sorry you can't handle such. My list was a whole joke, do you honestly think I mean't that stuff? You don't know me much. Joke threads are necessary, they stop the dull threads.

Lurk moar? Are you actually making fun of how I view Ness backthrow and fair being overated, and that I think Ness Fsmash is decent?

Go on the Ness boards and argue how overrated his Fair and Bthrow are, and how "good" his Fsmash is. At least it's more constructive than "His Fsmash looks like a basketball! /newthread"
Looks like it. I'm arguing because it's true, the moves ARE overrated. I know my mains limitations, and I'm stating my opinion. It's funny how you find my thought on Ness Fsmash being good with the emphasise on the good.

You actually are pissing me off. The only user ever... Congratulations.

Edit: Nah, I have a good memory and make use of the search function.
Fail more? You didn't even edit!


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD

You've just crossed the line.

They were jokes, deal with it. Im sorry you can't handle such. My list was a whole joke, do you honestly think I meant that stuff? You don't know me much. Joke threads are necessary, they stop the dull threads.
It'd really help if your jokes were...you know...a little funny.

Spellcheck pl0x

Lurk moar? Are you actually making fun of how I view Ness backthrow and fair being overrated, and that I think Ness Fsmash is decent?
Sorry, but wasn't it you who said we should try out each other's mains? How else am I supposed to get better with Ness if I don't go to your boards? That's the difference between you and I. I speak when I need to, you seem to have trouble keeping your mouth shut regardless of whatever it is that you're thinking. Take a look at this thread, for example. I wouldn't troll like this on your boards. Not that they ARE your boards, or these mine, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

Looks like it. I'm arguing because it's true, the moves ARE overrated. I know my mains limitations, and I'm stating my opinion. It's funny how you find my thought on Ness Fsmash being good with the emphasis on the good.
Don't try to convince me, I really could care less. Your opinion lost all its credibility to me during the second Mario vs Ness discussion. You're obviously just a theory-crafter. I don't have to play you to know that I'd absolutely wreck you 1v1.

You actually are pissing me off. The only user ever... Congratulations.
That was my goal, looks like we're even now.

Fail more? You didn't even edit!
??? What're you talking about? I did edit. It doesn't always show it.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
It'd really help if your jokes were...you know...a little funny.

Spellcheck pl0x

Sorry, but wasn't it you who said we should try out each other's mains? How else am I supposed to get better with Ness if I don't go to your boards? That's the difference between you and I. I speak when I need to, you seem to have trouble keeping your mouth shut regardless of whatever it is that you're thinking. Take a look at this thread, for example. I wouldn't troll like this on your boards. Not that they ARE your boards, or these mine, but I'm sure you know what I mean.

Don't try to convince me, I really could care less. Your opinion lost all its credibility to me during the second Mario vs Ness discussion. You're obviously just a theory-crafter. I don't have to play you to know that I'd absolutely wreck you 1v1.

That was my goal, looks like we're even now.

??? What're you talking about? I did edit. It doesn't always show it.
Im done arguing. Please just don't respond.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Lol too bad Mario didn't shoot a blue ball like that after his fsmash.

But uugh Naruto, I don't like the anime, or the main character. He's just immature in my opinion.
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